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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. And because you "keep coming up with" anything at all, you're reading into what is being written and thus making your response rather meaningless as a result - you're not responding to what was written but to what you imagine it means. Mainland being connected is irrelevant: The vast majority has no Covenant and thus affords those on it quite a bit of freedom. That is the entire point of it. If you want something more restrictive, you make a community. You then have said community either purchase up all of the land in an existing region or go off and make their own Estate.
  2. Did you read the post? Properly read it? I'm going to guess not, since you're actually being serious here or so it seems. The popularity of the project is meaningless to my statement as it the existence of a vehicle using demographic (after all, if it didn't exist, why cater to it?) - the message sent by that catering combined with the continent placement is the pertinent bit there. This new continent is essentially Linden Homes 2.0. it is not Mainland. Have the Lindens tried their hand at a covenant restricted community before? Yes, they have. Some with better results than others, all part of the Mainland and some giving the wrong impression of what to expect elsewhere. That is the key bit there. Is what they're doing covenant wise for this new continent a good idea? Possibly. Connecting Linden Homes 2.0 to Mainland? No. Mainland, taken as a whole, does not have the restrictions placed upon it that this new continent does. Those who have been around Second Life for a while will understand this discrepancy. Those who haven't ... simply won't. Up until now, Linden Lab has left it up to the user base to create varied communities around their interests, be it on Mainland or elsewhere. That is how Blake Sea came to be after all. For Mainland, that is how it should remain. Mind, I am well aware that my opinion on the matter is rather unpopular - it is what it is.
  3. It's not a major thing. It's a piece of hardware the Lindens decided might add to the appeal of Second Life for content creators. Traditional Mouse causing you hand/wrist issues? Get a vertical mouse. Not a SpaceNavigator, a vertical mouse. Like the above.
  4. Try again, on all fronts. Start by reading what was said, then asking questions since you've obviously read your own take into what was written.
  5. Which was a mistake, plain and simple. Now there is a user demographic that will likely expect the same acquiescence in future projects and which has already suggested it be retroactively applied to all Mainland. This despite the current project essentially begin a revamping of the Linden Homes project. They even made the mistake of connecting the new LH continent to two Mainland areas, further giving the wrong impression and in more than one way. They get no Kudos for that. They do get Kudos for updating the original Linden Homes program and partially doing away with the issue of being stuck with a singular house form within the categories offered (they did say more than the current crop are planned after all).
  6. I'll try to be polite with this: When you're going to do work on your core systems (routers included) shut down the bloody network - any user that wants to complain about it can sod right off. There was no need to apologize. Explain what went wrong, take steps to try and avoid it, move on.
  7. Oh for ... If it wasn't removed after someone reported it (a waste of an Abuse Report to be blunt) then guess what? There's no reason at all to complain about it nor alter it. Move on and get on with your Second Life.
  8. You could wait until the currently scheduled network maintenance is done before assuming you've got a problem - for starters.
  9. Ahem ... Male and I have spent a fair deal on several different avatar forms in varied ways. thank you very much. Then again, I have a very distinct Femboy side that I occasionally indulge when logged in (see the link to my Snapzilla in my signature for an example) so perhaps that skews things a bit... Or perhaps the notion that there are real indicators is ... bunk.
  10. Not to mention that the option to sell passes is almost universally hated within Second Life. There were/are very few places that actually use(d) the option to do so and for bloody good reason. A Toll Way was never one of them.
  11. That's nice. Your opinion of me is irrelevant to the thread. Don't like my responses/reading my posts? There's an Ignore feature. Use it.
  12. Again, there's this thing called "reality" that doesn't care about your feelings or about your whinging. You asked. You got answers. Your personal opinions concerning those who disagree with you (or anyone else) are irrelevant to this thread. they were irrelevant to your prior threads - all of which were "making suggestions" - and will be irrelevant to any future thread of such nature. If they'd wanted a Suggestion area outside of the JIRA, one would have been made.
  13. It has nothing to do with complaining, moaning, negativity or any other thing you've used as a descriptor. There's this thing called "reality" in play. As noted above, the reality is that not everyone knows about or uses the forum. Nor should they. You've had the existing options explained. As usual, that's not enough and those countering your idea are "just being negative" ... Typical.
  14. "Everyone" can see and use the JIRA. Until they make an arse of themselves anyway. They can also use the forum search function. It's that simple.
  15. Or if you frequent the Forum ... Do what I did and put it as part of your signature.
  16. Oh for ... Someone's got a stick so far up their .... The "offended" party can sod right off. If they already filed a report then their message to you wasn't even necessary, just looking to stir drama.
  17. That's nice. Wrong but nice. Ah yes, showing the way most people think .... I understand quite well, thank you. Now to both of you: If you're not willing whatsoever to listen or to understand ... you're frankly wasting time. Next time just post some random meme - it's be just as "meaningful" as your present responses.
  18. It's more because most humans have no concept whatsoever for being objectively reasonable, Wulfie. Yes, it is rather subjective but only because most cannot see past their own nose. To put it another way: You just wasted your own time trying to find a definition for a concept that the vast majority either do not comprehend whatsoever or - as is far more often the case - only have a loose comprehension for. As an out of Second Life example/question: Do you find it reasonable to punish those who take advantage of others? How about those who kill simply because they want to/enjoy it - is it reasonable to punish them? The type of punishment in this instance does not matter much.
  19. They're not using the objective variant of "reasonable" here .... something that sadly many end up doing. These days, "reasonable" is purely subjective.
  20. Not the point I was making - at all. The point concerned loaded language.
  21. You were not "targeted" - someone lodged a complaint about your parcel, the owner acted on it. Simple. Being "targeted" requires something more than a complaint.
  22. Oh for cripe sake ... So, anyone that disagrees or tries to talk sense is a troll now. Thanks for clearing that up.
  23. Part of said optimization is the purview of content creators. Beyond that, runs perfectly fine on a Linux machine with 16 gigabytes of RAM, an I7 4790K and a GTX980 ... Oh and all with only the OS itself on the SSD - all the rest on an HDD or two.
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