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MoiselleErin Teardrop

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Everything posted by MoiselleErin Teardrop

  1. Didn't they try to stop copyright infringement back when Napstaer was on the scene? We see just how well THAT did. Remember when pirating music consisted of a cassette recorder? It was illegal back then too. One could go on for days about all this spying stuff but remember - It is easier to control a population that even THINKS it is being watched. Kind of like when you were a kid and were being told Santa existed. Some kids do the acid test - want to send a letter to Santa but not tell anyone what they wrote on it. Of course those kids usually didn't get anything on the list and knew something was fishy. They don't need fancy laws or technology to know what stupidity goes on in people's lives - many just post it on FB for the world to see.
  2. However you decide to organize it, that is your choice. The key to keeping it in good shape is to properly place new stuff in the proper folders you have created. That and delete the junk that came with whatever you bought. Me - I do that. Buy something, ditch the notecards, textures, and other useless crap. Then re-name it to something relevant. So a new outfit might come as - *****Tina's True Tragedy trowsers***** but I will rename it - Tina jeans. Just something like that. I have a separate folder for building textures and other textures. When doing a set-up of a new home I moved into, I often have to remove my old junk from the old place so I tend to check items to see if there is already a copy and if so, it goes to the trash so I don't have two Microwaves or whatever. On major cleanings of my INV like if I have negleted it too long - I just go thru each folder, having two INV windows open so I can easily move sh*t between folders like say a LM I actually wanted is still in a clothing folder. Right now my INV is like 3,000 items, that includes the Library junk. I need to do a major cleaning soon. Not that it is bad but i am particular about that
  3. FB could sell the info of avatars to vendors on the MP. I mean obviously FB has not thought to try this cause poor ol Zuckerberg doesn't have 10 billion dollars yet and is barely eeking by. He needs every dollar he can get. Gosh I am sorry, I mis-typed that, he doesn't have 20 billion just yet. Silly me
  4. My avatar is now scared that SL doomsday is coming soon. She is hiding under my RL bed and will not come out. Thank you very much for scaring my poor avatar. :matte-motes-angry:
  5. I don't think we are suppose to be advertising RL junk in SL. I know you don't think you did but you see - that car dealer just LOOKS like a crook. Therefore, he clearly works for JD Byrider, the most crooked car dealership in the USA. I mean that guy looks so crooked i would not even want to buy a candy bar from him. Not even if it was a chocolate covered Payday bar. Oh my gyod that guy looks creepy
  6. I will admit the only reason I stayed more than 5 minutes was cause I had a mentor who I knew outside SL who basically dragged me in. She got me started but then moved on like she does with every "friendship" she makes :matte-motes-confused: I remember seeing my stupid avatar as that pink polka dot dress girl and first thing i wanted to know was "how to fix that sh*t". I knew I was hooked though one day when I had lost my hair the day before and at work the whole next day was looking forward to going home to figure out how to fix that. Sometimes i still do accidently remove my hair but I know exactly what to do now - attach a box to my head to hide it. No one notices thankfully
  7. Je croix sur NCI, y'avait des landmarks pour des francophones. Il y'avait un "Welcome center" pour des francophones aussi. Peut-etre il est inactif aussi, je n sais pas. Aussi, si on trouve un isle francophone, n'oubliez pas que on doit demander s'il y a des autres isles. En effet, on peut te donner des landmarks. Desole mon francais n'est pas bien, je suis americaine.
  8. Good sir, you had not mentioned what someone judged you about. Just wondering if you don't mind one asking. I used to get judged cause my avatar shape is a bit larger (she would probably be a size 14 USA if she were a RL human) Also, I have a hunch that you are hanging out in some **bleep** infested infohub sim like help Island Public. You get a lot of rude asses and cliques in places like that. The good thing about those is that they tend to piss off a lot of people and sometimes the griefers get so bad they end up shutting down. The griefers in this case are those who have a bone to pick and not just bored noobs. Some places are non-judgemental though. I used to go to BBWorld, it is a place for larger avatars (mostly ladies) and the men who love us. The LO's main rule - no judging. All are wecome. We even had a male avatar there who was clearly male (shaved head, beard, shape, skin) but wore a dress. No one messes with him. In SL or RL - you have to acquire the strength to say "This is who I am, hell with those who do not approve". An old 80's metal song by Helloween explains this very well, it is called "We got the right". You have to OWN who you are
  9. I think I worked there for like a week once, it actually is pretty nice and the owner is a good person as well I had left for my own reasons, it was nothing against the club or anyone.
  10. As you get older in SL, just like in RL - people judge less. Once you get to my SL age - almost 4 years in the game, people simply do not mess with you anymore. I guess even in SL, people respect their elders. It is aggrivating at first yeah cause you are establishing your look etc and then you have some telling you how to look. I think the worst ones are the ones close to a year who think they know everything.
  11. Try to view each day as a fresh start to things. The only time I tend to anguish the new day is if I have some crap schedule for work that day. SL does help take my mind off the daily grind though. I might ponder ideas about a new house to build or whatever stuff i am doing in SL. I know many dread life but here is the thing - On my way to work, I pass a homeless shelter, I see this guy who has set up his home under a bridge, I pass one of our county jails, and i realize that at night, I have a bed to sleep in, a roof over my head, a car to drive, and even a computer to do things like SL. Sometimes you just have to count your blessings. Sometimes it seems like the end is coming but one always gets by somehow. Often you come up on things and think, "there is no way I can make it thru this!" but then one day it is just a bad memory and you realize you made it thru somehow.
  12. I am sure at least a few of us have - spent 24 or more hours at once in game.Neglected responsibilities cause SL was more importantHad relationshipsetcWhen we were new, we went thru "How do i get a job, why am I wearing a box, how do you play this, what does this notice mean that "fangs" wants to animate my avatar..." Day one was stupid. maybe it is just slow, try again tomorrow. Day two was cool, that seems pretty neat, what is this SL? Day three, you finally figured out how to do something but it will take a while to learn more about it... At some point you find yourself hooked. Anyways, on the day you got hooked, what was it exactly that drew you in hardcore? For me, it was being able to build my avatar's look and I guess maybe character. I was like a young girl who just her first Barbie set. I am embarrased to admit this evenn to my fellow SL'ers but I love my avatar as if a friend. In reality, yes it is pixels on a screen but I cannot see it that way. "Pixels on a screen" is how I see my player on non-RPG's games. So I guess my hook for SL was being introduced to my ideal sister or friend. I think the worst part is this - in RL I am not lonely, I do have friends and regular social interactions. So why would I need an online character? Not sure.I see her as her own person and not so much an extention of the RL me. Too much emotional investment into a graphic? Reminds me of that movie "cool world". Maybe I am not the only one - I do understand why some folks are so testy when their avatar gets pushed or griefed. So how did you get hooked?
  13. If I knew it was the last day I was to be in SL - I guess send notecards to everyone I actually talk to explaining how to stay in touch or whatever i needed to say. I would give them whatever i could transfer. At that point, it would not matter what I did otherwise cause I would not be able to enjoy it. No point in building anything or starting anything new.SL is kind of a progression of things and to me - most things I do are longer term things, even if most ideas end up on the back burner or garbage. I tend to come and go from SL but i would not want to HAVE to leave.
  14. Yeah there are some cars in SL I would like but with the not being able to use a tradmark name, it makes it hard to find. If I found some cars in SL I wanted but didn't have the L$ for at the moment, do you think the creator would offer financing?
  15. He hung in there a long time. Wow, I had no idea he was that old. I remember when I was a kid and watching reruns of Andy Griffith Show, I thought, "How come all police officers are not as cool as that guy?" Rest in peace
  16. Without the details of exactly what happens when you try to log in, people are kind of left to guessing... First, how for do you get? Does it get to the log in screen and then you put your info in, and SL says it cannot log you in? If so, what details does it give? This means - is SL saying it cannot log you in or is your own computer saying it cannot run SL? If it is your computer - does it just crash in the middle of log-in? If so, try an older viewer. A lot of computers are having problems with this newest viewer, V3 something.... I know mine does. As far as being banned from SL - You have to mess up pretty bad for that to happen. Pretty bad as in - Fraud (like stealing people's money), Creating a viewer that is seriously problematic (Like something called "Emerald viewer" ), creating or participating in a really shady sim like a casino of "wonderland. Basically it has to be real-life illegal stuff. OR something that only experienced SL'ers would have any clue how to commit. Silly crap like particle griefing or telling land officers where to go is not gonna get you banned from SL.
  17. Yeah typically the peopl;e you would want to do business with have payment info on file. That and when looking to rent their concerns are - size of land, prim allowance, rights, and price. The hard fact is - n00bs are a pain in the butt. Sometimes what seems to be a noob is but an alt. Of course you can usually tell noobs pretty fast cause they do things like wear houses.
  18. Yeah when you are new and asking for things, people will often drop a ton of their unwanted freebies on you.Usually it is stuff they got at Janet's Junkhouse freebie sim or wherever. If you are wanting a custom avatar created, it is probably going to cost. I know there are people in SL that provide this service but i doubt anyone is gonna just do all that for free. Here are just a few costs for pre-fab things - Shape - 200'ish Good hair - 200 - 300 Good skin - about 1,000 (tho razzanova has some good (not best) skins for about 400 AO - optional but good ones seems to run around 300 - 400 Cost for someone to travel around and search for exactly what you want - Oh this one would cost big I am sure. Or as my friend Julie puts it - "Plan on dropping a bullock" Also don't be shocked if they would expect the money up front. Too often people custom-order crap and then decide "it is not what they had in mind". I learned that REAL quick when I was thinking of going into the custom animation business. Your best bet is to mess with the sliders for your shape as that is FREE and to do your own searching... Where to get nice things? - Gurlywood or Damselfly for nice hair (keep in mind higher prim hair causes you more lag, flexiprims are a pain like that) Redgrave, Curio, and Belleza seem to be the big names in skin. Once again I recommend Razzanova for a good skin at a fair price.Any reputable shop is going to have female skins with a "natural" look. Yes it will have makeup but a natural light dusting like in RL when a lady wants to look good for "day" look. With clothing - SOME freebies are worth their salt but typically a good outfit runs about 250. Try Hucci or Pretty lady for some good things. Hucci seems to specialize in clothing that, well, you guessed it
  19. Maybe some with the name Linden are not working or affiliated with LL, they just want to look important. Kind of like when wanksters get these police-car looking cars and think they are important.
  20. I am guessing you are not good with being "part of a crowd" in real life either? That is not a problem, maybe you are like me and feel like "Two is company, three is a crowd". Problem with trying to be part of "the crowd" is it takes too much time and energy. Maybe try to find others who are more on the loner side.
  21. I tend to have the same problems. Usually when it is a bumpy cross between regions is when I am driving or even in someone else's car. Walking or flying never gives this problem though. If there are a lot of avatars in a place I have real bad lag but that is cause my computer and not so much SL. Since there is almost exclusively user created stuff, I imagine the LL servers are chock full of junk. I mean each time someone creates something new, unless it is identical to something else, it is new content to track.
  22. I am far from good at it, but yeah there are a couple tracks that are good for practice. My biggest problem is when driving on mainland I keep seeing things i want to investigate and great - it is a no-rezz zone so if I get out, there goes my ride. I have found that often off-road has many places so I just drive thru the grass, over the curb, and back on the road. On tha main roads, I keep seeing this empty thing traveling around, looks like a carriage. I keep trying to hit it but it gets away One time I was on this long stretch of straight road, got going forward dead centered, and kept speeding up the car... God knows how fast I got but next thing I know the viewer decides to just crash. Nyll who responded on this thread gave me a GXP. Try one of those and see if it steers better for you. I think they are copy/no mod/trans
  23. Actually when I drive, my camera angle is real close to this maybe a bit more angled downwards and away but it is a good view - This video is from some arcade game called "Cruisin USA" MY SL driving is NOTHING like as clean as this game. I cannot even get that game to run well with MAME on my computer I wonder if a driving experience in SL like that game is even possible? No, sadly for me, crap is constantly rezzing on the sides of the roads and of course the obigatory being thrown off the road at some sim crossings. So the scripting of the car messes with the camera angle?
  24. The Pontiac that Nyll gave me seems good. The only things that seem to make a good SL car (besides texturing) would be handling, and most of that is in the steering. Not like an SL car is gonna throw a rod or break the timing belt. I did buy some caddy looking low rider with oversensitive steering, and it has hydraulics but when pumped, the wheels are floating below the car weirdly. My first thought was, "Why did I buy this thing?" but at L$30, wow there goes a whole nickel of RL money hahah I may or may not get other vehicles. I actually saw a "Smart car" in the MP for like L$2. I might get it as a joke, even though I HATE those cars in RL. Turn it physical and drive it off a cliff. So umm, who wants a boat-sized caddy with hydraulics that looks like it just rolled out of the hood? It might be transfer. So I might ask - if a car passes the texture quality test, what else would make a good or bad one aside steering?
  25. It is a constant learning process, just like RL. At first it is aggrivating. I mean you are trying to grasp the very basics but once you get past that, you at least know what questions to ask to further your know-how. Some things you will run into but should not be discouraged about - LL is always supposedly "phasing out" stuff. It typically takes at least a year between the time it it said and when it happens. The stupid vampire clans are always trying to lure new folks. Unless you want to be part of that money-sucking culture, just do not associate with them.... which brings us to - You can for the most part choose who you want to associate with. Unless you are renting from the Lindens, then you might have to have contact. With having a premium account, unless you plan on buying land from Linden Labs, that is not necessary. You could just as easily rent from a private estate and get a better house than the shacks that LL provides. Much nicer ones out there. Be careful what you ask for - Sometimes you might say something about needing a new hair and someone will give you like 1,000. While they mean well, it is a chore sorting thru them. SOMEtimes people will just give a couple or even one good whatever. Keep INV clean, do this from day one. Don;t be one of those "I have 42,000 items and cannot find anything" types.
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