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steph Arnott

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Everything posted by steph Arnott

  1. What like this, which is on the link i gave? //Ferd Frederix default { touch_start(integer num) { if(!llGetAttached()) llRequestPermissions( llDetectedKey(0), PERMISSION_ATTACH ); else if( llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_ATTACH ) llDetachFromAvatar(); } attach(key id) { if(id) llRequestPermissions( id, PERMISSION_ATTACH | PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION ); } run_time_permissions (integer perm) { if(!llGetAttached() && (perm & PERMISSION_ATTACH) ) llAttachToAvatarTemp( ATTACH_NOSE ); if(perm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) llStartAnimation( llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_ANIMATION, 0) ); } }
  2. Nothing confusing at all. Your own link clearly states the reqiured notices and proceedures.
  3. It states not to copy paste to online pages because it is copywrite. I also think this site also states not to. Also it took me less than five minutes to find a working example of what the OP wants. They were given that link. End of.
  4. Then you did not come here to find an answer. You want someone to do it for you. Face palm.
  5. Am not arguing about it. The wiki clearly states that. I gave you a site which has several scripts which you can use and mod to do what you wanted. End off.
  6. Actually tells you not on the wiki.
  7. This has some scripts that will show you how https://www.outworldz.com/cgi/freescripts.plx?ID=389 BTW the script you supplied is off the LSL wiki and you are not supposed to copy paste it here as it is copywrite.
  8. https://avsitter.com/ Seems more informative.
  9. Not sure, but the 'Code Violet' has to be used in experience. Well it has to be set as owner is what i meant. If 'Code Violet' is not set as owner it will not work correctly.
  10. It was made open sources mid 2017. The inworld purchase is token funding for the creators of AVsitter. It has no retrictions other than stating one used AVsitter.
  11. Next time revoke perms under the avatar > avatar health tab.
  12. Does not, even states you can not in the wiki. It will run the full file length. Also running the same loop sound concurrently was used by griefers.
  13. It was replaced because llSound plays untill the end and can not be stopped, where as llPlaySound can be stopped at any point.
  14. I tried it and could not get it to run two sounds at the same time even with two scripts. Maybe it is viewer side set. Maybe it is sim server side. IDK.
  15. Funny that you have no idea what the function actually does. Guess you are laughing at yourself. It is utterly pointless for a loop.
  16. It just turns off the one running and restarts with the new value. It has a 0.1 time penalty which loopSound and stopSound does not. No one uses it because it is totally pointless.
  17. This is because once you call the sound file it is not adjustable on volume when it loops. You have to stop it and update the value.
  18. float min = 1; float max = 30; float vol = 0.5; // Sound to play. key sound = "Fountain";//this is a string default { state_entry() { llLoopSound(sound, vol); } } So your script here is not the one used inworld. Which does clear up the fact that there is nothing wrong with this.
  19. https://www.outworldz.com/cgi/freescripts.plx?ID=548
  20. Not confrontational at all. The issue is the sound volume.
  21. The OP was on about sound volume, not stopping a loop.
  22. float vol = 0.5; string sound = "Fountain"; default { state_entry() { } touch_start(integer total_number) { llLoopSound(sound, vol); } } This needs the sound in the object inventory. If you use the UUID key for the asset then add the "this is the uuid key" and use that. It does not have to be in object if you use the key
  23. If it works that is all that i care about. Personally Lua makes LSL look pathetic.
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