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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. Ah yes, because the focus of my responses thus far have been on reality, I take things too seriously... Your analogy is wrong, period. The temptation will always be there. The junkie tossing their stash is doing nothing whatsoever to prevent going out and getting more. That is a matter of willpower - nothing more, nothing less. They've solved nothing and only gotten a short term reprieve. You would have been a bit more accurate to have them toss their stash and then seek help in such a manner that acquiring more is difficult or downright impossible. This speaking nothing of just how extreme said "analogy" really is. If you have to relate the use of a computer program to such a thing, there's a deeper problem. In the end, it's their choice on how to proceed. Going the deletion route is best saved as a last resort though. Oh and since you missed the response...
  2. Not an apt analogy in any manner. Selene understood quite well. It is on the user to walk away and stay away - period.
  3. Why bother deleting or canceling the account? Log out, uninstall the client and go on with your life - after making sure you won't get random e-mails of course. All you're doing is adding an extra step should you ever decide to return, nothing prevents you from making an account.
  4. Swing, a miss and a completely inaccurate/wrong generalization.
  5. You've seen how I am ... One of those days where I'm running close to empty on patience and/or understanding.
  6. Oh for ... (redux) Belittling of others? Seriously?
  7. Oh for... People reselling Gacha items generally are looking to get back what they put in while some simply want to be rid of the item they are selling. In either case, they recognize that someone else might just want to skip the machine and get the exact item that interested them. It really isn't that hard to figure out or to understand. As stated earlier, you're conflating monetary value with how collectible an item is - heck with the entire concept of collecting in general! That value is secondary to the actual act of collecting. For crying out loud, there are people who collect rocks and even toe nail clippings! Anyone that places emphasis on the monetary value of the items they have collected is collecting bartering tokens (in a sense) or is keeping track in case they need to sell an item in an emergency. That last doesn't require agreement either - like it or not, that's the reality. Now, would you like some coffee? I know I could use some.
  8. Sorry, not brining either situation up. You're looking at it from a monetary value lens - period. Monetary value does not equate to collectibility, period. It really doesn't. Agree to disagree, fine. This is something we're certainly not going to see eye to eye on anyway - one is focused on the "value" while the other isn't.
  9. The point -which seems to have been missed - is that any item can be collectible because the person collecting said item sees it as such. Rarity/scarcity does not automatically make an item collectible. At. All. Value is meaningless when collecting. Congrats, you're a dealer. You're in the business of attaching a "value" to things that have no intrinsic value, based on a set of criteria. Tho reality is quite different. Start up your own set of "collectibles" if you're looking to mirror such a system.
  10. An item is either collectible or it isn't. What you're describing (partially) is Artificial Scarcity - not the same thing at all. To you this equates to or creates a level of collectibility. To someone else, it may not. Example(s): Some collect stamps. Some collect coins. Some may even collect bridge tokens or similar. Some even collect shot glasses. Some will collect foreign currency (if they travel). Yes, some things that people collect are rare/scarce ... But not always. Don't conflate the two.
  11. That .... is not a crash. That is a disconnect. A crash is when the client (viewer) closes on its own. With or without an error message. Further, your partner cannot clear your cache unless they are attempting to do so on your machine or you use that machine when you normally log in - otherwise there is nothing to clear.
  12. You don't create a collectibility factor - that's what collectibles are for. That's a whole other discussion. There is an entire category on the market place for Gacha items. Its use needs to be enforced and sub categories for it created. If neither is done, the category needs to be removed. Shunting them off to a whole different market or relegating their resale to an in world only location removes an entire potential set of customers/purchases. I personally would not have bought the few Gacha items I have if they where not on the marketplace.
  13. No. The name on your account is the name used for the forum. What you go by within Second Life can change once a week whereas your account name/ID doesn't change. It removes one layer of potential anonymity.
  14. Unfortunately, the RC channel servers are the test bed. Well, secondary test bed. The Second Life Beta Grid - Aditi - is a fair bit too small for the sort of testing that is needed. Most server code is rolled there first before it even hits any of the RC servers on Agni (the main grid). Because of the much smaller scale, testing on Aditi only shows the absolute worst of the bugs. Testing on the Agni RC servers catches more of them but rarely catches them all. How we view these different channels really does amount to nothing: They are marked and treated as test beds and at one time you could find each of these channels running variations on their server code before full release. Fun tidbit: These channels exist and function partly thanks to the heterogeneous nature of the current Second Life Grid and partly due to not having enough information/a large enough sample size during testing of new server side code. Put another way, they didn't have enough users or regions on Aditi to even come close to properly testing these roll outs. Nor do they have the resources to make a full scale duplicate of Agni for internal or beta testing. There really isn't an easy answer or simple way for them to do it.
  15. Heh, I know you're aware of the difference - it's quite clear in how you've responded thus far, even before being mentioned. ETA: I do agree with you, just wanted the above stated.
  16. That's nice. So none of your responses were made in good faith and held the sole intention of leading/feeding your personal conclusion. Good to know. Have fun wasting your day.
  17. Ah yes, because the only valid opinion is that of a user who tosses their time into diagnosing a problem ... While that is not what you are directly saying, that is how it comes across. Word things a bit more carefully. Sorry, not retracting my statement as there is nothing at all factually wrong with it: The user was basing their opinion on a bias (be it personal or otherwise) and conjecture. No substance was given, no reasoning behind their statement made. I raised hardware as a variable specifically due to no two users having the same hardware. If you thought there was some other meaning there, it's on your own end. Stop reading things into a user's posts that are not explicitly stated. Test all you'd like. Meanwhile I'll be going about my day - on and off of Second Life - as I've done since the day I first logged in. Get hit with TP or Region Crossing issues? I'll log back in - after checking Grid Status - and try again. Problems persist? I'll try again tomorrow. It's called patience, something I have for most technical issues and something I lack when dealing with people. And yes, I'm quite fine with that. Now then, do you always have such a hard time stowing your attitude and remaining objective? No need to answer that, your current responses are answer enough. Have fun and have a good Second Life.
  18. So you're testing on something that Linden Lab isn't even - according to the Status Page anyway - working on? That's nice. And yes, the claim that all the clients have the "same" problem is quite accurate: The difference is in the degree. Any client with a longer internal timeout margin is going to see said problem quite a bit less. This does not mean they do not have the problem as in order to not have said problem - on the client end - you'd have to either disable that internal timer if possible or have it be an absurd length of time. Your system hardware being the same for all tests is irrelevant. Your hardware is not the same as my hardware or that of Alyona or Whirly or Qie or ... Get the point on that? It's a variable. Hand off channels - which protocol is being used/ports being used (the latter of these should be universal between client variants) and would be, client side anyway, transferring very little actual information. I should have tossed that as server side. Server crossings have always been a bit flaky - hence part of why I do not bother walking or using vehicles. Now, pop quiz: What was the point I was making with my earlier post?
  19. The difference between clients as described by both Fluf and Alyona is a difference that has several variables which include but are not limited to: Network speeds, internal timeout margins, hand off channels used, some system hardware .... Fun one for both: With very few exceptions, I haven't had many issues. TP disconnects? Only happened sometime last week and even then at the "peak" of all of this. Sim crossing? I don't (and generally never have) bothered walking between regions/sims or taking a vehicular trip. No, I've had a few seemingly random disconnects and am one of the Premium users that can no longer acquire Voice Morphs. That's really about it. Funnily enough, I use Firestorm. Also funnily enough the computer being used runs Linux (up to date kernel, X Ubuntu, 18 series) ... ETA: Before anyone chimes in with "But Solar, why list the OS? It doesn't matter!" - It's a variable.
  20. As you've already stated: Linden Lab has stated that all client programs are affected. Your friend is showing bias, based on their own experience and conjecture. Put another way: In the past they have not made similar statements easily or lightly. As for system release testing - what do you think the Release Candidate (RC) regions are for?
  21. To general users: Gonna use Ignore? Use it. Move on. Announcing you've used it is nothing more than the act of a potential drama monger. @Wulfie Reanimator & @MBeatrix - Avatar ghosting on crash isn't exactly a new thing, it's happened before though to the best of my knowledge it happening on Region crossing crashes was minimal. It used to happen on Teleport related crashes or certain types of 'normal' crash. At the time the only way to fix it was to log in elsewhere and travel to where the ghost was. This forced the system to recognize it had a data ghost and "log off" said ghost.
  22. There's nothing to explain. At. All. Are you a part of the team working on the problem? No - you're an end user, just like me. Report what is wrong, give what information you can, update when you have new information, keep calm and let the techs work. That's all there is to it. Believe what you will, nothing changes the above short of absolute catastrophe. Heaven forbid the system goes completely down for a week.... Oh wait, it did once. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Read a book, watch a few shows, do what you can, supply any factual information you can, update existing information you've supplied... Not that hard. Panic and speculation help no one. But hey, I guess if it's not coming from a Linen or a TPV dev, it's not worth listening to, right?
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