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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. This was, so good. Can't go wrong with Frances McDormand. And I've always had a dream to take to the road in a van. Who knows, maybe I still will.
  2. I think this will be very good...just starting it...
  3. Hey where did your poem go? I started a poem to respond to your poem, a kind of poem to poem communication, I come back and it's gone! Totally traumatized!! 😉
  4. What is it about the Western world that caused such greediness, such commodification, such obsession with possessions? Why did the Aboriginal mind retain more balance, more a sense of being a part of the earth and the death that goes along with being human, as opposed to conquering earth and hoarding up as much as possible? Whatever the case, I guess we are now, us Westerners, coming more to terms with death in our Covid crisis. Will it cause us to hoard less, and to have better values?
  5. She's calling the Americans savages -- not Natives. As you know, especially in early times Native Americans were perceived as savages. And so she has twisted this around to proclaim who was really savage -- those coming from afar and 'settling' America via murdering Natives and stealing the land from them in the quest for ownership. “The ownership of land is not natural. The American savage, ranging through forests who game and timber are the common benefits of all his kind, fails to comprehend it".
  6. Me too @Drayke Newall. I thought the answer to the causes of all the world's problems were...in no particular order... Trump White privilege Men Men, white privilege, Trump -- these are only manifestations of the root cause of all our woes -- humankind's obsession with ownership. Why do we feel the need to own, hoard, commodify -- to grab and possess what truly can't be be grasped? Fear of death. Getting more, conquering nature, controlling our surroundings, insulating ourselves against the inevitability of death. Humankind's consciousness is in some ways a curse -- how wonderful instead to be a little kitty, just enjoying the present moment and not worrying what they need to do to stave off the inevitable. ~~~~ “The ownership of land is not natural. The American savage, ranging through forests who game and timber are the common benefits of all his kind, fails to comprehend it. The nomad traversing the desert does not ask to whom belong the shifting sands that extend around him as far as the horizon. The Caledonian shepherd leads his flock to graze wherever a patch of nutritious greenness shows amidst the heather. All of these recognise authority. They are not anarchists. They have chieftains and overlords to whom they are as romantically devoted as any European subject might be to a monarch. Nor do they hold as the first Christians did, that all land should be held in common. Rather, they do not consider it as a thing that can be parceled out. “We are not so innocent. When humanity first understood that a man’s strength could create good to be marketed, that a woman’s beauty was itself a commodity for trade, then slavery was born. So since Adam learnt to force the earth to feed him, fertile ground has become too profitable to be left in peace. “This vital stuff that lives beneath our feet is a treasury of all times. The past: it is packed with metals and sparkling stones, riches made by the work of aeons. The future: it contains seeds and eggs: tight-packed promises which will unfurl into wonders more fantastical than ever jeweller dreamed of -- the scuttling centipede, the many-branched tree whose roots, fumbling down into darkness, are as large and cunningly shaped as the boughs that toss in light. The present: it teems. At barely a spade’s depth the mouldy-warp travels beneath my feet: who can imagine what may live a fathom down? We cannot know for certain that the fables of serpents curving around roots of mighty trees, or of dragons guarding treasure in perpetual darkness, are without factual reality. “How can any man own a thing so volatile and so rich? Yet we followers of Cain have made of our world a great carpet, whose pieces can be lopped off and traded as though it were inert as tufted wool.” ― Lucy Hughes-Hallett, Peculiar Ground ~~~~
  7. I don't know why you would believe the CEO of an energy company under attack for negligence and faced with loss of profit. I mean, I certainly never believed the CEO of the tobacco companies when they touted the belief that smoking wasn't bad for you. No, these particular officials are obsessed with individualism and maintaining separation from federal powers. Texas is the epitome of this kind of thinking, placing far too much weight over the individual vs looking for community solutions via connection with the rest of the U.S. I wouldn't expect you to understand the mindset of much of Texas as you don't live here, but they are kind of a joke regarding their obsession with independence and all the noxious attitudes that go along with it. Most egregious is brainwashing their constituency into believing health care is some kind of socialism, and many suffer without care because of it. Back to the energy issues, these officials receive vast amounts of money from the fossil fuel industry and are beholden to them, and exhibit little transparency in regards to how they manage the Texas energy grid. It might be that the average Texan will have to pay a bit more because of the upgrades they need, but I think it far more likely those benefitting from the fossil fuel industry will take a big hit, and so this was their motivation not to upgrade the grid. Anyway, if you want to see a good sample of this 'rugged individualism' so common in Texas, take a look at this one Texas mayor responding to the crisis Texans were experiencing. Bottom line...never elect an official to government who does not believe in the importance of government! https://ktxs.com/news/local/gallery/colorado-city-mayor-resigns-after-controversial-facebook-post#photo-2
  8. Your "narrative" harms people -- it kills people -- it stunts their lives...and this is why it deserves to be challenged. When you believe delusional "narratives" like Covid is actually just a bad flu, or not really as widespread or causing as many deaths as some 'manipulative force' wants us to believe (as you stated clearly on another thread), then you are delusional -- you have chosen the very "group think" that you accuse me of by allowing yourself to be brainwashed by Covidiots...and the spreading of these lies has caused the death of hundreds of thousands of lives. When you choose to believe cockamamie stories the authorities in Texas spew, claiming the energy fiasco in Texas was the result of the alternative energy championed by their political opponents, IT HARMS PEOPLE. We must know the real cause of a problem before it can be solved, and if we choose to believe defensive excuses, a clear politicization in an attempt shift the blame off of themselves and champion the fossil fuels they benefit from, then the people of Texas will encounter this fiasco again and again, and all the world will suffer in the future as the earth burns up from excess fossil fuel burning. Oh wait, I'm sure you don't believe in climate change either (kinda goes with your "narrative") or have a clue that the dissing of alternative sources of energy has anything to do with the fat pockets of fossil fuel beneficiaries. Wrapping these destructive attitudes in {{{huggies}}} and prayers doesn't work for me.
  9. Haha, Horus...we can have poem discussions: The Divine Message Onto my shoulder one fine day arrived a birdie red She said we have this thing called choice if we resist all dread No matter what your parents did, no matter what they said If you decide it isn't true you're free cause you're not dead!
  10. The only name that comes to mind at this time is...... Transcenders...as that is your goal...to transcend. However, with 'trans' in the name it could be confusing..
  11. When are we ever going to get out of this disinformation plague, causing suffering and even death for untold amounts of people.
  12. Exciting to watch. And all these kids calling in, excited about Science, was great too.
  13. It's just another case of public officials overly-obsessed with freedom, or misunderstanding what freedom really is. 'An electrical island': Texas has dodged federal regulation for years by having its own power grid https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/02/17/texas-power-grid-why-state-has-its-own-operated-ercot/6782380002/
  14. Yes...they want to be separate from federal government influence and so have no connection to the east and west power grids. A major city in southern Texas can connect to the east and west grids though, and is doing fine. Los Alamos, I think.
  15. I'm praying for you too. Delusional people need lots of help. Climate Point: Republicans try to shift blame for Texas energy woes to renewables https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2021/02/17/climate-point-republicans-try-shift-blame-texas-energy-woes-renewables/6765325002/
  16. Smiling Through The Wreckage Of Life Keep smiling through the wreckage of life. Say a 'yes' to the toil and the strife. You may ask me why I smile but don't cry. Could it be it's so lovely to fly?
  17. That's a lovely concept for a poem, and you sparked a poem for me about 'smiling'. I always smile when I see your Dinkie creations, btw.
  18. I don't think these people knew their lover moved to the town of Climate Catastrophe. The weather keeps getting more extreme by the year, and adjustments will need to be made to cope with that. Eventually I think those living in the central U.S. and some parts of the south are going to need to migrate north (due to the heat and intense storms more than the cold).
  19. Yeah if I choose to stay here I'm probably going to need to invest in something like that as the climate continues to get more extreme, but all types look expensive. I like the battery powered ones as no fuel would need to be added, but of course they're the most expensive! I think it might be best just to leave my house behind, though I'll miss the extensive garden I created, as it's simply getting too expensive to maintain a house -- just the house insurance alone here in tornado alley is well over 200.00 monthly, and then taxes on top of that. Not to mention all the maintenance (like the new roof I need). I'm kind of longing to move to a little apartment or community building where all this is taken care of. But so far so good, for me at least. My heat has stayed on so no frozen pipes, though I did hear a strange crack yesterday. I've got a few plumbers phone numbers handy so they could dig their way through the snow and turn off the water supply to my home if something broke. Don't get out on those roads till all the ice is gone!
  20. I don't live all that far from you in a city with a few hospitals, and the Intensive Care units have been full with a freezer 'morgue truck' parked out back. A couple weeks ago the plumber told me he has a friend who is a nurse working at a home for the elderly, and they won't even take those with Covid unless their symptoms are really bad. She said she's been faking the symptoms...saying they're more severe...just to get them into the hospital. But then, they are stuck out in a hall. Of course this is anecdotal evidence from my plumber, but he seemed like an honest, earnest guy. I did check the local news and at least verified the dire situation in the Intensive Care units. Thankfully, this last week the hospital situation is a bit better.
  21. Yeah it's bad...in addition to slowing down the vaccine rollout people are freezing to death or dying in their homes & cars due to carbon monoxide poisoning. I'm seriously thinking of getting a generator or a type of heating device that runs on propane for future events like this -- supposedly they say there's no danger of carbon monoxide poisoning with certain types but I'm wary. Rolling blackouts are occurring, some even deliberate as they try to lessen the stress on the system and keep the power grid alive. I've never seen it this cold for this long of a stretch.
  22. Ready For Spring The suffocating snow, monotone blankness stretching on forever. Pipes frozen, toes that never warm, people dying in heatless homes. Mother and child sleeping in a car will never wake. What I wouldn't give to hear the soft hum of lawnmowers in the distance, my hands plunging deeply into soil to make way for newly planted life. Sweat dripping off my brow amidst buzzing flies would be a lovely sauna.
  23. Existing under the umbrella of Capitalism it will always be too expensive to get the wasted food to everyone who needs it.
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