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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. On that system, you should be able to easily max out everything and get good performance. My own system is comparable, and I do, and still get around 20 FPS. Disabling shadows and ambient occlusion bumps me up around 40 FPS mainland, and a whopping, ridiculous 90 FPS in private sims.
  2. My guess is you're having hardware issues that didn't come out until stress was put on the machine. I built a PC recently and one of the RAM modules was faulty. You know how I found it? I fired up SL, cranked up my draw distance, and as soon as the PC tried to use that module, I was bluescreened. SL is a great stress test for a PC.
  3. Here's an often overlooked one- have you checked the volume settings in Windows (for SL specifically), and in the device settings in the viewer?
  4. I saw a question asked recently that made me wonder something. You often see full perm objects for sale, usually builder packs of sculpts or textures or what have you, and they always inevitably have some mini-agreement attached to them, like telling you what perms you're supposed to set your objects to if you use their builder pack. Then I remember the fact that LL doesn't enforce, recognize, or get involved with agreements between residents. They call issues "resident to resident disputes" and won't do anything, unless it actually violates one of their rules. Doesn't that mean that if I did buy something full perm and then resell it with whatever perms I want (usually the perms in the mini-eula match up to what I'd set anyway, so it's a rhetorical question), there's not a whole lot the first creator could do? You haven't circumvented the permissions system, and since they sold you the item full perm, a DMCA wouldn't really apply, either, I think? To me, it feels more like an honor system than an enforcable agreement (unless you read it the way some creators write their little eulas...).
  5. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: WADE1 Jya wrote: The end of the PC era is here (many industry experts agree) & like it or not these mobile devices are the future environment where SL and similar virtual world apps will be generally used. The end of the notebook era perhaps. But desktop PCs? Would you rather sit at home in your living room with an iPad and fiddle with a tiny touchscreen, or type on a diNovo Edge keyboard while looking at a 27" monitor with a resolution of 2560 x 1600 that is hooked up to a PC with a watercooled and overcloocked 6-core i9 Extreme CPU, four GeForce GTX 590 cards, and more RAM than you can shake a USB stick at? I doubt that this kind of tech will be squeezed into tablet PCs anytime soon. This. So, so this. When tablets can run the latest Call of Duty, or Crysis, or play Batman: Arkham City at max graphics, comfortably and intuitively, then they may replace PCs. And that's just not happening for another couple decades, at least.
  6. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/The-Second-Life-Economy-in-Q2-2011/ba-p/1035321
  7. I have to agree a little. I have a quad core, 3.5 GHz CPU so I can run SL and three other 3D programs without an issue, but I watch V2 code viewers run core 4 all the way to 100% on that thing. Which is insane, because even if it were a single core, that's still more than double the recommended system requirements...
  8. HotRodJohnny Gears wrote: That's just it - in VWR 1 it only took ONE MOUSE CLICK to play only the parcel audio stream and no other media streams. In VWR 2 it takes several mouse clicks in addition to the mouse hover to accomplish the same thing. One vs. several-a step forward? Takes just two clicks, after a mouseover. And to be honest, that's the way a lot of software is going. Update your web browsers, recently? Or use basic Windows programs in Windows 7? They've all been doing that, to maximize screen space. Of course... At LL, they just do it kind of wrong.
  9. What's been said so far is good advice. Here's another thing to remember though- if the land is Linden owned, nobody can ban you from it unless their last name is Linden, too. Of course, much of the Blake Sea is no rez, so you can't attack people anyway.
  10. Mouseover that media play button and wait a moment, and you'll see more options popup, like a dropdown menu.
  11. You need a couple things. You need software to stream the signal to an Internet URL that software like Quicktime can read, send the metadata first, and get around possible copy protections. Once you have that though, you just punch the URL into your parcel media info and make a prim on the parcel to recieve it. The hard part is the conversion from the card to the Internet.
  12. I'm noticing this one store has had the same event listed every hour or so for over a week. It says it's a model audition, but the description is just a mass of keyword spam. Isn't that an abuse of the events feature? Clearly using it just to advertise their store without paying for a classified like everyone else?
  13. I used to see lots of posts complaining about bots on the mainland that would buy parcels the instant they were set for sale. I'm trying to get rid of a parcel now, and I keep lowering the price on the thing (1296 for 1k L$ currently, and falling) and I'm wondering how low I have to go before one of these famed bots comes and takes this thing from me. Any ideas?
  14. I had a prim like that on my parcel recently. I opened live chat and they got someone in ASAP.
  15. Every time a new pyramid scheme is invented (i.e. new animal scripted), the old one becomes yesterday's news, and all the suckers go running after the new fad.
  16. I'm just gonna speak up and back you on this one, Wade. All these animals that die if you don't buy them food ARE a pyramid scheme, and the food is cluttering the marketplace worse than it was cluttered before. When I go looking for a new pet raptor, I want to see animals, not ways to feed animals that I'll never own.
  17. 1296 sqm parcel for sale in Nove for 1k L$ or best offer. Right on protected roadway, you can literally make a driveway with a 10 meter prim.
  18. Sales emails and messages from residents have different subjects. Most modern email software can filter for that, and Windows Mail even does it by default.
  19. Darren Scorpio wrote: Gadget Portal wrote: Whenever I see in profiles, nonsense about IMs getting capped, I'm always confused. I'm even more confused when it's a merchant. SL allows IMs to email, and with the sheer amount of failures on the grid of inventory offers, messages dropped during TP, and other issues, why would you not enable IM to Email? Personally, I hate notecards. I get an email saying I got a notecard, and then I gotta wait until I get to my computer, log in, and go and find that notecard, read it, and if the person's not online, send them a notecard, wait for another one back... I'd much prefer to just get a full message in my email so I can reply right from my smartphone and handle the issue all at once. So, open discussion, particularly for merchants- Why do you not enable IM to email? Most merchants (there are some non-merchant residents too) who have such thing posted on their profiles are often the type that are just full of themselves and trying to point out to the world that they are "too important, too popular and too busy". I don't like notecards, I hate them with a passion because they clutter my inventory and most times when I log in and have group messages and notices, and inventory offers cluttering my screen the minute I log in I just start pressing discard or OK on everything. I prefer IMs because IMs to email never cap and I can always send a reply to the customer from anywhere, IMO it is better customer service. There's that too. Self important. I forgot to include that in my list.
  20. Mickey Vandeverre wrote: Hello Gadget - I have my marketplace sales set to issue a message when a sale has been made. On each sale, an IM is sent to email. Doing that, causes your IMs to get capped. It helps a bit to keep an eye out for what is going on with sales all day - what's selling - what time of day - if your blog post just got some action - if twitter just prompted a sale - that kind of stuff. A merchant who has it set that way to watch sales would have to go in all day long to clear that out in order to keep messages from being capped, and I think that a lot of people have other jobs. Sometimes the IMs do get through. I don't mind getting a notecard plus an IM - on an IM I can respond immediately while sitting at the computer for another job - but might not be possible for most. Some merchants do prefer an IM for that reason, so you need to read their profiles to see what they prefer. When sending a notecard, it helps a ton to put the issue and your name into the title of the notecard. eta: in fairness...I used to believe the same thing about merchants not taking care of business with IMs...but then, once the marketplace sales started rocking...figured out why the IMs can cap within a couple of hours, and just not feasible for most to tend to clearing those out all day. so now understand that it is a shortcoming of the system and not the merchant. If you get IM to email, you wouldn't HAVE to log in and clear them. That's what I'm saying. You'd see the message, regardless of how many messages have been sent from the marketplace. IMs to email NEVER cap. As a matter of fact, if you're trying to seriously be a merchant and you don't have IM to email enabled, that tells me you're lazy, don't care about customer service, or just plain dumb. Well, dumb is mean. How about "not technically inclined"? Either way, not someone I want to buy from.
  21. Whenever I see in profiles, nonsense about IMs getting capped, I'm always confused. I'm even more confused when it's a merchant. SL allows IMs to email, and with the sheer amount of failures on the grid of inventory offers, messages dropped during TP, and other issues, why would you not enable IM to Email? Personally, I hate notecards. I get an email saying I got a notecard, and then I gotta wait until I get to my computer, log in, and go and find that notecard, read it, and if the person's not online, send them a notecard, wait for another one back... I'd much prefer to just get a full message in my email so I can reply right from my smartphone and handle the issue all at once. So, open discussion, particularly for merchants- Why do you not enable IM to email?
  22. what kind of graphics card? Are the drivers up to date? What kind of connection are you on? Is it wireless?
  23. That looks like a graphics card issue. Make sure drivers are updated. And, if you can post some system specs, do it.
  24. Jennifer Boyle wrote: Are there technical reasons for certain limitations of SL clothing? Such as: Undershirts and shirts are too short to reach pants, so that if one wants no bare midriff and the appearance of a tucked-in shirt, one has to have an extra piece on the underpants layer for the shirt tail. Is there some technical reason that shirts and undershirts couldn't have been allowed to be longer? Blame that on the person that made the clothes (pants). If the pants come all the way up, then the gap is so small, you pretty much can't see it.
  25. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: The creators of those shoes need to be swamped with IMs and notecards by angry customers. I'm gonna second this one. If you make a no-mod product and sell it, expect angry IMs and notecards when something changes and the customer can't repair it themselves. You sold it no mod, it's your responsibility to repair it when things break.
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