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Sayrah Parx

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Everything posted by Sayrah Parx

  1. Script run percent is 98 to 99% in every region. Speed still varies by a lot depending on the number of script events in a region, but it looks like they run a lot more consistently. There's spare time in regions that never had spare time before. It's really incredible.
  2. What Simon Linden said here is still really interesting. That's what I still think about during every restart.
  3. Yeah, that's exactly what I mean. It's supposed to get a new backup after it goes down for a controlled restart. That's a major security requirement. Otherwise it would be easy to farm no-copy objects. I've never seen the backup anywhere close to over 90 minutes old. So it seems like there was a crash during the restart process, or there was a bug in the restart process that caused it to not get a new backup. I don't know if we're allowed to mention region names.
  4. Just saw a main channel region come back from the restart with the same version in about 4 minutes. But my restart monitor said it was restarted about 1 hour, 37 minutes ago, and was down for about 1 hour, 37 minutes. It compares llGetEnv("region_start_time") to the last restart time every 30 seconds, in order to detect restarts. So the downtime has always been accurate within about 30 seconds. That seems to suggest that the restart used a backup that was over 90 minutes old, instead of getting a new backup when the region goes offline. I've never noticed or remember that happening since I've had a monitor set up almost 6 years ago.
  5. The RC regions that I know of are still on Second Life Server 2021-12-10.566713 after the restarts today. I think around this time of the year they always wait until the first week of the new year to roll anything new, so there are no unexpected issues during the holidays when people may not be around to deal with them.
  6. After the restarts, main channel regions are still on Second Life Server 2021-12-01.566406 that they got last week.
  7. Main channel is now on Second Life Server 2021-12-01.566406 that was rolled to the RC regions on Wednesday last week.
  8. I don't know about the account syncing issues, but it still works in general if you already have an account there. It can take about a minute to finish the login process sometimes, and sometimes you have to log in from a specific region like the sandboxes at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Preview_Grid#Regions_on_Aditi I'm just glad they tested the move to AWS there first and that it's not the primary cause of the syncing issues. The good thing is it's been a strange and barely reliable process for a really long time, and not suddenly a new issue due to the move to AWS. Hopefully they find a way to only sync accounts and related data for people who specifically sign up for it. That would probably help a lot. The data for everyone else just needs to be there, and not necessarily be current. It would also be great if they could make some things refresh when logging in, like starting with L$1,000,000 every time. It would be even greater if the move to AWS makes it possible to prioritize development of the beta grid, to the point where there are no longer RC regions on the main grid.
  9. Here's a color-coded map of each 4x4 section you can use to help plan: Purple - abandoned land Light Blue - Linden rez area Light Green - Linden no-rez area Blue - public access rez area Green - public access no-rez area Yellow - ban lines and rez area Red - ban lines and no-rez area
  10. I just have a script in a bunch of regions that tells me when they come back after a restart, and what the version was before and after.
  11. It seemed to be updating fine again every day until April 27th. I know for sure that the current image in 4 regions is still from April 26th based on what is pictured, and the last modified date on the server confirms it for every region I've checked with these images: https://map.secondlife.com/map-1-[global x]-[global y]-objects.jpg such as https://map.secondlife.com/map-1-1000-1000-objects.jpg for Da Boom
  12. I'm not sure about not being allowed to send chat, but the registration for receiving group chat can be weird. It seems like you're only registered if you open it for a group manually, or were allowed to receive it when you log in. So it seems like you don't receive it if you just joined and haven't either opened it manually or relogged. I've also still been registered and received chat after leaving a group, before relogging.
  13. Maybe you logged into the beta grid?
  14. The additional risk is that it could happen at any time, on any day, without more than 5 minutes notice. It's bad enough to only get 5 minutes notice within a certain time window on a specific day. I think a good rule to start with would be 10 minutes warning for every hour in the window. So a during a 3 hour window there should be at least 30 minutes warning. A 24 hour window should have at least 4 hours warning.
  15. Sandbox Island is a main grid AWS region that looks good for testing. Anyone know any others?
  16. I've asked a few times in the past for the maintenance restart warning time to at least be doubled, from 5 minutes to 10 minutes. I don't understand why it would be a problem for the rolls to end 5 minutes later, or to start the rolls 5 minutes earlier if they really want it to end at the same time. It is about having respect for the customers who are paying for the regions, and the people who manage the regions for the people paying for them. I'm not really sure that the employees understand that people are paying for this, and that it's not just their personal sandbox that they get paid to mess around with however they like.
  17. I think it's important for SL to not be tied to a single cloud computing service, regardless of how people feel about Amazon. Imagine if people in Europe could choose to host their estates on a European service partner, to have less latency for Europeans.
  18. Your friend could only cash out L$ sale proceeds through a verified PayPal account regardless. So you're better off selling L$ and cashing out the proceeds yourself, and then sending them money directly through PayPal instead of going through Second Life/Tilia.
  19. For anyone wondering, it looks like main server regions will only be restarted if they've been up for 10 days, since there was no RC roll last week. It would still be good to know if anything is being rolled to the RC regions this week.
  20. I wanted to buy a really cute top a few months ago, but didn't just because of the unhideable brand name in the center. It wasn't even like a real logo or anything, it was just in a font and looked like it took them 5 seconds to put over the texture. It's such a waste when low-effort, unhideable prominent branding ruins something nice for no real reason like that. The strangest part is they did take the time to make the text white on dark colors and black on light colors.
  21. Wow, you're right that "Sandbox Astutula" and "Sandbox Pristina" are premium only. I couldn't try "Sandbox Verenda" because it's offline. It seems like "Sandbox Exemplar" and "Sandbox - Weapons testing" are gone altogether. But Nick is right that "Sandbox Wanderton" is still good. Scripts are only "off" at the parcel level and not the region level, so you just need to be at least 50 meters above the land mesh (at least ~76 meters on Z).
  22. It's definitely hard to find a good sandbox there to test things, hopefully this helps: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Preview_Grid#Regions_on_Aditi
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