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steph Arnott

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Everything posted by steph Arnott

  1. This conversation is deceased. The way i do it is correct, the other can cause issues. That is all i care about. I politely listened to five mins of techno babble which ended in my freind saying that LL should be using upto date code language in tandom rather than one anachronistic kludge that is still used. Good day.
  2. Because i asked a person whos career is a code writer to pop in to SL. Which they did as a favour.
  3. I already have the answer as to why. LL updated the version at some point and many older keys are not compatible with current urls as a string.
  4. I passed it to another script writter who wrote their own from scratch and they have the same issue. It works on some and does not on others. Any how i will use the capture method i have done for years because there have been no issues in regards to group keys with that method.
  5. The error i posted was a typo taken from my external editor when i added yours. The inworld object is correctly formatted and was created last week. People do make errors when rushing you know. Still does not change the fact that the correct version throws an error. Also i just tryed six group keys, two work, four do not.
  6. I copied that off my external editor file after adding your part, the inworld is correct. I just checked. I thought i had rectified the double entry before pasting a few mins ago. Even if i put the string as a global variable it still throws up the error.
  7. That can not be botched because i used the 'copy url' button and a manual copy. I had already tried the second way. It outputs the same. I did this the other day also because i could not remember why i used the code i did and was obviouse as to why as soon as i ran the code.
  8. The ouput format in the chat field is wrong, it should state the group name not a string. secondlife:///app/group/secondlife:///app/group/b91a5bf4-d0f9-f2bb-1cfd-8a0e3ffa0d34/about/about [11:49] Second Life: The SLurl you clicked on is not supported. { list temp = llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(), [OBJECT_GROUP]); key groupKey = llList2Key(temp, 0); //llRegionSayTo(agent,0,"secondlife:///app/group/" + (string) groupKey + "/about"); llRegionSayTo(agent,0,"3. secondlife:///app/group/" + "secondlife:///app/group/b91a5bf4-d0f9-f2bb-1cfd-8a0e3ffa0d34/about" + "/about"); llListenRemove(menu_chan_handle); llSetTimerEvent(0.0); } Change it back to getting the objects group and it outputs correctly.
  9. If you insert the key of the group as a string I.E "0000........................" it will throw up an unsupported error at runtime. So that indicates that the key is recorded in a industry standard format but changed for whatever reason when copied as a string.
  10. Well keys are not all equal status. Paste the key into this and it will throw an unsupported error. llRegionSayTo(agent,0,"secondlife:///app/group/" + (string) groupKey + "/about");
  11. It reduces static bytes, not less memory. Also integers are not converted to floats when compiled, they are converted every time the script uses the value. What is happening is a very primative compression which has to be uncompressed to conform to the functions reqiured value type.
  12. Using integers as float saves nothing because when the script is run they are converted to floats which can cause issues. I certainly would not trust compressing a key value.
  13. Good for you. Clearly you wish to argue about something you clearly do not understand.
  14. Do not need to. The object using vel uses the Havok engine. All agent are physical by default.
  16. Does not. The parameter vel is for physical objects. It uses the formula based on Newton's third law.
  17. And i have put my money where my mouth is on that.
  18. Well Friday Calamity will not even give a price, she will say pay what you think is okay. I would even go so far as compensating you if she did rip you off. But she never would.
  19. All i can give you my word on is that the person will not use you and tell tall tales.
  20. You can send this person a notecard, Friday Calamity. They will do what you want without making false promises. They pop in and out so i can not give you any garrantee they will respond.
  21. They were the 'Choose your own adventure' books by R A montgomery. Script wise, in it basic structure it would simply be an attatched object with a script list of conditionals. Each object would tell the agent script to record a find. If the agent does not have a find it tells you to go find it. Would think that this is more an 'experience' type thing.
  22. It happens under known circumstances. A script does not suddenly stop working because you stuck it in another box unless you changed something. Which is what you stated. I also told you to verify the perms which you did not do, did you? So basically you habitually blame everyone else rather than going through a procedural verification that everything is correct. And no, foul language is not acceptable, especially on a forum page that is not age restricted.
  23. It is for physical objects such as bullets. Basically it trys to produce Newton's third law. No matter what value you use it will do nothing if a non physical object is rezzed by the rezzer.
  24. They use the multi choice method used in old mystery books. E.G 'Do you want to enter (go to page 50) Do you want to move on (go to page 66). One would start with the true choices then add the false branches. Which is the basic structure.
  25. It ceased five odd years ago. 'why?' have no idea, even if i did it would be useless information.
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