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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. I've used Seraphim. But seldom use it these days. It was sort of a quick way to see what was on sale and not have to TP into all the shops. I've decided their website is an even faster way to look through the sales. @Chic Aeon I am curious why you think you have a full inventory?
  2. The default SL Viewer does not work with OpenSim. Firestorm has a version that works with open sim. Some other third party viewers work with OpenSim.
  3. Most guys just stare... I thought the cameras were a bit much. I mean... the dress isn't THAT short...
  4. SL will never be an offline game. The reason is simple. It will not fit in a single computer. The SL content totals more than 200 terabytes, and that number is OLD. Like from 10 or 12 years ago.
  5. @Red52 Everyone is going way tech... Reading your computer specs, your computer is not THAT bad. But it is slow. So do a simple thing and check if the Windows operating system has problems. Steps: Open a Command Window as Admin- (Instructions for Win 10 and 11) Type in SFC /SCANNOW Press Enter Let it run. Takes a few minutes. It ends saying no problem, fixed problems, or can't fix problems. If no problems, close the window and use the computer If problems were fixed, restart the computer and use it. If 'can't fix', now you need grand-kids help. The fix is to run DISM - but it is complicated. The SFC (System File Check) will fix a wide range of problems on a Windows machine. Many strange or odd problems are fixed by cleaning up Windows system files. Once one is confident Windows is not the problem then look else where.
  6. A complication in how we use shapes comes from how we use bodies and heads made by different people. In the image below you can see the problem explained. My hope was the Lab would organize the shape file so we could easily edit the files. Doesn't appear that will happen any time soon. As has been pointed out, a mesh head must have a shape made specifically for that head. Skin makes a significant difference to the look. But it is the shape file that makes or breaks the face. If you have a shape you like and then buy a new head and try to use the shape that comes with the head, it messes up the shape of the body. Using the Firestorm Viewer you can export and import shape files. So it is possible to export a shape that is your good body shape and the shape of the new head and combine the body part of the shape with the head part of the new shape then import the new edited shape. One can do the same thing via the shape editor in all viewers. Copy all the numbers for the body, wear the new head shape, then enter all the numbers for the body, and save the shape. Maybe some day a third-party viewer developer will add a feature to wear just the body or head part of a shape. That would make life much easier.
  7. Surprisingly it only snowed on my parcel in Bellisseria...
  8. There is also the matter of SL images in the forum and other places looking totally realistic. Often this is a matter of how the images was captured and processed. Keep your expectations real.
  9. You might want to research what videos the Lab has made. A simple search on Second Life at YouTube brings up recent and popular related videos. Those are mostly third-part videos. Selecting the Second Life 'channel' gets you the auto-generated collection of related videos. Again mostly third-party made. It isn't until you find the Linden owned Second Life channel that you can see the stuff the Lab is making. It isn't surprising that the Lab averages about a video a month. Which means the user created videos WAY out pace what the Lab is doing. So, people are most likely to see third-party videos no matter what the Lab does. In the Lab's channel there is an amazing collection of videos. These are a mix of Lab created and Lab selected third-party videos. All of the ones I looked at today are well made and well referenced to the actual SL locations. What 'more' is it you think the Lab could invest in?
  10. I was curious how well ChatGPT could create an SL avatar... Then what about a specific avatar... Not even...
  11. Possible. There are complications. What people can do and how they use A.I. and for what purpose is still being worked out. Using a living actor's voice... there is a problem. And what did Aristotle actually sound like? Did he speak the way he wrote? And who owns the simulation? How are the computers generating the answer paid for? But we do have A.I. in SL now. Out dancing at Ministry of Trance I saw they had an A.I. DJ and sound track. Stone Johnson (musichero) is creating interactive sex... dolls.... workers... using A.I. And others are exploring use of A.I. in SL.
  12. No I actually mean the L$. Tilia came into being because of the regulations being imposed on L$. The Lab needed a cleaner way to handle L$ that was a better fit into the system. L$ were around long before Tilia. Government was restricting what the Lab could do with L$ and how it had to be tracked. Tilia greatly reduces the amount of tracking the Lab has to provide.
  13. Sooo.......... are we going to see scandalous photos in the next Blab? 🤭 Dancing at Rooftops. Good DJ.
  14. Rather than relog... switch in and out of wire-frame. Ctrl-Shift-R.
  15. Some uninformed person is always trying to get someone to control something. 🙄 The generally clueless are so annoying. L$ is an actual currency that suffers RL government control like any other currency. The price of the Linden currency floats and depends on users willingness to buy L$. The Lab exerts a degree of control just as the US Treasury exerts control on the US$. But others have a say too. Just as every RL government and RL person has a say in RL currencies there are many virtual entities that have an influence on the L$. As RL currencies destabilize due to the Ukraine war and Russia, China, India, and others deciding they cannot trust the US Dollar we'll see increasing US inflation. What is that going to do to the L$? Since the Lab is a US based company it will suffer as the US Dollar declines. The Lab has to pay the majority of its bills in US$. Those of us in the US are likely to see L$ become more expensive. But it is hard to know which foreign currencies will do better and find L$ cheaper. Gold is the only stable commodity. But until people use Goldbacks for the majority of their transactions, I doubt we will be able to talk the Lab into accepting Goldbacks.
  16. I think you look so sexy in this dress I had to chase it down and get a copy. I do like this dress. Shopping at the Sense Event. I found Second Moon. They have stuff I like but their LaraX is a bit on the weak side. Definitely check the demos.
  17. The Firestorm viewer had a warning notice up this morning 4/5. Seems a server update causes the floating at login. Whatever there is awareness of the problem by those that can do something.
  18. So far this is a mix of accurate tech and oblivious opinion. Figuring out which is which shouldn't be all that hard. There are ways to get your IP Address and MAC address. The Lindens point to the hole in the wiki. Fortunately it is technically complex and incurs a cost. So, we see very little of this type of stalking. And Firestorm has the option to disable the feature for increased security built-in. Plus the viewers are third-party open source. There are hacker viewers. Those can send your SL ID, computer ID, SL login details including password, IP Address, MAC, OS version, etc etc... Fortunately even a novice level of care can keep you safe in SL. There is very little one needs to do to be safe in SL. Hiding your secrets requires a bit more care.
  19. Fair enough. Catznip is great for working with inventory. I do OCCASIONALLY use it.While I would like folders, not so much that I would add Catznip as one of my daily use viewers.
  20. Like others my work-around is by naming outfits; !Dress Micro - 2024-03 [body brand] [description] ACI-value I would like folders.
  21. This is the idea being used to sell the concept. I believe it will be developed to help people with injuries and handicaps. But think of the cost and the limited target market for the tech. Big pharma and big medical are looking for a larger audience. I suspect we gamers will be an early target demographic. OMG!!! Now I need an AMEN emoji ... As kids we like the stuff that seems neat. Then we get older and build an immunity to the hype. The idea that these links are just one-way... is likely way too simple a viewpoint. If it is two-way, then it WILL be hacked. That it can be repo'd or turned off at someone's discretion... other than mine... is a deal breaker. The scary word in that sentence is 'made'... if the implant made... I think that shows how the propaganda is already shaping our thinking. We get to experiment with lots in SL. In addition to myself I've gotten to be a male, gopher, dragon, boxbot... But in real life the same ideas are being pushed. Pick your sex. For only a few tens of thousands and agreement to purchase hormones from us for life we'll change your physical body to match. It has been much cheaper in SL.
  22. Yes... It looks like the camera was Alt-LMB clicked on the avatar. There are follower scripts for controlling the camera. But I think this was just a simple Alt-LMB click.
  23. Almost on the LM given above. Click URL or image for the 360 image... https://www.flickr.com/photos/nalates/53605942059/in/dateposted/
  24. There is an easier way. Switch in and out of Wire Frame mode. Use: Ctrl-Shift-R. Do you have any idea how much cheese it takes to make a gram in a virtual world? There are 'members only' and 'Premium Users' only sandboxes... as well as adults only... plus various restrictions at privately owned sandboxes. At the Kinky Event... I like the Poser tool in Black Dragon. I can make these impromptu poses easily... Well, I do have to relog as I am usually using Firestorm.
  25. @Yesenia Zero There are basic troubleshooting steps. One needs to determine if it is the computer, the viewer, or the avatar that has the problem. As Ivanove suspects, it may be one of your input devices. If a SpaceNavigator, joystick, or tablet (Wacom) is not set up correctly they can cause such a problem. When I leave my pen on the tablet my mouse acts weird. Occasionally a USB cable is pulling on my SpaceNavigator... There are things the avatar may wear that can cause the problem. There are attachments to the viewer that can cause problems. For troubleshooting many of us have two or more viewers installed. The Linden SL Viewer is sort of a must have to get any support from the Lab's support people. Firestorm and Black Dragon are popular alternate viewers. Cool VL Viewer is popular with those running older hardware. Is the problem present in a different viewer? Then it isn't the viewer. Avatar attachments are often a problem. Try one of the avatars in the Linden starter set of avatars. Look in the library in your inventory. Replace your avatar with one of the library avatars. Did that fix the problem? If so, there is something your avatar has attached that is the problem. When we can't find a problem we often use an alternate avatar, a different account. If the problem persists then the problem is likely on the SL side of things, a region problem most likely. Or a computer problem. Try these different steps and if you still can't find the problem come back, explain what you have done and we can probably help.
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