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Teresa Firelight

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Everything posted by Teresa Firelight

  1. I think it means that the moles are starting to work in that area to maybe get it ready for release?
  2. I have a really nice vic on Barstough that I am about to release. I love it, it has a private pond and both a front and a back entrance, is pretty secluded and has very unique and lovely original landscaping and plants. Surrounding neighborhood is lovely too. I need to cut back on expenses and while I love it, I love my other vic more, so this one is getting let go. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Barstough/114/31/33 Plan to release about 3:15 PM SLT (in about 15 minutes) Update: Released and has new owner.
  3. letting go of a fantasy home with a great corner location (water on 2 sides), only 1 immediate neighbor with raised mound of earth inbetween, so feels pretty private. (there is also a house right across the narrow street, but I "blocked" it by having a fence with an arch entrance.) Rez zone close by. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bookings/220/107/22 Letting go at 1 AM slt unless someone contacts me inworld before then to try for it earlier. **Is released now **
  4. Congrats Chloe, that is a lovely spot. And now we are neighbors, as I am kinda kittycorner to you.
  5. There problem is that there are only so many LI allowance per region. There are only two ways that LL could increase prim allowance on homes. 1) have less Linden Homes per region so that there is less homes to share the LI of the region (giving more LI to each home), or 2) increase the LI allowance per region. TBH I would be surprised if LL does either.
  6. This is strange.. I had posted a one-liner earlier and it has disappeared.. so reposting it now.... you can change your parcel name if you want.... glad you liked my article
  7. I wonder if the moles and lindens have fun reading our musings on this channel about release dates and what not??
  8. wow Pantera, thank you for this detailed information. I found it very interesting and appreciate you posting it.
  9. Just guessing here, but I suspect premium accounts will have features for Land holdings AND features for creators.. both!
  10. if someone owns over 1000 premium alts, then they are filthy rich and I am totally jealous. It doesnt make them a disgrace though... just makes them someone who is seriously supporting LL. IMO there is no disgrace in someone investing lots of money into SL .. it helps finance a platform that many of us love, and maybe helps keep other SL expenses from going up for the rest of us (mainland fees, upload fees, currency conversion fees, etc).
  11. btw, not all premium accounts play GOH. I have 11 accounts atm (which will drop to 6 or 7 as some annuals expire). The last time I used the LP to get a parcel was Nov 8. The time before that was Sep 30. Each of my alts owns a linden home that I love and would not want to give up ... but I am not a GOHer -- I hardly ever change homes. Linden homes is not the only reason to own a Premium account.. in fact I owned mine before I got my first Belli home. There are other benefits, such as the 1024 sqM land allowance that can be pooled together to keep tier down on a larger mainland parcel or the higher number of groups and of messages allowed before msgs get capped, etc. My understanding is that Premium Plus will offer lower upload fees (textures, mesh, audio, etc). SInce I am a creator in SL, that in and of itself might be enough for me to upgrade to Premium Plus.. I will have to see what the terms are before I can say for sure, but the idea of lower texture upload costs is very appealing to me.
  12. Coffee, I am not sure I am following you here. The way I understand it, each premium account gets 5 chances per day and any person can buy as many accounts as they want (or can afford). Each account costs roughly 12 USD per month or 99 USD annually. As far as I can tell, these terms are the same for everyone. So how is this not a level playing field??
  13. December was crazy busy for me but I finally made time to go visit Snowhaven Creek at the fairgrounds -- and I was really glad I did. It is a stunningly beautiful build and very pleasant place to visit. It had lots of natural beauty, even the northern lights. There were also plenty of fun actives including snow boarding and ice skating. It is a shame that this is a temporary build and not a permanent one. Anyhow I took a picture to "remember" Snowhaven Creek by....
  14. how come you are giving up all your land? are you going non-premium? or just getting ready for the next release?
  15. I just want to be able to drink a whole pot of coffee without a certain mole (whom I shall not name but who everyone knows who he is) stealing it.
  16. Well I dont care about the interior but that sign on the roof is a huge eyesore and also violates the look of the community. I am very glad they are not my next door neighbor
  17. as far as I can tell, this is a gift for their vip group members.. which is a lovely gift.. however, it costs 500L to join that group, which was not mentioned in the above post
  18. In a way I am relieved that this theme does not appeal to me. I already have too many homes (all of which I love) and have to prune down a bit as my annual renewals start coming up in Jan and Feb. A painful process as it is, so glad that I dont have to add another home I hate to give up to the mix.
  19. I understand what you are saying, but.... I am not sure it is a good idea to put out that unfinished of a display for the "reveal". Perhaps for future reveals it would be good to have something more closely resembling the look/feel of the houses/neighborhoods. I think that collectively as SL premium members, we cant really visualize the end product from that "crude" of a model as well as you and the other moles can.
  20. I have noticed this when taking interior photos myself and again on some of the ones posted here... there is no SL environment (lighting) for taking interior pictures that gives depth to the interior shots. I wish that LL would create some type of special lighting that could be used for generating realistic shadows interior shots!
  21. Personally I would love to have a purely G rated region where the 16 and 17 year old SL residents could also visit/own. Maybe we could add that to the "wish list" along with the "adult" linden homes? (And in case you wondered, SL does allow 16 and 17 year olds to make SL accounts, but limits them to only be allowed to visit G rated regions.) A few years ago I had one of those legal 17 year olds on my Star Trek region/starship. This particular 17 year old was more mature that some of the "adults" who I have met in SL. Of course, he is older now and has a regular account.
  22. This is a lovely project Prudence. Thank you for organizing it. Personally I enjoy visiting Christmas decoration homes. I suspect others do as well.
  23. My first impression of this style was "this is not for me!" (That is ok because there are other themes that I love, like the stilts and vics.) To me, the exterior and mole landscaping is much more important than the interior, because I tend to spend much more of my time on my deck or in my yard than inside the house itself. The demo neighborhood felt very cramped to me, and there seemed to be a severe lack of exterior plants/landscaping. This is not an environment where I would want to spend much time outside. On the other hand, I think that providing 512 parcels that are actual houses (instead of campers) is brilliant. I personally would not want to live in a 512 parcel, but I have some friends who need the 512 size and have been longing for a house. I am glad to see this provided. I still dont understand why the Lindens/Moles cant place the 512 size houses on a 1024 size lot, so that people who love to decorate the outside have space and LI allowance to do so. I think the area would be much more inviting if people could choose to have as smaller house on the larger parcel. Maybe the solution is to build "new"1024 lot size homes that are basically the 512 house model with a 1024 lot sized fence around it. I would guess that would not be terribly difficult to do, building a new 1024 lot one that is only a simple modification from the existing 512 lot size.
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