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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. I'm still not grasping the link between that and there being a challenge for straight people specifically. False representation in a relationship should be a problem for everyone, I'd think.
  2. Maybe it's me, but I struggle to understand why supporting LGBT should also make a challenge for straight relationships- assuming everyone's being honest. What are you implying, exactly?
  3. Sure, but now we're back to the point that @Luna Bliss made. I'm totally comfortable with explaining to new users that SL is not a dating site, it's just a game with people playing game characters. Think that would go over well?
  4. It's worth noting that in all those examples, you're treated very very negatively if you're caught doing it. Much more so than here in SL.
  5. When you put it like that, "men express shock and anger when they find out the truth" seems a whole lot more reasonable to me. I bet Beavis would agree with me. The Great Cornholio does not abide liars.
  6. There's a great point being made here that I suspect won't get enough recognition. We're tip toeing very close to hypocrisy when we insist that people not treat SL like a game, but then expect them to also not be surprised to discover that many people in this not-a-game are just playing entirely fictional game characters. I can certainly see someone new to the platform getting mixed messages.
  7. I've always had scripts and rez enabled and my experience has been the same. Never had to ban anybody, and auto-return always cleaned everything up. It really does seem like the harder you try to prevent people from bothering you, the more they're going to bother you.
  8. I'd double check on that. If true, this entire thing, from the Belli estate ban to the actual scripted function, is a joke on residents that want to "block bots".
  9. I saw some bots sitting together in a Linden home the other day when I had my boat out. Presumably their owner is premium, owns the home, and has them in the home group. It's a great real world example of that use case I pointed out right from the start, I knew people would run into it. And now that we're seeing more detectors cropping up especially reporting false positives, I think we're going to start seeing more and more bots not registered as scripted agents. When it's less annoying to ignore the rules than follow them, what do you think people will do?
  10. 404's don't require you to close the browser- you can just go to another web page. Which is what the viewers should do- can't teleport to a region, pick a different one. Or lost connection to current region, go to a different one. There's really no way to defend telling residents to quit and go do something else any time there's the slightest flutter of the connection. I'm not sure why you're doing it.
  11. Nonsensical is defending having to quit any time their servers lag or have issues.
  12. Gonna bump this one back up to see if anyone's ever found a fix for this. Losing wireframe disables a fix to SL's unfixed mesh rendering bug. It's pretty vital to have.
  13. "Technically" not a crash, but when the only possible option is the viewer shutting down... That's a crash. And with the viewer shut down, I post here and go play another game. LL doesn't care about retention.
  14. Absolutely other people are responsible for their own actions. Their feelings based on how we interact with them, though? That's a whole lot more complex.
  15. "I'm not responsible for how I interact with people", isn't a healthy take.
  16. We can't possibly make any changes to the grid ever! If we did, how would I be as insufferable as possible to everyone around me while trying to stop all the griefers I attract?!
  17. I only noticed two. Welcome everyone because we're dying for customers, and self reliance 'cause it's up to you to figure out how everything works on your own.
  18. No. But nothing is stopping you from making a second account and doing it that way.
  19. Trying to find the Burning Man principles in SL is like saying a rock and a carrot are the same thing because they're both in the ground.
  20. Shared experience is LL's idea, not mine. It's not my fault they're inconsistent. Because private estates are generally not connected to anything else. Linden estates are. Only a little. Right now, "shared experience" means "anything TPV devs do that highlights our incompetence". Why shouldn't it actually mean "shared experience" if we have to have it, I say.
  21. All ban lines should be visible- both to those they affect and the land owner- at full view distance range. Period. If the owner has no objects at ground level, they should be disabled and unable to be activated. All security orbs on any Linden owned regions should have to follow the same rules universally. LL always talks about viewers needing to respect the "shared experience", it should apply to ban lines and orbs as well.
  22. Linden Lab started something and then didn't finish?! I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you!
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