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Teresa Firelight

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Everything posted by Teresa Firelight

  1. Apologies.. thought I was posting in a different forum...
  2. Letting go of a very nice stilt on pier. Good space between side neighbors AND a sailing lane behind with pretty view of stilts on water on other side of sailing lane. West facing, lovely sunsets. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bon Vivant/57/76/23 Plan to release at 1 PM SLT unless an amazing Chalet region is released before then...
  3. Marianne.. just for you .. snapshot of Land Page at 1:45 PM SLT on April 16.
  4. Thanks Laurel! It is another nice hilly area.. has a windmill but no water near it. Still cute. here are some pictures...
  5. Thank you Fay. You are amazing to keep us updated on releases. Seems like a particularly nice area. Has High Hills and flat areas with water (a lake I think). Also has an unusually nice Plaza area with a statue. Here are a few pictures
  6. it is funny.. I absolutely hated the chalets when I got my first. Turns out it was mostly the area I landed in that I hated.. was mostly flat with lots of bricks instead of nature. Then my friend got a chalet in a hilly area that was much more to my liking. so I tried for chalet again and got one in a location I like. I think the "where" the home is placed has more to do with whether or not a person will like it than the house itself. I went from absolutely hating them to having two. Both are in locations that appeal to me
  7. Thank you Fay for letting us know what is available atm!! I admire your ability to figure that out, and it is very nice of you to share this info with us all! Someone asked for pictures (on a previous release), so I took a couple while looking around... seems like pleasant hilly neighborhood.
  8. Probably most of you already know this but just in case anyone else shared my confusion.... I recently discovered that the 24 hour "countdown" per try doesnt begin when you abandon a property, it begins when you claim one. So if I claim my parcel at 10:00 AM today and then keep it until noon, and then I use my other 4 tries later that same day.. I can try again tomorrow at 10 AM (the time I claimed it.) I dont have to wait until Noon (when I released it).
  9. Marisa, looks like someone else is about to let it go today. I hope you get it!!
  10. After living there for 5 months, I let that go yesterday so I could get a chalet. This is a super sweet spot.. I hope it goes to someone who loves it. lots of nice stuff closeby including the lighthouse with the ferry to the fairgrounds.
  11. So I did it.. I abandoned a really nice Trad and got a Chalet. At first I did not like them but it turned out that what I did not like was the region I originally landed on and its neighboring regions. (That soured me on Chalet's and I went and got a Log Cabin instead.) Then a friend landed a nice spot on Drumlin, which was quite pleasant. So I decided to go for it... I wasnt crazy about the first 4 spots I landed but I got lucky on try #5. It isnt one of the "hot" spots that most people long for -- such as on a river with windmill, etc. But it is nice and I like it. My criteria was that I wanted lots of green/nature, a bit of space between me and my neighbors, and either hills or water. I got a spot close to two small ponds. It is just past where the road ends, so there is lots of grass/plants and less brick/asphalt.. yey! The view from both the front and the back yards are really nice. Here is a very brief photo tour... The first picture is a snapshot of the house. The second is the view from the front yard and the third is the view from the back yard.
  12. You dont have to abandon your home just to look and see if what you want is available on the land page. You can log in to SL on a non-premium alt, select the "upgrade to premium"button (dont worry you wont get charged) and it brings you to page with the plans and a bit lower on the page is the "Own Your Private Home" section. In it there is a small text link titled "More information on Linden Homes". Click that link. It will bring you to a new page. Click the "Get Your Home Now" button and it will show you the list of what is available. As long as you dont actually select a home on that page, it wont try to charge you to upgrade that alt to premium. Then if you see the type you want.. you can log out, log on to your premium account, abandon your current one and go for the new one. But a word of warning... the stilts dont stay up very long so it is possible that what you see on the alt wont be available by the time you abandon on your premium account.
  13. I am about to abandon a Trad with a really amazing location... on edge of park area along river.. very few neighbors. You can follow the river to a waterfall (all rustic nature) and if you climb up, there are some lovely camper spots at top of waterfall. If you follow the stream the other direction, you quickly come to a small island with a lighthouse and loading area for the ferry that services the Bellisseria Fairgrounds. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Poseidon Peak/136/34/23 I am including a picture so you can see the setting. That tiny green house is the home...and along the river in one direction no more homes til you come to the trailer park. There are homes along the river going the other direction to the fairgrounds. Unless RL surprises me, I plan to release at 8:15 slt.
  14. The chalets are starting to grow on me. While I wouldn't go so far as to say I love them, I dont dislike them anymore. I think that whether or not the chalet neighborhood appeals to you is a matter of which region you are on and which location you get within that region. Drumlin, for example, is a pleasant region. It just filled up recently. The area is a bit more hilly and there is comfortable space between most of the houses. That neighborhood feels pleasant to me.
  15. Please guys.. I love this thread.. it is the only one I read regularly. Lets drop the snarkiness, intense speculating, and innuendos. The regulars on this thread feel like family to me. I would hate to see LL close it down because of a big family spat. Lets move on.
  16. I have to admit that I was extremely disappointed with my chalet location and figured that it probably wouldn't be possible to get a "nice" one because there were so relatively few spots that are desirable to me, and a slew of people who are much better and getting the "nice" spots than I am. So I gave up on chalets. It never occurred to me that it might be just 1 or 2 individuals grabbing a vast majority of the most desirable spaces. If that is really happening, then I can see why people would feel frustrated/upset.
  17. Wow. I hadnt checked the thread for a about 12 hours and I am surprised/saddened by the tone the forum seems to have taken. I am not a GOH player but I dont understand why so much hostility directed to those who are??
  18. Normally I am pretty connected via the Bellisseria Citizens group, but yesterday I was working frantically all day on getting product and display reading for an upcoming event, so I wasnt reading chat. Thus I missed Patches request. I heard about it second hand and misunderstood it to mean "dont abandon and then go get another one." Now I feel sort of bad about abandoning my home yesterday. My thinking was that there is probably a limited supply and since I know I did not want it, I should free it up for someone who likes this style. (Fortunately my misunderstanding did not break the system.) On a "less guilty" note, at least I did not abandon a different home to go get the chalet.. I bought a one-month premium for an alt so I could go play with it.
  19. I must have heard wrong, I only heard second hand. I thought the request was that we did not play GOH the first couple of days... I thought abandoning was ok as long as we did not go get another. My bad.. I did abandon one yesterday. TBH I have no plans to get another chalet, this style of release did appeal to me. I am not actually a GOH player in general. My last abandon before today was well over a month ago.
  20. I just purchased a 1 month premium for an alt so I could get a chalet. But tbh the chalet didn't appeal to me. The exterior of the house is cute but the interior did not excite me at all. And the neighborhood I got SO did not work for me. I had envisioned chalets as in a hilly or mountainous environment with lots of nature around a quaint little town. What I got was in the flats, very built up with a lot of asphalt roads and man-made materials and not much nature. I tried to decorate and make it work, but instead of growing on me, I just found myself disliking it more and more. I finally gave up and abandoned it. I will try to get something else tomorrow.. maybe a log cabin.
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