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Teresa Firelight

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Everything posted by Teresa Firelight

  1. I have visited and revisited the demo area and I have a couple of questions for the developers (moles and/or Lindens). 1. Every time I have gone there, it is always nighttime.. stayed for 2 hours and was night the whole time. Leads me to ask, are the environments for these homes always set to night? 2. I noticed that the LI allowance on the demo parcels was 468 instead of the usual 351. Is that just a coincidence of the demo area, or will we get 1/3 extra LI on these homes? I would be very grateful if someone official and "in the know" could please answer them. Thanks much.
  2. So what do you think of the new Fantasy release that was revealed today?
  3. here is a video of the reveal that my friend Pantera recorded:
  4. Patch said we would be Wowed.. .and he was right. Personally I am not into fantasy at the depth many of my friends are, and I was prepared to "not like" fantasy.. envisioning homes in trees and mushrooms and maybe under lakes. But what the Lindens and the Moles created... Truly Amazing. It is stunning... and even believable. The homes are large, well laid out and very practical The landscaping is beyond description. I am impressed and I think I want one when they come out. How about you? I took a couple of pictures. they dont begin to do justice to what was created.. but if you havent seen it yet, maybe this will give you a hint. And my congratulations to Patch, the Lindens and the Moles... amazing work!!
  5. wow sehra, that is stunning. It's easy to understand why you love it
  6. abandoning a stunning chalet in Geppetto with water and windmill. Had it for 2 months and over time just got tired of the windmill. Instead of hanging on to it, decided to release to someone who would love a windmill. (Hint.. use sound explorer to turn off the grinding and clicking noises coming from windmill... they get loud). This may be they nicest location in all of Geppetto, esp if you like windmills. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Geppetto/182/100/23 Will release at 3:45 AM SLT hard to catch a specific chalet atm cuz so many in the system, but wanted to let you know it is there so you can try for it.
  7. Yea, funny how that works... you can be in love with a place for a long time and then suddenly be "done" with it. I do hope you find one that "settles" perfectly for you
  8. I want to start what I sincerely hope will be an upbeat thread. It is intended for people who have a home they love and have kept for a "long time" .. .whatever "long time" means in SL. I will start it off with my story. I had a few premium alts for ages, but I had never owned a Bellisseria home -- I used the premium alts to pay for a large second store location on Idunn. I decided to close that location at end of October, 2020. I got my first Bellisseria home (a log cabin) on November 2, 2020 -- but did not love it. I played around with switching homes for about 3 weeks and landed a coastal Victorian on Lower Barrensmouth. It was the most beautiful I had seen at the time, even though it did not check a lot of people's "Dream location" boxes.. it did not have a sunset or sunrise angle, while it had an ocean view, it was very high up from the water, it was set a bit too far inland from the edge of the land, the flowers out front were not as "pretty" as most of the neighbors, etc.... But it was coastal and near a protected ocean and the neighborhood was beautiful, and a rez zone nearby. So I decided to hang on to it. I have to confess that most of my neighbor's homes seemed "nicer". Even though my house was nice, I longed for a "nicer" home for some time. But it was my main's house and I was afraid that if I gave it up, I might get something "less nice" rather than "nicer." So I hung on to it. I started updating my landscaping and my interior. A very gifted friend of mine gave me a "wallpaper" mesh and I spent a whole day choosing the right textures, etc. I redid one of the rooms to be an art room. I replaced the kitchen with a LAQ one that I had fallen in love with, found the perfect furniture for the entry, etc. I kept working on the outside landscaping until it felt just right (which took a few months). Over tine, and a lot of playing with it.. it became more and more "perfect" for me. I have had this house for 7 months now and have come to really like it. I am not saying I would never give it up, but I dont see myself doing so in the immediate future. What about you? Do you have a Bellisseria home you love? If so, please consider sharing your story here....
  9. Thanks for sharing this I thought it was cute so I went and joined group and got sofa
  10. looks like RL is interfering... I have to let it go a few minutes early ... letting it go now.
  11. Letting go a chalet with a small lake and clear view of windmill on Geppetto: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Geppetto/194/66/24 This one is very scenic/pretty. Since there are so many chalets out there, not sure it is possible to do a direct transfer but I wanted to let you know it is out there in case you want to try for it. Planning to let go at 6:30 AM SLT unless RL interferes.
  12. camper, victorian, chalet and log home have been on the land page for about the last 10 minutes
  13. Got a new one I love even more, so I am giving up my Pier Stilt that I have had for the past 5 months... it is a really nice location in a wide boatway area. There is only 1 neighbor with decent space between, and tons of space on other side of house. The house across the pier from me is a bit staggered so you can see the water/scenery from livingroom window. Back deck is west facing for stunning sunsets. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Null Quay/52/60/24 Will release at 12:30 PM SLT.
  14. I will be releasing a lovely lakeside chalet in a few minutes. I dont think it is possible to do direct transfers with the LP always full of chalets, but I wanted to let you know this one is out there in case you want to try for it... The lake is practically touching the back yard, lovely area. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bristlecone Pines/111/235/23
  15. How good is good enough? Many of us are in search of the "perfect" location. I have some friends who are extremely talented at finding those amazing locations -- a skill I don't really possess. I get lucky sometimes with nice-ish spots.. not the best possible, but nice. This vic, for example, it is not along the coast or a river or any outstanding features... but it does have a tiny pond right next door, which is kinda cute. I wasn't in love with it when I got it, but by the time I finished landscaping it, I was! Sometimes the "magic" of a spot is not what you get, but what you do with it once you have it.
  16. Wow I cant believe how fast people are moving around on the chalets. I have a home on Geppetto, which is a really pretty region with a Windmill and pond. I didn't visit it for a week because I was busy with something else. When I got back today, I found that every one of my neighbors is someone new. That is 7 homes where the owners have all changed in the last week.
  17. Victorians come up from time to time, but not as often as some others. I saw victorians on the LP twice today, both for short periods of time. Just keep watching the LP and one is bound to come up eventually
  18. New Bellisseria Art Display up for the month of May. It is from 9 forum regulars (from this thread and one other). Some stunning pictures and all used with permission of the photographer. Come see it at Firestorm Art Gallery, located at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Firestorm Social Island/189/173/28 Side note: this is a G rated region and at times teaming with SL newbies. So, pls be sure all bits and cracks are covered when you come
  19. releasing a stunning hilltop chalet on grapevino overlooking the windmill and lake. two sides are decorative mountain slopes below you. I just cant afford to keep it or I would... http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Grapevino/55/75/41 Since there are so many chalets out there on LP, dont think it is possible to do a transfer of it but wanted to let you know it is there just incase you want to try to get lucky.
  20. Anaryane, there are many log cabins that are available and the pop up from time to time on the land page. There are also some that the Moles are still constructing that will be released at an unknown future date. If the ones you were looking at had yellow rectangles around them, they are not released yet. As far as clicking on the house controller (the rezzer box) you will get a wiki link unless you are the owner of that house. That seems to be true for both released and unreleased linden homes Keep checking the land page and you with a little persistence you should be able to get yourself a nice log cabin. Happy Hunting
  21. Have to let go of this lovely log cabin cuz my premium on its owner is running out and I want to cut back costs and not renew. It has a waterfall view from front and a lake view from back.. lovely location. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ghost Ridge/202/217/52 Edit: Sorry forgot to say when. Plan to release in 10 minutes at 8 AM SLT today.
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