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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Would she? Seems like I might have struck a nerve.
  2. I mean, obviously every poor interpersonal interaction in SL is a man's fault. It was a man that invented SL, after all. But if women could contribute to it, how do you think they'd do it? Skewed expectations or something else?
  3. I'm taking a gamble based on the fact that the other one didn't get locked. It made some good points and fostered some good discussion. This one could too! Locking this one and not that other one would be straight up sexism!
  4. You're disputing one specific stat in a vacuum while ignoring the overall question. Another person is dismissing the entire thread at all and trying to get it locked. Personally I think this sort of reaction actually validates asking the question.
  5. So there's a good example of unrealistic expectations. That all threads should be for complaining about the issues women have while dismissing the men's issues (or trying to take it off topic), even while there's already threads for that. So it does happen in SL, or at least on the SL forums, after all.
  6. 80% is off. That's why it's called an unrealistic expectation. You're asking a good question there about what the actual expectation is. It could be any of that, or women could expect that "80%" of men are confident and capable of approaching them while knowing exactly when it's appropriate. Although really it's less important than "do women do that here at all- have unrealistic expectations?" Exactly why it's a problem. There's actually a psychological term that I can't remember for when people have too many choices so they continue trying to get the best at the cost of a good option. A few analysts have applied it to modern online dating.
  7. A long list of links would take us off topic for SL I think. But an easy example is when dating sites release stats on how men and women rate each other. Men are rated as being "below average" 80% of the time, by women. Conversely men rate women on a bell curve which is mathematically what you'd expect "average" to mean. As SL isn't a dating platform, is it safe from that kind of bias, you think?
  8. I'm talking about issues that would cause decent men to not bother greeting women, which is how we get threads like that other one. Things like the percentage of women that expect men to initiate conversation, how 80% of men are rated as below average by women on most online social platforms, how women still expect men to be more accomplished than them despite (deserved) massively increased rates of educational and business successes. All of these things factor into what sort of men are left hitting on women, and I wonder if they're as common in SL as other online platforms, or if women on SL are more reasonable due to it not being a dating platform, as was pointed out.
  9. Recently there was a thread about women experiencing creepy men, and it was rightly pointed out that the counterpoints, the issues men experience in the interactions, were a little off topic for it. So in the context of dating and/or meeting other people, the question is, do men in SL experience the same issues as other online dating platforms? We have stats that show that in other forms of online social interactions, women's expectations and standards are completely unrealistic. It makes the entire process of meeting women a totally skewed, uphill battle for most men. Does that carry over to SL or is it less prevalent here?
  10. In that case, I come back to "The Lindens are inconsistent and prone to mistakes".
  11. Sure, but a full on suspension? You don't get that just for putting a big object out. You don't get a suspension for doing even worse than that.
  12. Either there's more to that story, or the Lindens don't care at all about being consistent in rule enforcement.
  13. You made that up. You don't get logged out or suspended for having an item returned. Don't ask me how I know.
  14. "Self care" in SL should consist of finding an existing activity you enjoy (building, sailing, exploring, etc) and doing that with the express purpose to destress and relax. Support groups and things in here, terrible idea.
  15. I'd buy that hat. There's definitely bots involved in some form. Exactly. Any time I want to dump land quick I set it the same and instantly someone shows up. It's not always a bot looking avatar, but they're definitely using some tool.
  16. Bold of you to assume there was one and the whole thing wasn't a joke on us.
  17. As if a Men's Studies class would study anything and not just build a garage nobody needs.
  18. Of course, now that you're talking about all the crimes men commit, calling men's issues baseless and off topic, and getting stats about their rates of being victims (but not aggressors, which does actually say a lot about men- don't forget to include prisons, and your numbers change) wrong I can see how people might think you've got an agenda here.
  19. But a lot less fun. Makes sense to me. If I said women were naturally more prone to becoming irrational and making baseless accusations, I bet lots of women would speak up. ... Probably accuse me of things, too.
  20. There are surgeons in the world, so therefore we're all capable of performing surgery successfully, right? I grew up poor but now I have money, that means anyone that's not wealthy it's because of things they're doing wrong. If you're poor, stop blaming other people and just be rich, that'll solve the problem.
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