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steph Arnott

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Everything posted by steph Arnott

  1. Hi, i am trying to rezz an object with a collision screen using RLV teleport. The problem is i can not work out how to get the rotation and vector offset for return teleport. As the screen is on an internal face, I was thinking maybe the llPassCollison would work as in the root prim would be able to llGetPos but i have never used this, an example would help or maybe this is not the best solution. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. i read and it was not good. i am passing a list by a string to another script, i can unpack that, but what i need is the info to be inserted into the i.e my list.
  3. i can do a msg sent with dumplist and split it int a string, what i need is to put that info into a list, ie msg comes in store info into data list. i just want to put the info into a menu list and use it later
  4. I not even understand the question.
  5. if ( message == "open sesame" ) { llWhisper( 0, "Welcome, sesame!" ); } { //this is incorrect and not needed if ( message == "open" ) { llWhisper( 0, "Welcome, open!" ); } {// this to simple logik, am i doing this or not. ie if { im rich say wow } else if { im poor say oh well, im healthy } else { im off for a cup of coffee, nothing of any use here. } you are asking a true or false question. when the statement is false it will go to the next true or false line and so on. also the else statement is more of conclusoin that nothig fits the true or false statements.
  6. Well i learned something, i never new about the Advanced option.
  7. Sometimes lessons cost, but calling people thieves when you make the error is rarther insulting.
  8. Paired the the function and is working.The seperator made a big differance and was no way without help id have sorted it, so hugs to all. default { state_entry() { } link_message(integer source, integer num, string msg, key id) { list parameters = ["4 Way", llGetPos(),llGetRot()]; string params = llDumpList2String(parameters, "|"); llSay(0,params); } } Do not use public (0) channel for messages of this type. reply has been edited
  9. this is for a corridor system, at 1 end of the corridor a prim will be the root, other end a child prim will cotain a script to record llGetPos, llGetRot and send to the rezzer script. A menu script will tell the record script by link message what corridor, junction is selected, i.e menu, record send result to HUD and rezz. clear as mud, lol
  10. thnx, i un sure what the , does in this line. list parameters = llParseString2List(params, [","], [""]); [","] whether in need the commer or not, im thinking it seperats the blocks by the comma. Edited. Parsed messages must be sent and recieved as a pair, see later posts.
  11. Hello, im trying to send and recieve a message from a send, then parse it to a llRezz, is this script correct as i can not see what its doing. integer startParam = 10; integer chat_chan; default { state_entry() { chat_chan = llListen(-1000,"",NULL_KEY,""); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string params) { list parameters = llParseString2List(params, [","], [""]); string msg = (string)llList2String(parameters,0); vector pos = (vector)llList2String(parameters, 1); vector speed = ZERO_VECTOR; rotation rot = (rotation)llList2String(parameters, 2); llSay(0,(string)msg+","+(string)pos+","+(string)speed+","+(string)rot); llRezAtRoot(msg, pos, speed, rot, startParam); } thnx chan was edited, useing public chat channel is not correct. Was only used in the forum.
  12. object sits in HUD contents. Rezzer script sits in Hud contents, HUD invokes rezzer script, which calls for object. Thats the simpleist version.
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