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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. ^ This is good detailed advice from Frigga. Personally, I seldom use Outfits except to save a few basic configurations such the "Basic Senra Naked" one. I'd save the Senra Jamie subfolder into the Body folder, rather than the Clothing folder. I'd skip saving the pre-Senra Outfit and save "Basic Jamie" with a BOM bikini on rather than naked, in case you need to quickly change your avatar into something with clothing in a public place.
  2. There's something wrong with the world when people believe wrestling is real, football is fake, vaccines will kill people, and encouraging people to vote means the person is part of a CIA psy-op.
  3. I agree that folks should be able to flounce about as much as they wish. Flounce out of grouos, SL or the forum. Heck, more people should flounce *into* groups and the forum too. It's very entertaining. ❤️ 💃
  4. Since the problem is with a Valour skin, you should send a note about it to the owner of Valour or a CSR for Valour.
  5. Hi, msmaybach I'm sorry you're having difficulty with your avatar. The reason it's so complicated is that many of the pieces you're working with were created by users without a real standardized process. The original avatars were simple, but very ugly by today's standards. Users created better-looking options over the years, but these options also made the process of avatar customization more complicated. Right now, I'd suggest using the Senra Jamie avatar for a little while, because it's less complicated. If you ever get stuck with a weird-looking or naked avatar, you can also Replace with one of the avatars in the Library of your Inventory. Next, I'm sure the people on this forum will be glad to help you straighten out what went wrong with your avatar. Let me ask you a few questions to that end. Which mesh body and head are you trying to use? It's important to use a shape that's made for the brand of head you're wearing. It helps that you took a picture of how your avatar looks. If you can take a screen shot of what is Worn in your Inventory, this will also help people determine what when wrong. You will always be wearing some kind of Shape, Brow Shape, system Skin and system Eyes. If you want to change any of these, you'll need to Wear or Replace them with a different one. Clothing, tattoos, makeup, and mesh body parts, in contrast, can be Removed or stacked with multiple pieces by Adding them to your avatar. The Senra Jamie avatar will need to use a Senra Jamie Shape, but you could probably wear the Maria skin on it if you wished. (I used one of those skins on my Senra Jamie because I liked how it looked.) You'll have to use either system/ BOM clothes or mesh clothes made for Jamie or Blake on the Jamie mesh body. Other mesh clothing won't fit right.
  6. New LaraX compatible Group Gift outfit - Bra Top, Panty, Jacket & Leggings - at Guguvagas. (The regular & hearts HUDs will work on the same pieces, so you only need to have one folder for both.)
  7. Every topic is fine as long as the poster doesn't use a dark font that won't show well on a dark background, if they cut and paste with a dark text on a bright white background, or if they cut and paste an image of text that's too hard to read instead of actual text.
  8. Out-sells, aka my competitors are making more sales than me on Marketplace.
  9. Someone said they can find out everything about me in real life from my IP address.
  10. My friend was banned from Second Life unfairly, what can they do to get back in? (Note these are always short-lived threads.)
  11. When I'm sad, bored, or irritated with people in SL, I sometimes like to fly around Bellisseria and AR people for breaking the rules. 😈 😁 Only half kidding. This will not make you any friends, but would give you something to do and is better than griefing people.
  12. Looking for a Sugar Daddy (aka someone to give me money and buy me stuff). Family roleplay drama, especially between adult "children" and their "fathers". Baby Girls, Lolitas, and Waifus.
  13. The Belleza GenX and Erika bodies might also provide a curvy shape you like, but they have less clothing support than Legacy or Reborn have.
  14. I am a college student doing my thesis on _____ in Second Life. Please answers these questions on Survey Monkey, then let me interview you for a more in-depth study. 📚
  15. I don't see a good reason to save a bunch of inventory that I'll never use. So I'll go through my clothing folders, see if there are sizes that work with LaraX, Erica, (or Freya or GenX Classic for Persephone), and if not then I'll probably delete them. There's still a bunch of non LaraX clothing that works pretty well. For instance, Isis and Legacy sized mesh at least don't mess up LaraX alpha cuts the way Lara classic autohide does.
  16. As long as it's not some offensive racial caricature, I don't care how someone else's avatar looks,...except if they're expecting a sl sexual encounter. Sorry, not sorry, but I'm at least partially visually oriented when it comes to being turned on or not.
  17. I'll add to this one and say "Realistic human avatars". Not everyone wants their avatars to look realistic. One of the great things about SL is that we have a huge ability to control how our avatars look. Some (most?) of us don't like how some other people's avatars look, and probably because this is a virtual world in which we can fairly easily change how we look, we might feel it's fine to criticize other people's choices. It actually isn't.
  18. For the edification and benefit of those not very familiar with this forum, what are some topics to avoid? Examples: Banlines and Security Orbs as a sailing hazard. ⛵️
  19. How could LL change things so zero second orbs no longer work on mainland? (evil laugh) 😁
  20. LL is free to change the policies that govern SL, but they want to avoid doing things that will break existing content or upset too many users. They removed Adult regions on mainland and created Zindra. They banned sexual age-play, gambling, banks and gotcha machines. They got rid of the teen grid and changed how they restrict users by age. It would probably be a simple matter to restrict zero second teleport home scripts from working on mainland. I'm not a scripter, but it might take something like adding a program line like " If time = 0 to 4, then time = 5 " or If coordinates = Avatar Home, then Teleport = Fail."
  21. I'm looking forward to when the coasts of Ranch, Mediterranean and Sakura are traversable by river-like waterways. I see river cruises in the future, as well as wine trains. 🛳 🍷 🚉 😎
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