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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. The real question is, which is quicker and easier? Because that's the route LL will want to go, if they ever get off their asses at all.
  2. This is nothing against you personally, since you're spot on and providing accurate information; Unfortunately all of it is irrelevant in this particular case. I've parroted in the forums here a concept called "quit moments" in MMO's. These are things that make a player leave and not come back. SL has much in common with MMO's, including quit moments, and a popup that literally tells the user to quit... Is a pretty serious quit moment that absolutely hurts retention. Linden Lab is objectively, inarguably dropping the ball on this one. And you're invested. Imagine a brand new user with nothing invested, in today's world of countless other distractions.
  3. Often is subjective in this case. At the time of the post originally (note the date) I was seeing it somewhat often- that was due to teleports sometimes actually tripping my network load balancer, but the post is more complaining that it exists at all. After two decades, not only do we still run the risk of being disconnected while performing a routine, required task but it's made worse by the fact that when it happens, Linden Lab who say they care about user retention, only offer the option to quit, not reconnect.
  4. And if you're going to tell me you've never seen the "view IMs or quit" dialog, I'm going to call you a liar to your face.
  5. Anything with a modern dedicated GPU will work fine. I'm still on a 2070 and an older i7 and getting the job done without issue.
  6. You sure? Even Patch said the intent was to not "confise" new users by allowing the mesh to be modify.
  7. Because it's a non standard proprietary product? Because the source files are intellectual copyright and not available to the public? Of course, these new bodies are no mod too, so maybe proprietary and closed source is the direction SL is going now.
  8. I don't have a lot of faith in LL, but even I don't think they're that inept. You win the negativity award on that one.
  9. I always get laughed at when I say there are people on this forum that would rather see SL empty and inevitably shut down than improved. And yet here we are.
  10. Her initial post was on point, though. You can get a server running Conan to give you a bigger, better Gor experience than you could get out of a full region, at less than the cost of a Linden home. I used to host a couple Conan servers, as a matter of fact. Lots of people over there from SL. It's really no shock they switched to that.
  11. After some JIRA testing, we discovered it's a real bug, similar to one that took place in 2022 that permanently breaks anything (and all copies of it). [BUG-233791] Object is randomly repeating sounds - Second Life Bug Tracker
  12. The reviewer I went with is usually pretty balanced, and said it should have been a fun girl power movie, but it's dragged down by moments of clear anger and/or bitterness towards men. So I suppose anyone that can ignore, forgive, or understand the hate, they'd give it a positive review, which lines up with the bias you're pointing out.
  13. Speaking from experience, there's no consistency in whether your suspension transfers over in-world. It seems entirely up to the Linden that does it to you. It should come as no shock to anyone that there are people that dislike what I write, so I've had my fair share of vacations. Some kept me from getting in-world. I don't blame anyone that wants to protect themselves from that kind of random chance.
  14. It's better now that we have more involved moderators, but for a time... Let's just say it was heavy handed and less than objective.
  15. Now you know which friend I was talking about. The good news is, now she doesn't want to see it either and I can wait for Deadpool 3.
  16. You gonna tell me you've never heard "middle aged woman" used in a derogatory manner? I'll take that as a challenge if necessary! Same way lots of identifiers can be used as insults. There's always going to be people that look down on others for who or what they are. Even in SL. Male, female, straight, gay, furry, tiny, and so on. Although like I said, we don't see much of it in SL, and some even less than others. But it does happen.
  17. I gotta be that person and point out that while the word "cis" isn't an insult, it's often used as one. Luckily we don't see too much of that sort of thing in SL.
  18. Patch is wrong. This is about LL half assing it (again) and patting themselves on the back for Residents' hard work. It's not his fault though. His bosses threw him into the gladiator colosseum armed with a spoon on this one.
  19. Then you need to fix the entire UI and the learning experience. Unchecking a single box while leaving all the apparently confusing options in place but broken isn't going to help anything. All you're doing is stifling the power users, not making it any easier for people to understand what they're seeing. It's the perfect example of the sarcastic comment I made earlier- LL does a job as lazily as possible then goes and celebrates like something huge was accomplished. You can't uncheck a single box and say "There we go, new users won't be confused anymore!"
  20. This isn't entirely true. Having everyone around you rendered as a gray blob will improve performance simply due to having less textures and objects rendered. Sure it's a bit like claiming you're an accurate shot because you always hit the target while omitting that you use buckshot, but still.
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