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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. Read what I wrote - not what you want it to mean. Dakota's statement is little more than a statement of intent - it is not a statement of fact. They have no intent to actually move all existing Gatcha listings into the new category. That does not mean they belong where they are currently sitting.
  2. How to contact Support - make sure you're logged in.
  3. Oh dear .... Calm yourself. There is no "prejudice" here - at all. That is you reading your own reaction into my response. Nothing more and nothing less. They have a Category: Gatcha. That is where they belong. That is the "proper category" - and nowhere did I say anything about forcing anyone to relist. Read what I wrote - move them all. That means all existing Gatchas get moved, by the Lindens. After that, further listings outside the proper Category get removed. You may disagree all you'd like but do not pretend for a single second that what you believe is reality nor that what you read into another's post is what has actually been said. ETA: To make something a bit clearer - I shop for Gatcha items myself on rare occasion. Funny thing about it? I've always had the thought that they'd be easier to find and manage in general if they were all in their own Category.
  4. The solution is simple, yes ... but it isn't anything at all to do with adding in check boxes. Move all Gacha/Gatcha items into the Gatchas category - yes, all of them. Give said category several basic sub-categories. Remove any/all found outside said category - no matter when they were listed, no exceptions. Code in the ability to exclude entire categories and sub-categories from Search Results/General Display. Simple? Yep, for end users anyway. Likely not for the coders. Time consuming? Certainly parts of it would be, yes. It's certainly a bit more worthwhile than trying to add in new sub-categories for varied Fantasy Races, especially since it would appear that said endeavor is a bit ... skewed.
  5. Been there - last time was back in the XP days. I haven't used Windows since XP went EOL - partly thanks to not having a PC I can call mine. Mind by "used" I mean as a daily driver. I have helped friends and family with their Windows PCs since that time - both in person and through remote applications such as Team Viewer.
  6. There is a big difference between resetting your router/modem and unplugging it/forcing it to power cycle (which is what is often meant when most Technical Support brings up "resetting" it). The former is indeed a bit more Nuclear as it entails setting it back to Factory Default. The latter is nothing more than a power cycle or a quick restart/refresh of your internet connection (akin to power cycling your actual computer or similar hardware). Hence why I said rebooting it - not resetting it. There is a difference. Non OS level software should only be reinstalled as a last resort, prior to escalating your problem solving to OS level troubleshooting. Much the same with some hardware: Power cycle/reboot comes well before a reset (if such is an option).
  7. Your machine holds a cache file that it checks each time you log in. While your actual inventory is stored server side, the manifest is kept on both the server and your computer - that is the cached file. Unless told otherwise, the client treats the cached manifest as the "real" one. You haven't "lost" anything - it simply fails to be loaded. You would be surprised how many internet related problems can be solved simply by rebooting your router/modem. There is a reason it is among the first few things technical support will ask about (where internet issues are concerned). If the Linden Lab client shows normal inventory and a Third Party one does not, a clean install is not always required - clear out (manually if you have to) the various caches first. The only reason Firestorm's Download page has a recommendation concerning a clean install has to do with potential settings issues/mismatches and updated files occasionally not playing nice with older ones. It has nothing to do with general technical support and nothing to do with Inventory or other issues. At all. A complete, fresh install/reinstall is the Nuclear Option - always has been and always will be, be it small scale software all the way through to the OS itself. It is the Last Ditch effort.
  8. Seems most already touched upon what items in that listing rubbed me the wrong way so I'll just tackle item 1 .... Not all e-mail providers handle offline IMs and Group Notices the same. Some will simply dump them into Spam (no matter how many times you pull them out) with no option to prevent it or they'll just outright delete them (no, not send to Trash - delete) before you even have a chance to see them. So yes, there is a good reason why some warn about IM caps and request you send a notecard instead.
  9. Oh for .... Steam currently allows Adult Content - those thinking such is a problem, try to keep up. Steam has categories other than "Games" though the way they have them all arranged is rather idiotic. Under their current system, Sansar belongs under Software. As would Second Life if Linden Lab ever tried to list it. Point blank: Virtual Reality needs its own primary category - as it stands it is presently and erroneously placed under Games. Early Access needs to be its own category as well, with several sub categories. Also point blank: As stated above, if you really think listing things containing Adult Content on Steam, is a problem ... you really haven't been paying attention.
  10. No idea - I can tell you that it hasn't taken off as much as it should have, despite being around for several years. Mostly thanks to Flickr and such.
  11. *points at my Signature* Snapzilla.
  12. Oy .... Here we go ..... If Sansar is a Platform then it needs to be listed under the Software category - period. It isn't, it is listed as an Early Access Game. Argue all you'd like, extol Sansar's virtues all you like, if your argument is that it is a Platform then it is incorrectly listed.
  13. The way it is shaping up? Steam is more or less a kind of Software repository for the modern age. The big problem though is how Steam started out (game distribution) - many still see it in that light and sadly this skews things a fair bit. At the very Least Linden Lab listed Sansar as being Early Access - Steam's equivalent to Late Alpha/Early Beta. There are some actual games listed on Steam that have been Early Access for years. If they ever listed Second Life on Steam, they'd have a problem: It's not exactly Early Access but it sure as heck isn't exactly a truly finished/polished product either.
  14. Well .... Blender is listed on Steam, if that's the way you're looking at it.
  15. While the bulk of Steam's offerings are indeed, games, they do have bits of software and other tings not traditionally thought of as "games" on offer .... Not much mind you but still ... Either way, honestly neither Second Life nor Sansar belong on Steam, despite Valve's now lax approach to certain kinds of content.
  16. This almost reminds me of another user who decided to go to the middle of Nowhere and crank their Draw Distance up to a level well beyond absolute absurdity .... Just out and wandering about on foot? No reason at all to have Draw Distance set above 256 meters. Using a vehicle at a sane speed? Most you'll need is 512 meters. Everyone's different? That's nice - the above is sane, that's all there is to it. There is no reason to have your Draw Distance set above two sims length - none. Not for most use cases. "But what about photography?" - Do you really need to be able to see what is going on three or more sims away? If the answer is no, then keep it sane. In the past, Draw Distance was calculated from the position of your Avatar. Now it is calculated from the position of your camera. Gads .... and some wonder why their lag is so bad or why network based/render based lag is so bad for them ..... Some even wonder why they get "crap FPS" ... Yeah yeah, not the point of the OP but it still irritates me to no end ...
  17. VVO, now. Virtual Verse One. The other mentioned - slsecrets - is little more than a Tabloid.
  18. The text files ARE the logs. The file you seem to think is the main log is a record of the most recent conversations, not the actual log. That is why you HAVE text files with the names of accounts/groups you've sent IMs to/received from as well as a general "chat" text file. The generic, recent message log aside, this is how it has ALWAYS worked. ETA: Since the original post has been edited to remove the question: The OP was asking about conversation logs and mentioned a specific .log file, assuming that by its name that it was the conversation log.
  19. That's just it - if all that was done is to update the look and add in newer animations/tweak a thing or two in the script .... it's an update. In Iren's case: Similar look to the original with (according to their post) wholly new scripts and animations. That's not an update - not by technicality. Hence why I mentioned how some avatar makers handle such things - in that instance it boils down to how the creator views it. is it actually the exact same product, just with some updates or is it a similarly designed (even named) but different/new product? If it is the latter, do customers have to buy the new product and if so, do they get a discount for owning the prior one or not? Iren is calling it an update but treating it like a similarly named but actually different product, one which must be bought again.
  20. Like I said, I can be a bit of a pedantic arse at times ... It honestly depends on my mood though much of the time I prefer that if someone wishes to know my thoughts/opinions on something that they ask for them a bit more directly. From where I sit the main interaction was predicated on the assumption that the majority of my statements reflected my opinion and thus that there was either some deeper reasoning behind such blunt, fairly straight forward statements or that something was not being communicated properly. I was treated the requests for clarification as not understanding what had been stated rather plainly, not as a request for clarification of or a statement of my views. A bit of a mutual misunderstanding/error there.
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