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MoiselleErin Teardrop

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Everything posted by MoiselleErin Teardrop

  1. Well, the big boss you have to fight to win, you have to prepare - Drink from the sacred chalise to give you more life force. When you confront the big boss, it is this huge walking demon that shoots red lasers at you. You have to shoot at it with holy crosses dipped in holy water and when you beat the SL demon from hell, the sim collapes. For how to get there, it is weird, when you are ready, you will be unexpectedly teleported to this place of battle. It is a strange looking sim unlike anything you can imagine. You will have to defeat 3 other bosses before hand -one of them being Imnotgoing Sideways
  2. Mine is easy - maybe 15 friends and 3 or 4 online at any given time. A few of the friends are people who are seldom in SL if not never but I cannot bring myself to delete them. Some are just casual acquaintances. As far as actual active SL friends that is easy - three people. I am not into having a bunch of random names on a friend list just for them to be on it.
  3. Alright, the reason people flip a lid about child avatars is this - in real life, you are always hearing about how "predators" are hated, killed in prison, on a sex offender list, etc... In RL, it is not safe for a grown man to even be in the same room alone with a female under 18. Reason is - she could decide she wants attention and just say, for whatever sick fun, that he tried to "touch" her. It doesn't have to be proven, doesn't have to even be true, but the mere accusation and now the man is ostracized. I have seen that happen in RL. Turns out the girl was fibbing cause she had got mad about something else. Nothing really came of it except a ton of drama in that family and friend circle. So men tend to be afraid of the trouble kids can cause and women tend to worry about their male loved ones. It is similar to dealing with minorities. You cannot mention race, nationality or color in any context without the threat of someone twisting totally out of context and creating trouble. the difference is - Unlike minority groups where you can be around but have to watch your mouth, the mere PRESENCE of a child without several adults (with at least a few grown women there) and not just one adult male is enough to ask for trouble. Now with SL - some of us are afraid to mention SL in RL cause what if someone looked it up and came across one of the reports and Wonderland? How does that make us SL'ers look? It is not just in SL - I think most MMO's probably shun child avatars/Sims/whatever So yes, having a child avatar in SL is about as bad a news as a white person making racial comments at Black Expo. You are gonna get pummeled. Some people LOVE to label others as a "predator" and NO ONE wants the label. Also, you can thank our good ol media for spreading unnecessary fear. Yes there ARE predators out there but not nearly as many as the media would have us thinking. You see Chris Hansen doing these busts, somehow I would not be shocked if he himself is one day busted over being a "predator" himself.
  4. I come and go, usually I am absent during the summer months. LL is always pulling some dumb crap, if that is what's bothering you, worry not. They did stuff like - make a "better" viewer, intro mesh, thought they were gonna be the new facebook, allowed the under 18 brats into the game, changed God knows what policies, and I don't even remember all the other stupid stuff. Easy to get caught up in worry cause one would be afraid they cannot access SL. If you are fed up with other residents, just stay away from the cliques. This goes for REAL life as well. For the "elitists" yes there are some residents who think that just cause their avatar is hot sh^t than they are also in RL. WRONG! You can be anything in SL. Some smart, beautiful and "too good for you" person in SL could very well be some loser in RL who is not even retirement age but sits at home collecting disability cause of their weight or being bipolar. Is THIS the type of person you want dictating your feelings? If you are bored, that is understandable cause one runs out of things to do in SL.The novelty eventually wears off like anything. You can explore, build junk, or change your look only so many times. While I still get on SL, I am mildly hooked yes but honestly, I hate being so. It is like having a smoking habit - you hate it, know it is a waste, it is stupid, but somehow "need" it. I guess for the newere folks who are still overly hooked, hopefully they do not get to where it is causing RL problems like happens to some residents. Divorce, losing a job, losing one's home, etc is not unheard of cause of web or in this case, SL addiction. And for WHAT? A video game? So, what I do mostly is work on my house, maybe shop around a bit, chat with what few friends I have (most people come and go or are too busy) and that is about it.
  5. keep in mind also that even if you find a perfect skin but are not real fond of the makeup, you can always buy some. Well like my favorite skin I got from Razzanova, I didn't like the lipstick so I just wear a tattoo layer for darker lipstick. the photorealistic skins I have seen tend to be for male avatars. You will probably go thru many skins before really settling on a look though. this is not even about quality so much as it is choice. I used to use this Belleza skin that was more detailed than my razzanova but the Belleza one I had just wasn't me.
  6. Randall Ahren wrote: I think beaver is an archaic term dating from the era when women went au naturel downstairs. To some it seemed comparable to a beaver pelt, which was shortened to the term beaver. However, due to a propensity for very brief bathing suits, the Brazilians introduced a new style that has swept the globe, and made beavers quite rare, especially in SL. Hmm I feel so umm, enlightened with such a serious explanation given. I guess if there are beavers in SL, they are most definately "breedables"
  7. Well this happened just a few hours ago but it is no longer possible to modify your avatar. I know, it is rough, it is something we are all gonna have to adjust to but sadly, they cannot be modded anymore.
  8. Even avatars enjoy makeovers. Mine doesn't usually change much but around January I did trim her down somewhat.
  9. since the general view of SL is looking down as if a God or something, what does it matter about the "scale" or height of avatars? It isn't like RL where we are on the ground plane most of the time. One would think cause people can be anything in SL and if they want to be 7 feet tall it boosts their ego but when everyone else is 7 feet tall, it doesn't matter then. Aside being close to other avatar heights for physical interaction, the concept of wanting to be a certain height from an ego standpoint is lost on me. I could not even guess how tall mine is but I think the height scale is set at 40 maybe? I have no issues with my height in RL so I don't even worry about it in SL either.
  10. valerie Inshan wrote: LOL Ian! Don't underestimate my English knowledge, I KNOW "beaver" comes in several meanings. That's why I'm wearing a bathing suit. :smileytongue::smileyvery-happy: Is a beaver like something furry?
  11. Seems funny at this point - sculpts were suppose to be the be-all end-all. Theyt do save prims but are harder to make and some have this box around them that is weird.That and sometimes forget fine-tuning editing the way you can with an object of several standard prims. So then mesh comes along but causes some users horrid lag. Plus the upload cost is greater (isn't it like L$40 per upload or something) Seems like everything being said in this thread is the same things that were once said about sculpts. I guess then the choice is STILL - more prims or more lag? Cannot have your cake and eat it too? So it is cool. I won't worry as much about it. SHOOT - one would THINK that after 3.5 years in SL, I would quit worrying about every stupid tech fad that comes along. Folks, I do wish to thank you all for the feedback
  12. Randall Ahren wrote: @Erin, looks like a screen shot from a low resolution video game. When I was a kid, the graphics of that game were awesome. 1984
  13. I think she was using FS version of V3. So is it LL version of V3 that might actually perform better than V2? Honestly, I had never heard of mesh until V3 came out and builders started making some things out of it.
  14. Erin got tired of all this new tech stuff. So she slipped back in time and found herself replacing the fair maiden that these two black belts were fighting for. Here is a question for you - name THAT sim
  15. It gets thrown around lately. I am on a V2 viewer so I have not seen it except photos. I have a techy geek friend who said with a mesh viewer, count on getting 1/2 the FPS that I get now. Of course my computer struggles with V2 or even V1 as it is. cutting my FPS by half and I am pretty much done. Anyways, is mesh just something that they are working out the bugs but one day will be the same graphic normal burden as say sculpts? I know say like alphas replaced invisiprims and sculpts replaced SOME normal prims So is this mesh going to be the new SL or just one more option for stuff? Starting to wonder if I should even count on being in much longer if this lag-inducing mesh makes things slower than what it already is.
  16. There is a shop called Razzanova that has nice skins. Their selection is not too bad either. It is big enough to have a good selection but small enough to not be overwhelmed with too many choices or the lag that ensues with overly huge shop. Most of them run about L$400, plus if you are in the group, they often put out free skins as group gifts. You COULD get a slightly better one at belleza or redgrave, but those places tend to be greedy and charge L$1,000 for each skin. Honestly, I don't think Belleza or redgrave are more than twice the quality. Maybe 20% better looking, if that.
  17. I kind of edited the OP I made a while ago cause I thought she had written me off... Anyways a few months ago, we started talking again. Wasn't sure how things would go but seems good. Things have up's and down's... We had met 3 years ago at this sim we now both despise. She was banned cause they thought she was trouble (ok so that statement holds water) but not long after, I decided it was time for me to earn MY ban. So we go in and raise hell and it was the best time I have had being disallowed onto a sim. Sometimes she chews me out cause she knows I am scarce during the summer. I just have to let it roll off really. But on good things, we are always there to help each other when needed. We actually do discuss RL and SL in equal parts. I could go on for days about the trouble we have gotten into, the things we laugh about, etc... I would not know how to really express my gratitude for having such a friend as her. I mean I cannot really get mushy cause though I love her, we are both huge smart asses. If Beavis and butthead were middle age women, it would be us. Here is the weird part - when we first started talking, I thought she was just a passer-thru like many folks. She vanished for months but I later found out why, she was having some RL issues with the people she was living with. Funny how best friends are sometimes those you initially don't think anything will happen. After some debating, I decided not to reveal her name but I can say this - If you see me inworld and I am with a short lady with pale skin, go ahead and be afraid cause you are looking at the two biggest pains in the butt that SL can offer. So with making friends, you cannot know who your friends here will be until a long time after the fact. Can the friendship survive occasional arguments? Absenses? Would you stand by the person and take their side over some sim he or she is banned from? Do you know and accept their faults? THAT is what a friend is.
  18. A friend told me this story - She was at a wedding in SL and they were using voice... Well the bride had had more husbands in SL than Liz Taylor had in RL. So when the SL priest/justice of the peace or whatever was having her do her vows, one of the audience members had forgot to mute his mic and he started laughing. He was laughing cause he knew how she was... So another tip is - if you are going to mock something as serious as someone's umpteenth SL wedding, make sure the mic is off. On a personal note - I would have paid L$10,000 to have been there when that happened. Can you imagine the awkwardness? Can you imagine the hilarity? Or even the fight that probably happened after the wedding was over? "I take you, John avatar (chuckle) to have and to hold from this day forth until death do us part (red-line booming laughter)..." Oh I am just picturing this hysterical laughter taking place and no one can hear the wedding.
  19. I asked a friend why they would remove the viewer part of one's tag and she said, "LL doesn't want everyone to know how few people actually use their viewer" Seems stupid tho cause it is not like LL doesn't make a killing with all the L$ that fly around
  20. Randall Ahren wrote: If she could trade all her fame and fortune for another 48 years, do you think she would do it? If somehow, she could go back in time and never have had the big break that made her famous and never have gotten involved with drugs and live until 96, do you think she would and do you think she should? Well, that would depend on when she was asked. If asked when she was 20 something then she would probably be like, "Yeah I will take fame and kick off at 48" but thing is, I imagine no one would be really ready to go when it is their time. As far as the cause of her death being unknown, it is really hard to speculate what could have finally caused her health to fail to the point of passing on. Not like she was cracked-out for years
  21. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Not knowing the history on this I'm wondering What came first The option - Only friends and groups know I'm online Or the ability to work around the option Was it originally intended to be a viable option Or always intended to be an in-effective half measure Or did that come later If you want a laugh, imagine jesse jackson saying the above. It was not the chicken or the egg that came first. You see, the egg DID come before the chicken but what kept the egg alive? An incubator did! So now we know, the incubator came first.
  22. Is it true that with premium, if you quit paying, you lose your account completely? I think that question should be addressed. With the premium account, so you get L$1200 a month spending money and the 512 sq M you use would probably run L$800 a month if you rented it on your own, hypothetically speaking (since 1024's run L$1600 a month) Both of these would cost about $10 a month if you don't have premium. So basically you get about the same deal with premium or not, financially speaking. Premium is not a good OR bad deal, it just is what it is. But yes, if you get hooked on SL you will want a bigger land, nicer house, etc.Anything created by LL is going to be really blah. Just look in the library part of INV for evidence of that and then compare stuff to what creators have done. LL housing is kind of bland. It is kind of like having a meager apartment in real life. Merely functional. I have been in SL over 3 years and not had premium. You might want to hang out in SL a couple months to see what is out there and THEN decide if you want a premium. I would wager that you would decide it is not needed. Now if you DO go premium, you can always buy more of your own L$ and rent a land to put a nice house, and the plain ol LL home will still be available. Unlike renting a dumpy apartment in RL, nothing stops you in SL from having several properties.
  23. in SL, avatar presentation is even more diverse than RL diversity. I think the reason people shy away from child avatars is cause when you see and hear about people getting arrested for messing around with under age. Basically people are like really paranoid to have anything to do with kids online, even if it's an avatar in SL. Adults just would rather not take ANY chances on anything being said or or happening. And for RL's contribution, kids are known to be troublemakers so people tend to shy away from kids.
  24. Oh look, the place Erin is all too familiar with. She didn't learn the first 3 or 4 times she got arrested. maybe I should quit bailing her out every time?And she just TPs home like nothing happened. Went home and called up her tattoo'ed biker chick friend and then called her other friend who is sometimes a bad influence... Erin won't learn.
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