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Teresa Firelight

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Everything posted by Teresa Firelight

  1. could you give the SLURL to that store. I tried SL search and the only thing I could find sold buildings and had nothing about 1/2 of sale.
  2. Thank you for posting this. I joined the group and got a couple of the sale items. I was gonna post a picture but see someone already beat me to it... This round was love/hate for me. I just LOVE the Broken Arrows "I love coffee" kitchen wall plaque. I am always on the lookout for cute wall places for the kitchen and this one is darling cute. But I was hugely disappointed with the Mintae Midwest sofa. The ad had no LI data, so I went to the store and checked it out. The model was only 3 LI and I thought ... oh great I need a Low LI sofa for my exercise room. (It only had 3 single female sits, but I figured for the low LI that would be fine.) Then when I got it home and rezzed it.. two disappointments.. first it was 13 LI not 3 when rezzed and second, the pillows that go on it are a separate object and add another 2 LI. So my "low LI sofa" turned out to be 15 LI which I consider on the higher end for a sofa. I am not going to be able to use it and feel that they really should have included the LI in their ad since the model did not represent the real LI. But I am really glad to know about this new SL Home Decor Weekend sale. I anticipate getting lots of nice goodies over time with it and plan to stay in the group. Thanks again for sharing about this!
  3. a bit more on Horizons. A few things you should know: 1. Most homes are sold by professional SL land sellers out to make a profit but at times there are ones that people who lived there are selling at cost for assorted reasons, such as premium expiring, not enough time in SL to merit having SL home, decided to move to Bellisseria, etc. Sometimes you can find a decent price but even the "decent prices" are higher than what most people are used to paying for mainland. 2. Any given horizons lot is 32x32 and cannot be terra-formed. They cannot be joined but if you own two or more parcels in the same region, the prim allowance is shared between them. 3. You can do things there that you cant do at Bellisseria, such as: -- derez your linden home so you can put up your own -- deed to group -- control parcel access -- use most security systems with no elevation or warning time rules -- have more than 2 breedables on your parcel (providing you dont lag out the region) -- have temporary objects ( like plantpets) 4. While the mole-provided landscaping is tons nicer than mainland, it really doesnt hold a candle to what you see it Bellisseria.. plus people can rez anything they want on their parcels, so there is no protection from out-of-theme or eyesores, etc. 5. It is an adult region (even though most of it doesnt behave adult). The HUGE advantage of Horizons Mainland is that it has 2x the LI allowance.. you can do a lot of decorating with 702 prims per parcel.
  4. As Cinnamon said, the horizon regions are considered Mainland (albeit nicer than the original mainland). You cant get them from the land page, you have to purchase one. There are a bunch of regions in Horizons. The one I live on is called Ophelia. Here is an SLurl to Ophelia: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Horizons Ophelia/49/147/23
  5. I should mention that I "overpaid" 90,000L to get a west facing coastal parcel adjacent to swim-able ocean back in Feb of 2019. I used earnings from my hair store that I had not cashed out, so it was not as painful as it sounds. Now the parcels around me are going for 195,000 to 200,000L each .. more than twice what I paid for mine 2.5 years ago. I am shocked at how high the prices have gotten... and yet every now and then, there are actually sales at these inflated prices.
  6. Horizons has some nice areas and some hideous areas -- because there are not rules and people can build whatever they want on their parcels. The super nice feature of Horizons is that you get 2x the LI on each parcel 702 instead of 351. It is an adult region but probably less than 10% of the content there is adult. Most people put regular M rated homes out and live there because of the double LI. I have lived on horizons since 2018 and I rarely have seen people running around nakie or anything ..er.. noticeably adult. I have had a few guys show up "fully erected" and ask me if I am interested in a date... to which I generally ask them to either dress or leave. Think it happened maybe 3 times in over 3 years.. but hey .. happened to me twice on Belliseria homes which i have not lived in for a full year yet. Surprisingly, 2 of the three immediately removed their "tool" and got dressed and stuck around for a bit in a very civilized manner. The third I had to "help" off the property with a ban. The biggest downside to Horizons is the cost. There are Landlords who go around buying up lots and then immediately list them for sale for substantially more than they paid for them. The prices there are so inflated that it is almost a joke. The houses near mine are selling for like 195,000L to 200,000L each .. who is going to pay over $775.00 real USD for a virtual home? The cheapest parcels (not as desirable of a lcoatoin) I have seen are generaly over 40,000L and they are rare.
  7. Even if you are not volunteering (and you have done more than your fair share), do stick around so we can enjoy your company
  8. The region where my home is (Elfin Marbles) is at the outlay..gets dark/light 14 minutes later than the earliet. Glow turned on for me today at 8:44. My alt had a region that got dark at 8:32. So there is a bit of variance depending on where your parcel is in the Fantasy Bellisseria continent.
  9. as far as I can tell, the schedule is 3 hours of day (no glow) followed by one hour of sunset+night+sunrise (with glow). I am giving times in SLT, the exact minutes ranges a bit depending on what part of the continent you are in, but is basicaly the glow starts at 12:30 (AM and PM), 4:30 (AM and PM) and 8:30 (AM and PM). It turns off around (1:30 AM and PM), 5:30 (AM and PM) and 9:30 AM and PM.
  10. ok.. one more... another angle of my back yard at sunrise.
  11. well I got my place decorated. When I have time/energy I will try to do a photo shoot of it. For now here is one teaser picture of my back yard....
  12. Did the moles change the Content Pack? I have one I got on the thursday where they just released 3 regions, and the flowers were all 2 LI each, not 1.
  13. Lovely Pictures Yando. I esp like #3 and #4.. beautiful
  14. As far as I can tell, Fantasy regions are on a 3 hour day followed by 1 hour night cycle. Nights seems to vary by up to 10 or 15 minutes depending on which part of the continent you are on, but start roughly at the 12:30, 4:30 and 8:30 AM and PM and last til roughly 1:30, 5:30, 9:30 AM and PM
  15. oh blackstar.. that is a great space region name too! love it.
  16. good question. I had just assumed it was because of the name and location.. a straight south shot one direction through the "misty sea" .. aka Dannielles ... to Glimmer Bay and the fantasy regions. But you could be right.. could be more to it. Interesting picture. BTW I an thoroughly enjoying the Misty Sea. I have spent some time just hanging around there. there is a LOT to see. Love the lightening effect, the surprise waves, the sea life, the wreckage... it really is well done.
  17. To me, all those floating things in the air (lanterns maybe??) they are an eyesore and I would find the fireworks annoying. But my first line would be to try and derender things and only contact you if I could not successfully derender.
  18. I ran across something that folks might like for their upcomign fantasy home yards.. it is two different unicorns statues surrounded by lovely landscaping.. relativley low LI.. 99L each. From Autisan Edan booth at an event. Located at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Helenos/13/57/4082 After buying I discovered they are no modify, just copy only. Still lovely but perhaps not so usable. still for 99L I dont regret buying them
  19. why is "today" trademarked?? Is that some type of hint??
  20. It sounds like Patch is having fun with all of our guesses...
  21. Logistical Suggestion for the Lindens. If you find a gacha out after sept 1, could you just return it, like you do with covenant breaking items at Bellisseria? If you do that, then there is no penalty for the occasional inadvertently left out machine. (Some of us creators have gachas put out for fundraising, etc at assorted charity locations and dont remember where all of them are.) Of course, if any creator were to put back out a returned item, that would be a punishable offense.
  22. goodness.. this seems so extreme. I have several gacha Hair out .. if I understand correctly, people can resell gachas that have already been purchased but we cant use gacha machines to see them anymore -- is that correct? But we can sell items that were once in gachas as long as they are in clearly marked vendors so people know what they are buying?? Did the higher powers somehow decide that gachas are too much like gambling? is that the reason behind this?
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