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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. We're very lucky that these judges, many conservative and even chosen by Trump, followed the constitution and upheld the rule of law, refusing to go along with the attempted manipulations of a wannabe dictator. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/judges-trump-election-lawsuits/2020/12/12/e3a57224-3a72-11eb-98c4-25dc9f4987e8_story.html
  2. Good article: The Internet Is A Crime Scene The disinformation business is very profitable. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/01/14/us-capitol-disinformation-online-qanon-trump-insurrection-459505
  3. Apparently it's in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment: "Fortunately, there’s another means to that end. It’s the 14th Amendment, which allows Congress to impose such a ban by a simple majority vote. Section 3 of that amendment was intended to keep former Confederate officials and soldiers from serving in the federal government, explains Bruce Ackerman, a professor of law and political science at Yale Law School." https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/01/14/opinion/14th-amendment-offers-an-easier-way-than-impeachment-ban-trump-future-office/ I'll let you study that and tell us what you think...definitely not my thing (these finer points of the law).
  4. On this thread and another you repeatedly claim others don't provide links and sources for their claims, yet you don't. Let's see links for your assertion that BLM is federally recognized as a terror group... Also, links to prove they are trying to dismantle the constitution.
  5. .... testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure. brings back Civil War mind...
  6. Come on, Luna .. need I remind you of the Zapruder film ? lol...heads for coffee and dumps 'civil war mind'...
  7. Speaking of armed forces, the Capitol looks very creepy -- 25,000 troops there -- looking like a war zone. Likewise for other Capitols all over the US. I shudder thinking what these Trumpies might do to Biden and any citizens who happen to be in the way. I don't think any president has been nearer to being assassinated since Lincoln.
  8. There have been too many snide remarks made towards me and to me that have absolutely no grounds.. Yet, it continues. That is not including the accusations made against me that were completely untrue. Silent, you need to stop this. It's delusional. I have made no snide remarks against you. Whenever you attack me (and you've done it many times, ganging up with others against me, saying untruths about me regarding the other forum) then I defend myself by telling my side of the story. You need to stop this, and that's the last I'm saying about it here.
  9. I don't know. But it is encouraging that 10 Republicans broke rank in the congress and voted for impeachment. They will need, I think, 17 senators though. Even if he isn't impeached by the senate they need only 51 votes to insure he can't be in government again (that's far less than what they need for impeachment). That's certainly a good thing!
  10. That was a serious post and you laughed at it and me. You made light of something I find deadly serious and see nothing wrong with doing so. That is all that needs to be said. I thought you were making a joke, as it defies reality to insist a president did not exist who, unfortunately did. Yet, yes, that's how we who despise the man actually feel. It had nothing to do with laughing at you and everything to do with laughing with you. Bu yes, best we say no more.
  11. I look at it this way, they are going to do what they are going to do. The thing is I don't want to watch it. I have enough on my over-flowing "emotional plate" with coronavirus and the new strain that my nerves need to be quiet for awhile, not to mention what happens happens and I will hear the outcome but I'm not going to get my emotions all tangled up in Trump-capades. I am still angry at my Congress, however. Yes I get it, one can only take so much! I don't know how much of it I'll watch, and most likely there's not much I can do about it personally. But I don't agree with your minimizing of the issue (saw you do that in another post, saying we should be focusing on Covid instead). The reason...It's really important that we don't have a demagogue ruling the US, as how an authoritarian in the future would deal with a plague could very well make this present Covid seem like a cakewalk. And holding Trump accountable will make it less likely that a fascist rules the US in the future.
  12. Silly, that was a genuine laugh! Totally agree with you...nobody has said it better. That guy was never my president! And, let me add, I may have Trump derangement syndrome but that sure as hell doesn't mean Trumpie was not an idiot!
  13. If he is not held accountable then the next fascist or authoritarian to come along will have a much greater chance in succeeding.
  14. I think he is meaning that the social welfare programs are the problem and I agree with that as too often and I know this from social worker friends, they try hard to keep a decent case load so they don't work themselves out of a job. There is also the problem that the programs have a budget they need to spend each fiscal year or they will be reduced the next. So the social workers don't try to get people off the system and into a self sustaining job or career but keep them on the system. I know plenty of people on the system who are lifers and will never get off of it as there is no motivation to from the Welfare programs to do so. They simply go through the motions. If you've got social worker friends like that you need to get rid of them! All my Social Worker friends would never cheat society just to keep their job -- they are much more ethical than that and their primary motive is to help people function in society as best they can, and often at very low pay. Besides, most Social Worker's don't have the power to decide who gets welfare. I remember working with autistic people, and I simply did my job to help them and I had no say as to whether they 'deserved' help -- the decision was made long before they got to me. Likewise with my friends who work with the homeless, with vets, with the mentally ill, with the sexually abused who endure PTSD issues. Often these cases are decided by multiple people, or adjudicated in court and a judge decides if they do indeed 'deserve' help. The state actually hires its own lawyers in an attempt to find fault with claims -- they don't want to spend money from their already stretched budget. If you want to blame something then blame a society that does not want to spend enough money to train those having trouble functioning in society, nor do they want to take the time and expense to modify working environments which would make it easier for disabled people to function well.
  15. Indeed, they will squeeze as much as they can from us. They have no loyalty to the US.
  16. Ok great, you've recognized that the government takes part of your income. Why are you concerned about what other's, businesses and corporations make? Have you bettered yourself to your maximum potential? Are you indicating you have no way possible to make a better life for yourself? I think you're missing the point here. Repeatedly throughout this thread you've been blaming either welfare or other as yet unnamed and unnecessary programs for the ills of society where people are 'riding the system', pointing to them as the major players in what's wrong with society. In reality, it's the huge corporations using the rest of us, paying (in many cases) slave wages so that they can keep their CEO's and shareholders rich. If you're frustrated and want to take it out on someone why don't you 'punch up' instead of 'punching down'? Otherwise, you're just being a stooge for the corporations, stirring unrest between the classes so we can fight each other instead of fighting what's really causing the problems.
  17. Yes, I think about this a lot -- how did it get so bad, and what can we do about it. It is a multi-faceted problem and you've pointed to some aspects. I came across mention of a couple of books yesterday that added another piece to the puzzle -- politics in the 80's and 90's that sought to polarize and create tribalism in uniqiue and intense ways, instigated by Gingrich (Kornaki book). I think another facet of this ugly problem is the fact that it actually takes many generations to overcome a system so egregious as slavery where segments of the population are demonized and placed on the bottom strata of society and deemed inferior. Once people are placed at the bottom in the minds of the public this attitude passes on to subsequent generations very easily through socialization, often at unconscious levels. The most severe period of slavery in the US really wasn't all that long ago. I remember feeling shocked when realizing that a relative I met when I was a toddler actually grew up in the aftermath of the Civil War . She was very elderly at the time and it's the only memory I have of her, seared in my mind via the terror of being abandoned while feeling the great danger occurring all around me (as we were trapped together in a basement for safety's sake as the rest of the family climbed the stairs to view the tornado ripping through the prairie). Anyway, years later I learned this relative actually came to the prairies of the central US from the east on a "wagon". When I learned this I was like WHAT, your mean a covered wagon?? (like the ones I'd seen in movies about the wild west). In my young mind, covered wagons and the Civil War seemed very ancient, like from Medieval or stone age times and certainly could not be a part of anyone's life that I knew, but in actuality this period in history was not so long ago, and so no wonder all the conflicts have not been worked out. All this to say, though things are at a crisis point right now I see it as a part of a protracted process and so there is hope.
  18. Guess some would just like it if they stuck playing in their own sandbox. Go figure. Humankind is an interdependent community that needs each other to survive -- nobody lives within their own sandbox. We've taken advantage of POC and messed with their sandboxes for centuries, slanting most everything in our (whites) favor, and now that they complain about it you want them to shut up and live in their own sandbox? This is like telling a woman trying to recover from being beaten and abused by her husband to just sit down and shut up when she finally musters the strength and courage to complain.
  19. Fraud claims are not about fraud, it's about the 'wrong people' having access to assistance. Same as we just saw with 'voter fraud'. There will always be a tiny minority of people who game any system, they tend to be from the same socio-economic group as those who like to point fingers. Good point! I've been reading about the history of racism in America, how the reason we don't have universal health care and other types of social services afforded to those in other countries is because whites don't want to give anything to POC who need those services in greater numbers than whites do (proportionally). Never mind that the majority using such services would be white, and in many cases their actual neighbors! Some have even gone on record saying "I'm not giving any of my paycheck to those *bleeps".
  20. Ok this is just flat out disgusting -- demonizing the disadvantaged in society like this. I've had experience in Social Work and it is harder than hell to get aid in the first place, and if anybody manages to get aid it is so low they can barely survive. Sure, there are those who manage to cheat the system, but to paint all people who need help as liars and cheats is beyond the pale.
  21. https://repository.law.umich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1274&context=mjgl
  22. Seems a better use of your time would be to oust all the white supremacists in your party like those who attempted to murder government officials at the Capitol last week, versus attempting to demonize the People Of Color in this country who have been victimized for centuries. Maybe join The Lincoln Project, Republicans who became disgusted with what happened to the GOP and left, or even those trying to reform the party from within.
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