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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Vivienne Schell wrote: With SL, why do you recommend overclocking and super clocking GPU/CPU's? Are there benchmarks available for overclocking and SL consumption? Can someone point me to these if they exist? Yes. Here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Typical_Frame_Rate_Performance_by_Graphics_Card/GPU I do not know how old the chart is, but it seems to cover the Nvidia 4xx release year, which was 2010. Later released cards like the 5xx most probably are not yet among the Top user 100 cards. I think something like the Nvidia 9800 (Desktop) and 3xxM (Lapdtop) still will work fine in SL. No need for overpowering your purse. I can confirm that the 9800 works great for SL. It's what I was using up until about four days ago, when I upgraded to the 570. Which of course, works better.
  2. Play with your grahphics settings. In V2, if I'm standing still, I peak at 95 FPS. And that's still with most graphics settings maxed.
  3. I gotta agree with Pussycat. If there were suddenly no more interconnected sims and/or mainland, the hundreds of thousands of L$ I've spent on vehicles would be absolutely wasted. I'd be pissed.
  4. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a virtual world and not a game? SL may not have "objectives" like most games, but barring that, it's got a whole lot in common with online games. As a matter of fact, everything I've done with my computer, from special hardware to setup to even special input and audio devices for games, directly translates to making SL easier to use. Calling it a game is not a stretch of the imagination or some "disorder" or something else. Like it or not, it's a virtual environment with 3D controlled characters, just like World of Warcraft or City of Heroes or Guild Wars or Call of Duty. World of Warcraft and Call of Duty are VERY different, but people call them both "video games". SL falls under that same broad definition. Second Life however, adds a whole lot more options than other games, on a significantly more mature level, which is why people tend to say it's not a video game, it's something else.
  5. greek Wingtips wrote: I been djing over five years I have and used , virtual dj, sam, and most of all the other dj programs that allow streaming with voice, but to be honest you cannot beat winamp, if you use the right plug in, you can voice, fade the songs, and have two winamps runnning two create two virtual decks, and all this cost nothing, there is a program called amok which will rip your playlist into a folder with all the mp3 in your play list. at the end of the day, winamp does the job, and my customers dont know what software am using, try it its free. I'm still trying to find any plugins to allow voice. None of the guides online have been updated since XP it seems like.
  6. I can recommend MLCC and BUR. That's where I go for my motorcycles. Great work, low lag.
  7. Aria Dragonash wrote: Scriptsize is not that important. There are big scripts out there that don't do anything when being idle and therefor don't add to scriptlag at all. And there are scripts that are really small but are working all the time. It mostly depends of what a script does and less of its' size. That's not entirely true. Even a passive script is using some memory. Even a script set to not running can cause lag, depending on some factors. To answer the question: The general advice seems to be if you can keep your script count under a hundred and/or keep your script memory under 1 MB, you're doing really well. Under 3 MB is acceptable to most people that I've talked to, though.
  8. Have someone go in and check the access list and ban list. Are you the owner of the group that the land is deeded to? If not, that could have something to do with it.
  9. Penny Patton wrote: There's like three completely unrelated issues being talked about in this thread. :smileytongue: Well, they're all related in that they all make you look ridiculous?
  10. Melita Magic wrote: Sometimes the female mesh is used to avoid the musclebound look - so they rez in female. I think that's why. This happens too. We have the viewer incompatibility issue on one hand (like the picture above), but some guys actually use the female shape. I purchased a furry avatar recently that said male, and as soon as I tried to fit some men's clothes, I was having trouble. Upon closer look, they'd beefed up a female shape slightly and called it male, instead actually using a male shape. I had to change it to male. So there's a little bit of both going on, I think.
  11. kryptic Zarco wrote: Then I'd recomend winamp with plugins Ill look around later and wait for a friend to jump on and give you what he uses, but SAM is awesome if your willing to shell out 100$ for the cheapest version that has voice enabled with streaming, as it is multi effiecent and you only need to add stream info once it holds up to 5 diffrent streams as well I appreciate it. I'm trying to keep my expenses below 50 $, because I don't know if it's gonna make me anything
  12. For now, I only need to radio broadcast. Stream some music with voice. That's what I've been asked to do. If I find myself getting into it, then I'd get the software and hardware to sync and mix and beat match, etc.
  13. Cerise Sorbet wrote: Hi, yes the marketplace is polluted with terrible keyword use but this time it is a combination of two issues. The first half of the problem is that Marketplace has single category for "Hats, Glove and Scarves". The second half is that category names are indexed with the keywords, so if we search for "gloves" in the "Hats, Gloves and Scarves" category, the marketplace returns almost every item in that category!! A few are missing, but that could be from flagged items. Precisely. It's an absolutely terrible system.
  14. Monti Messmer wrote: Hello, maybe it is not all about a borked search engine. Some merchants find it funny to just copy/paste a list of keywords to their products. I had one item removed with 5! keywords where one was naming the dress-style and that was considered as keyword-spam :smileysurprised: Monti That was my first thought, and I was gonna start flagging them, but when I opened the link, I didn't see any of that keyword spam. It's entirely LL failure at work here.
  15. I go into the marketplace. I say "Hey, since in-world search is terrible, maybe I can look here for what I want." So, I type "black gloves" into search, and I hit Enter. I see that I got a lot of matches, so I narrow it down to the gloves section. Now I'm looking at pink scarves and blue beanie hats and red boots... WTF? I double check. "black gloves" is still the search term. Apparently I don't REALLY want black gloves, I want pink scarves. Nice, LL. My ten year old niece can set up a good search engine on her blog, but you can't, with all your resources, make one for your website?
  16. Monti Messmer wrote: Hi, you can do alot with winamp and plugins. The easy DJ job not the scratching maybe but i guess u find plugins for that too! Cost nothing and it worked for me on my first months as SL-DJ Monti You know any plugins? I didn't notice any that seemed to do the job, but my search fu may have been weak.
  17. Yeah, but the "cheap" version is still a hundred bucks plus tax.
  18. Paul Hexem

    DJ Software?

    So, I've been moved to look into doing DJ work. I've been pressured to use a mic. The problem I have now is finding software that doesn't cost 300 bucks that can stream and allow voice input too. WinAmp used to work for that, from what I read, but since Vista, it hasn't been able to stream voice and music at the same time. It does one or the other, on a toggle, which can't be toggled while the stream is active. I've looked at other software programs, such as SAM or VirtualDJ, but these all seem to cost hundreds of dollars. Is there no middle ground for streaming voice and music at the same time, without spending hundreds of USD or using multiple pieces of hardware and/or inputs? Sure, I could jerry rig something and plug my laptop into the line in jack on my desktop and use the speaker fucntion in the Windows mic control and then all the sound goes into the toggled Winamp stream, but then people can't see track info anymore, and the volume for music/voice is a bit off... Not an ideal solution. So, to reiterate my question- anyone know of any software under a $50 USD price tag that streams both voice and music?
  19. Marcodigi Aeon wrote: This is the best part Gadget Portal. I will not earn anything for me, but all the sales would be shared among the workers. My apologies, then. That does sound a little more appealing. Let me know if you need any scripts.
  20. Why would anyone that has any of these skills, and can likely sell stuff for themselves in SL, want to do this? Unless you intend to pay very well after you have these people start doing all the work for you...
  21. Jennifer Boyle wrote: Darrius Gothly wrote: The reason it cannot be reasonably applied to Virtual Goods sales is .. Virtual Goods do not age, wear or break over time. That is a good point. However, you ignore the fact that people, in RL and SL, buy new things mostly because they want something new, not because what they have is worn out. The reason they want something new may be that it is more fashionable, that it is superior in some way, or simply that it is new. I have over 17,000 items in my inventory and a lot stored in prims, mostly clothing, which is, as you point out, in pristine condition. Yet I keep buying more. Why? Because I like to shop, and when I shop I see clothing I want, and I buy it. While things don't wear out in the virtual world, they do become obsolescent. As I mentioned before, the further development of the platform continues, and will continue indefinitely, to make more possible, and better products will naturally follow. We now have flexiprims and sculpties and a tattoo layer, each of which made new, improved products possible. LSL continues to be expanded. We're about to have mesh. I never wear the high-quality hair and skin I bought four years ago because better ones are available now. The other thing you're forgetting is that this is a virtual world. There are asset servers and sim crossings. No-copy means any time one of those things has an issue, my item and my money are gone. No-copy for buildings and vehicles and certain other objects is downright impractical, and in some cases, plain stupid.
  22. Yeah, I just tried to check, but there's some griefing/spamming device in the region making it impossible to look around.
  23. So, I used to rent land on a private estate. That got really boring though. I had neighbors, but I never saw them. The few times they were online, they were hiding in a skybox with a security orb. So, I left. I went premium and got some mainland. Put my build there. Met one neighbor... With banlines and TWO security devices (as if the ban lines aren't enough). No one else. Even when I drive my various vehicles along the two mainland roads I built on, the place feels empty. With this many people logged into SL at any one time, how come I never see anybody? More than that, maybe I'm just weird for liking the idea of seeing what your neighbor built, chatting with them, trading ideas, etc, instead of ban lines and sky boxes to seclude you from your neighbors as much as possible?
  24. Another option is to play any animation that changes your hands, then stop. That usually fixes it too.
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