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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. Heads up: If everyone who is not interested in a thread ignores it and doesn't post in it, it's more likely to sink to the bottom of the pile faster.
  2. It's more like buying a chicken vs. buying eggs. If one buys a chicken, they're insured that they'll have "free eggs" (a place to live and rez stuff in SL), but they'll also need to buy a chicken coop and feed (tier payments).
  3. This is a very legitimate fear, especially with your "free" land model. I can imagine some newbie "buying" land (free or cheap), without realizing that the true cost of owning land is the tier payments. They put some God-awful build and junk all over their land, such as packaging boxes and crap that spews particles and sound. The long-term neighbor has to put up with this crap (if they don't know how to derender it all). The newbie gets hit with a tier bill, abandons their land, and then the next newbie does the same thing. Rinse and repeat. At least having to pay upfront for land will make newbies think twice before buying it. Purchasing an annual Premium account saves one from having to pay constant fees to buy lindens to pay their rent.
  4. This seems more like an AI idea than an SL one. I'd like to resurrect Torely Linden and ask him what would make SL more fun for newbies. As for RL people, I'd like to create some AI's of the United States founding fathers (those with the most written documents to draw from) and ask them what they think of the current state of culture and politics in the U.S.A. p.s. I'd also like to resurrect Veronica Franco with an A.I. to ask her what she thinks of our modern would, William Shakespeare to ask him what he thinks of our movies, and Mozart to ask him what he thinks of modern music.
  5. I love click bait forum thread titles. That's why I read it. 🤣
  6. Asking "what if" is not the same as disclosing someone's secret identity. It's exploring the multiverse of possible Peter Parkers, not outing the actual Peter Parker in our Universe.
  7. That's so we can emote about suspending our disbelief. 🙃
  8. Where will the Mediterranean Community Center be? There are train Stations and fancier boat rezzing areas at Kersplash and Seaweed, so these are my best guesses right now.
  9. Friends don't let friends drink and DJ. Friends don't text friends when they know they're on a date or are "busy now" with another friend.
  10. True. Warning: Be careful who you name, and no shaming allowed!
  11. Just for fun, imagine one forum member were actually the alt of another. Example: What if Zalificent were the alt of Luna?
  12. I think finding shoes that fit with a male avatar's pants is about as hard as getting a top and pants to fit right together for a female avatar. At least female jeans sometimes have boot fit that can go inside of boots and leggings can usually fit inside of a short boot. Once we try to fit pants with a taller boot, all bets are off though, unless the pieces are made to be part of the same outfit.
  13. Mesh body (LaraX, Belleza Freya or Jake) = 1 point (hands & feet included) Mesh head, teeth, eyes = 3 points Hair = 1 point usually, max 2 points Body and Head HUDs = 2 points AO = 0 points usually (included in Firestorm viewer) Wolf AO = 1 point Wolf tail & ears = 2 points (feral or humanoid) Max points for my avatars naked = 11 Dress or Top = 1 point Pants or Skirt = 1 point Mesh Undies or Bikini = 2 points max Jacket or Sweater = 1 point Belt or other = 1 point Shoes = 2 points max Mesh Socks = 1 point Necklace = 1 point Earrings = 2 points max Bracelets = 2 points max Hat or Hair Ornament = 1 point RLV attachment = 1 point Mouth attachment = 1 point Hand attachment = 1 point Temp Hair or Clothing HUDs = 2 points max Max points for my avatars dressed = 31 Note: if your Collar is modifiable, you should be able to change the scripts in it.
  14. In my type of workplace there are a few ways of addressing a problem, especially safety and compliance issues. 1. Telling employees to be more careful and to follow the rules. This is not very effective. 2. Firing the person who didn't follow the rules or who made a mistake. This is also not very effective, because others could do the same thing. 3. Making new, stricter rules. This is also not very effective, largely because people will circumvent rules if they seem to waste time, be inconvenient or to be stupid. 4. Putting in cameras to scare employees into thinking they're constantly being watched. This is fairly effective, but wouldn't work well in SL. 5. Putting in safety guards such as plastic shields. This is fairly effective, but can sometimes be circumvented. Being able to restrict who can come into a parcel or region is sort of like putting up anti-idiot safety guards. 6. Re-engineering a machine or restructuring a procedure so the potential problem no longer exists. This is the most effective way of solving a problem, especially if it's a recurrent one. If 0 second security devices teleporting avatars home were viewed by LL as a big enough problem, they could remove the ability for this to happen. There would be no need to report 0 second security orbs in Bellisseria and no employees would need to respond to such complaints, because the problem wouldn't exist. If newbie griefers are a problem in some regions, region owners can age-restrict who comes into their region. If the creation and selling of micro-parcels were viewed as a problem, LL could make it impossible to sell parcels under a certain size. If people complain about ugly or view-restricting objects, give them the ability to derender those objects.
  15. I have trouble sewing a button back. I can mend small tears and hems, but it doesn't always look great. My Mom taught me next to nothing about cooking, house-keeping or how to take care of myself as an adult. My Dad taught me how to hit a baseball, ride a bike, drive a car, and balance a checkbook. Girl Scouts taught me to cook, sew a little, and first aid. My Mom taught me to have a sense of humor, how to recognize a narcissist, and to hide my emotions from people who could hurt me.
  16. Most of the time washing pots, pans and dishes right away is preferable, imo, because dried food is harder to get off and a sink full of wet or soaking dishes breeds bacteria. There are times though, when one has to rush off, they're too tired to do dishes, or food on cooking containers has to soak before it can all be scrubbed off. Roasting pans are the worst.
  17. Nope. As long as your name tag is visible and it doesn't look like it's for a Linden or Mole, you are following the rules.
  18. Peeve: If we don't call someone out for bad behavior, rude or insensitive comments, others will think these behaviors or comments are ok. Modeling and molding good behavior is not just necessary for children.
  19. Perhaps you don't understand because his lived experience is not the same as your lived experience. Some people prefer to express themselves in SL more or less like they look in RL. Others prefer to express themselves in a different or idealized way in SL. I think most of us fall somewhere in between or change our SL appearance depending on our mood. We may choose to look younger and thinner in SL. We might choose to have bigger breasts, to be taller, to not display our RL race or gender, to dress more provocatively, or to not display a RL disability. You can't know the motivations for another user choosing their avatar(s) unless you know them personally and they tell you this. To assume that a person displays a disability in SL in order to get sympathy is very presumptuous and ableist.
  20. I like Bellisseria in general, but most of the objects have lower land impact versions that have been made by user-creators. I wish there were RP shopping areas in Belli, but I think Mainland 2.0 should allow users to choose their own buildings and landscaping.
  21. Yes. This along with the popularity of Bellisseria shows that there would be a demand for a more controlled kind of Mainland 2.0. When users were making money by renting homes and parcels on private estates and mainland, LL created Linden Homes and directed that money into its own coffers. Private estates are now more popular for commercial property than mainland is, so why wouldn't LL emulate them for a better controled mixed use mainland as well? I'm not saying they should try to kill off the private estate market, because they obviously make money from this. I'm just saying they could create public space land that would be more appealing to newbies than the current Mainland mess must be.
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