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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Use vehicles on said sim crossings at all? And you missed the point completely.
  2. I was going through some of my old computer stuff today, and I noticed that Air Warrior came out in 1986. 26 years ago. Since then, we've had Meridian 59, Eve Online, Ultima Online, EverQuest, Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes, and you can't forget the behemoth, World of Warcraft (which came out in 2004, 8 years ago), among all the others. Being online, teleporting between servers, entering dungeon instances, crossing virtual miles and miles of land... All of these games have been doing it now, closing in on 30 years. Without even talking about graphics (user created content makes that an entirely different ball game), how come LL still can't figure out how to consistently do what these games have been doing for more than 20 years now? Teleports still fail (and sometimes disconnect you completely), servers practically crash when more than 20 people are on them, sim crossing can still log people off, etc. It's madness. While yes, it's considerably better than it was in the past, it still feels like it's 10+ year old technology. What's the bottleneck, really? I have a hard time believing that "well, you have to load user created content..." can disconnect you in mid-teleport, or dump you offline at a sim crossing, going into a region you've already clearly loaded, since you can see the content in it. Any thoughts on this?
  3. Solar is confusing laws and rules. Plenty of things against various rules in various places are not illegal. Just because using a weighted bat isn't against any laws, good luck being allowed to use it in any serious baseball games. Or how about running in the supermarket? Not illegal, but they can still throw you out if you do it.
  4. The point I was trying to make is that we have been, and keep saying, that tablets are no good for SL, not enough power, etc., and there's Microsoft, stuffing the most powerful processor they can fit, inside a tablet. And the thing is capable of running a lot of software traditionally thought was only available on PCs, barring GPU intensive software. Which is significant. Which means- How much time before we see someone figure out cooling and stuff a good nVidia GPU into a tablet with that kind of RAM and CPU power? Ten years? Five? Even less?
  5. Generally I leave attached lights off, but when I use a flashlight or similar device, I turn the setting back on for the effect. When that happens, I get to suffer people walking around with small suns strapped to their face. I often simply take a screenshot and show them. If they keep it, I ban them (when I can), otherwise mute and derender... Which is particularly interesting on roleplay or combat sims that have rules against ignoring people! Seriously, if you need a facelight at all, you're Doing It Wrong. Windlight and Graphics settings can do the job better than any facelight.
  6. Well, the Surface packs core i5 arlready, and 2 gigs of RAM. That's in the range of a good laptop. Like I said, all that's left is GPU- yeah, cooling is the issue. Sure, batteries are a problem, but that's what vehicle and solar power adapters are for. And the Android app doesn't count, it doesn't giv e half the options a full viewer does. The point is, MS is showing us just how much power can be stuffed into a tablet.
  7. People have been asking for mobile SL. Looks like Microsoft is bringing us one step closer to it. They've announced their own tablet capable of running traditional Windows software. All that's left now is for powerful graphics processing to become smaller to fit in their tablet. Sure, it's still no gaming rig, but it makes the iPad look like an Etch-A-Sketch. http://lm.pcworld.com/t/3536132/5573006/325062/0/
  8. 2/3 of the electricity I use, I generate myself, between solar, wind, and water devices. If the world lost power tomorrow, my lights would still be on, and I'd keep playing Xbox games, undisturbed.
  9. Perrie Juran wrote: I think it is the Labs responsibility that we are dealing with so much of this. They could have and still could do things to make sure that things were better optimized. One of the more spot on statements in this entire thread. I've never seen a more hands-off, take no responsibility company in my entire life.
  10. Awesome. I'll have to follow that jira.
  11. Baloo Uriza wrote: No, just ignorant. There's ways to build objects that are more efficient than others, and good designers will keep texture sizes down and map them in ways that reduce the number of different textures an object requires, thus reducing the video RAM requirements. Same with wireframes for raw mesh and scuplted prims. Or choosing scupted or raw mesh prims over creating an object out of a jillion basic primatives. You can have all the hardware in the world and still have lag if the people building the content are sufficiently ignorant/don't give a crap about other people. Hey, nice job elaborating on a given and insulting me in the process. That's cool. Of course a good build is less laggy than a bad one. And if you buy a bad one, be prepared to deal with it either with lag or powering through it with your hardware. Baloo Uriza wrote: If you want a walled garden where that's true, your XBOX wants some love. This is computers 101, and has nothing to do with consoles. If you want to run a 3D rendering platform, be it a game or design software, you need a computer that can do it. Architects don't buy 200 dollar laptops then cry to AutoDesk when AutoCAD runs terrible, they get better hardware. Come to SL though, and instead of getting better hardware, users come cry on the forums and expect everything to be dumbed down to their computer's level. Baloo Uriza wrote: Since when is this a game as opposed to a platform in and of itself? Since calling it "software on a computer that renders a 3D space just like a computer game or CAD does" takes too much space. Baloo Uriza wrote: Sure, and stairs aren't problems for people with working legs, so hey, whoever needs ramps or elevators just needs to suck it up. If you can't make it up stairs, don't rent a second floor apartment, stupid.
  12. The last couple days I've been given No Copy items, rezzed them, and they simply vanished. Not in inventory or on the parcel. This is in two different sims entirely. The one from the other day hasn't appeared on the parcel or in my inventory (original folder or Lost and Found). Is something broken I don't know about?
  13. Considering it's an LL JIRA, it could get fixed next week... Or in ten years.
  14. Maybe I'm just a mean person, but I believe if an avatar's ARC manages to slow your computer down, it's time to upgrade. And if you can't afford a gaming computer, perhaps you should look into a different hobby besides computer gaming.
  15. I'm quite certain the ban applies to MMO's where it's against the rules and there's a black market for it. MMO's treat their economies differently than SL does. LL sells the L$ themselves, so there's no black market for it here, they don't need to run sweat shops to farm L$ like they farm gold in WoW- it can't be farmed at all. As a matter of fact, they probably don't even bother with SL- there's no profit because you can't make bots earn L$ that can then be sold in bulk.
  16. Implications for WoW, SWToR, and similar games. SL? I'm not so sure.
  17. http://penny-arcade.com/comic/2012/03/28
  18. Let me clarify. The insults were for LL. They did a terrible job with mesh. As for people with integrated graphics- most modern desktops have an expansion slot of some kind. Don't buy a whole new computer. Upgrade the gpu and one part at a time as you can afford it. Doing it that way can get you something that can run SL without breaking the bank.
  19. I'm far from an LL apologist, and not only is it half assed, it's borderline retarded. These people are idiots. That said... There's no excuse if you're trying to access gaming or game quality software with an integrated graphics chip. The fault is your own in that situation.
  20. Sounds like it's time to stop using a toaster for SL and upgrade your hardware.
  21. Cully Andel wrote: (And please no one tell me what settings I need to alter. I already know this. My hardware can't cope) So... Get better hardware? Herp derp.
  22. Abram Violet wrote: Tried that already They can bypass the proxy and still see the IP. They have been doing this for months. They have even been callin in to linden labs and using information they obtained from this and guessing some users security questions. If you're using a proxy and they still see your real IP, either you're doing it wrong or they're doing some pretty serious tracing, and I'd AR it.
  23. No, you can't do anything about this. There aren't "priority levels". Rigged mesh is attached to your avatar skeleton. Sometimes if you edit your shape, you can get the effect you want, though.
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