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  1. That is the script with which you couldn't control the volume - otherwise it workes, as long as you are happy with the preset volume Below is the modified script with the stop command that let's me control the volume and raise it to 1.0 Thanks again float min = 1; float max = 30; float vol = 1.0; // Sound to play. string sound = "bcb6dd68-1d01-5a32-9036-612c797373f9"; default { state_entry() { llStopSound(); llLoopSound(sound, vol); } }
  2. Thank you Fenix... I can now control the volume And thanks for reminding me about the semicolon, that's what had me beaten Thanks again to all for helping
  3. Thanks for the replies to all... where in the script do I insert "llStopSound()"? I don't have experience in scripting and get "syntax error" whatever I try (I changed key sound = "Fountain"; to string sound = "Fountain"; ) float min = 1; float max = 30; float vol = 0.5; // Sound to play. string sound = "Fountain"; default { state_entry() { llLoopSound(sound, vol); } }
  4. I have little scripting experience, so please bear with me - I also searced the forums for a couple hours, but without result I try to use a simple loop sound script, but it doesn't make any difference in sound volume whether I set "float vol" to 0.1 or 1.0 Can someone please help me with this? I need to make the faint fountain sound louder - it makes no difference whether I have the sound in the prim with the script or use the UUID Thanks... float min = 1; float max = 30; float vol = 0.5; // Sound to play. key sound = "Fountain"; default { state_entry() { llLoopSound(sound, vol); } }
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