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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. The point: It's been far worse before and took time to fix. Harping won't fix anything and speculation by the general user base is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.
  2. Looking back at the early days of Second Life, considering there was an entire week where the entire Grid was down thanks to a botched roll out (back when they took the whole thing offline for the day to update the server code)? That just being the tip of the iceberg? Sit down, buckle up and read a book.
  3. To an extent anyway. Premium, Monthly. For the life of me I cannot justify the cost of Yearly at present - unlike the ones here on the forum that'll sing the praises of Yearly/Annual I actually use my Stipend, something that is a fair bit more common than they'd like to believe. I've only ever had to use Support a grand total of twice: Both for a billing issue caused by my bloody bank.
  4. As amusing a bit of humor as that was, Alyona ... There actually are users on Linux. We have to wait on TPVs to update.
  5. That is only viable if you're on Windows or OSX.
  6. @steeljane42 With this new Linden Homes continent, they are allowing sky boxes but with height restrictions. It's in the Covenant for the land.
  7. No worries and apologies if I came off a bit harsh.
  8. Point blank, if they're going to do anything at all related to said changes they need to keep them right where they are. There is no reason whatsoever to roll them anywhere else. Especially with how much they charge for Tier, coupled with the absolutely insane prices users place on Mainland plots. "Go to an Estate then!" No. Go buy or rent your own sim. See how that "works"? Keep saying you want a community or a collaboration... It goes both ways you know. Personally, I'd have no problem with Linden Lab making a whole Continent with access ways and such for vehicle users built in. Do not force it on existing plots. Ever.
  9. And again - why? There is pretty much no point, at all. Expression is currently handled by gestures, ASCII art and expression systems in mesh heads. The first two function in text only mobile clients. Honestly there are far more important things Linden Lab could do than to implement an Emoji system, just to please the mobile/txt speek crowd.
  10. One of many reasons I don't use their service for Second Life... It's a pity that the service I do use sees so little in the way of promotion...
  11. That one does things like that as a matter of course, Blush. You should see how they act when a TPV has problems...
  12. Ah yep! I should have noted that there is a somewhat different behavior between properly saved outfits and your current outfit. "Current Outfit" is essentially your unsaved current state, if it matches a saved outfit, the system can far more easily keep track and you're likely to log in wearing that after a crash or teleport disconnect. Some of the behavior I've described was before the implementation of Outfits.
  13. Indeed. Long ago, Draw Distance meant a radius around the avatar but they changed it at some point to mean a radius around the camera.
  14. That's not a "newbie" - the last name "Clip" was in circulation a little over a decade ago. Rude? No. Blunt? Yes. Don't like blunt? There's an Ignore feature.
  15. Back again and after how long now? All for another meaningless dig? Oh and after not bothering to look around the forum to see if anyone else already posted about the various Teleport related issues too! Bored?
  16. No, it isn't. Seriously, compared to things back even a year after I joined, this is considerably better. You'd have burst a blood vessel if you'd been around back then, judging by the way you're acting.
  17. So .... Are you just going to complain about everything?
  18. Hey, how about that time when Second Life was down for about a week in the early days? Did ya miss that? Were ya just as gung ho then? If not ... Sit. Down.
  19. Ah yep - until detached, the alterations are little more than a temporary state. Best of luck!
  20. Hmm, that is somewhat unusual behavior then. The only thing that I can figure is that your state prior to teleport and subsequent disconnection is being stored as simply what you're wearing minus any alterations that may have been made. Erm, put another way: Swapping to a particular body/clothing combination gets saved, the alterations however weren't. That'd be my best guess at any rate - a fair bit better than how it could be. Best bet? If you've made an alteration, swap out/detach then swap back/reattach before teleport. Hopefully that changes the end result of the disconnect. Won't solve the disconnect itself but might just save you a bit of hassle on relog.
  21. It should be noted that this is pieced together from years of observation and some first hand experience where this wonkiness is concerned.
  22. Those scripts are changing actual object parameters - the sections you alpha out are doing nothing more than responding to a scripted command. Same with the clothing textures. Those parameters are not saved until you either remove the item in question or properly log off whereas swapping to the body/clothing itself was saved as a state by the system between the teleport and disconnect. Something similar can happen to auto alpha scripted clothing/bodies. I've actually had this happen on occasion. Mind, this is also going off of what you've described - I could be wrong. It sounds like you're describing a disconnect sometime after the teleport.
  23. A TP disconnect is a bit different as no information concerning the state of what you are wearing is actually being saved back to its asset database entry - its present state is simply handed off to the next server. This is how - for example - I can be using one Anthropomorphic avatar, swap to a dfferent one, try to TP, have the TP fail (causing a log out) and then log back in and have the avatar I started with be the one I log in wearing - though this depends on how far along the hand off got before it failed.
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