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Teresa Firelight

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Everything posted by Teresa Firelight

  1. I used the Second Life Marketplace - LH - Newbrooke - Ender - Inner wall shell MP2AP with my own textures. I had uploaded those textures from the internet many months ago, so I don't remember where I found them. (sorry) As far as letting it go... I have a 1024 Newbrooke that I am keeping, so it isnt so hard to let this one go. I just enjoyed furnishing and landscaping it on my short-term alt.
  2. The alt that has this 512 Newbrooke expires tomorrow, so it wont be around for long. But at least I will have these pictures to remember it.
  3. I got a 512 Newbrooke that was no where near the water, so I decided to provide my own water in the form of Ponds on both sides of my house. It turned out rather well, so I thought I'd share it here...
  4. oh sorry... I am behind on my forum reading cuz have been very busy. I just realized I replied to a post that is over a month old. ::blush::
  5. There is a Doyle decorated at the Bellisseria 3rd Anniversary setup at the fairgrounds this weekend. YOu could go look at it and maybe get an idea or two.... Technically starts friday at 10 AM but nothing stopping you from going earlier to look
  6. where I live, tax is 11% .. it adds up quickly when you have a full region, some mainland and some linden homes. I will have no choice but to drop some premiums since dropping my mainland and my region is not an option at this time.
  7. I do that all the time. When I decorate a home, I use only copy/mod furniture and decorations. Then I stick them in a rezzer so that I can re-rez them quickly if I ever move homes. I have my own script I have written, but there are a few free ones on the mareketplace
  8. also once you own a home, you can find "owned land" in the world dropdown menu, and that will take you to the linden home
  9. I wasn't looking for one atm, but just watching things in general and I noticed that once again the 1024 Newbrookes are no longer on the LP.... haven't been since my first check about 7:20 AM SLT, and still are missing at 9:00 AM.... I guess it is good that the homes are going so well. Anyhow, here is a screen shot:
  10. you can change the walls that dont have a prim over them, and it will tell you the RGB in local chat for the color you selected. You can then use the SL Editor and type in the Red, green and blue values to make that prim the correct color
  11. My temporary alt grabbed a pier on Empty Coast -- it is not a "perfect location" (neighbors on both sides and no sunset/sunrise) but it is a nice location. It has a lot of space between the deck and the view of other stilts across the water. The front of the house faces a boardwalk that is against the sand of a cute little tropical island with lots of pretty vegetation, and there are no close houses in front of it. (I already have a pier stilt on lost caves, or I could live there happily). http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Empty Coast/171/98/24 So if you are one of those people who really want a pier stilt but missed the release, feel free to IM me inworld to see if we can arrange a time for you to try for it. (There is, of course, no guarantee that you will get it but you will have a much better chance if you know exactly when it is being abandoned.)
  12. @Patch LindenI just noticed this typo on the LP for Newbrook 512s... it says Prim Limit is 351, but it is only 175. LL may want to correct that....
  13. I bet that before long someone will make an exterior shell that allow you to change house colors.. but be careful. Whatever colors you create with it must be in keeping with the overall look/feel of the neighborhood, or it is likely to get returned. I was quite surprised and pleased that the exterior offered three different texture sets (each with multiple colors) to choose from. That is the best selection I have seen so far for exterior colors. That, along with their offering the 512 sized houses on the 1024 lot, make me feel like Patch and the Moles really took note of the input we gave from the previews. I am impressed that they did such a good job working many of our concerns/suggestions into the release.
  14. they are back now but they were off the page for a while earlier today. And yes, I do know to click the "view all" on the house listing, thank you for mentioning it on the chance that I did not know that
  15. I thought I would try one and went to the LP to get it.. and they were not on the LP at all. Are there more coming in the very near future? or are all the built Newbrooke regions sold out?
  16. LOL Frigga... with my dyslexia.. when I saw the two prices without a space in-between, my brain processed it as $75,568L. I thought that was a tad pricey for a gazebo. I did a double take and realized it was 75L or 68L with tag. Anyhow, I do appreciate you working so hard to bring us info about all these great sales every week. Thank you.
  17. Thank you! (sorry to be slow to reply ... I have been caught up in building a region for an upcoming event and am just now catching up on the forums.)
  18. Here is the url to the application page. I am glad you are interested in listing it.. it looks so beautiful and I know there are some people who dont read the forums who will want to visit.... Application Page for Parade of Homes Listing - Bellisseria Parade of Homes Review (typepad.com)
  19. got a link to the WRONG store? sounds like a place I would like to visit.
  20. Mari, that is lovely. Is it also on Parade of Homes as a place of interest? If not, you might want to consider that.. looks like something well worth the visit!
  21. You have to click the little green + sign with the text that says "view more homes" .. both sizes are still available, I checked just now.
  22. I just read Patch's post and saw this..... All of the Newbrooke regions are offered in both 1024sqm and 512sqm sized parcels. In total, there are 8 stylish house models to choose from, and the smaller 512sqm parcel homes can also be placed on a 1024sqm parcel, giving you a larger outdoor area. I am SO happy that Patch and the Moles did that! Thank you.
  23. wow that is gorgeous! looks like the community center is awesome. Thank you for sharing that picture
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