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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. It would be pseudorandom if the result is predictable in advance, but is it?
  2. I see a few interesting possibilities with Json Protocols: Adding extra data/unofficial extensions/phasing out legacy data in a protocol without any risks of parsing failure. Serialization: An object might pass to another object data that it will "need later" (when it is re-rezzed for instance is rezzed for example), and json is a good way to store that data. Data hiearchy: If for some reason you need something that behaves like a filesystem tree. Time will tell if the memory usage for storage/runtime turns out to be smaller than manipulating lists. I certainly like not having to deal with list offsets at the very least.
  3. There are very good sources of entropy nowadays that don't require specific hardware (such as using thermal noise), it's surprising they haven't updated llFrand to use those.
  4. If you don't show the script we can't raally help you They don't look at stuff from 10 years ago anymore, different times, different teams, different projects.
  5. Calm down, OP mentioned they Zeroed the lods to make sure only the high lod would matter for the test.
  6. The ESRB typically doesn't rate the online part of games, for good reasons.
  7. By your own logic then ripping game content to sell in SL must be legal since so many marketplace sellers are getting away with it.
  8. My point is that it's not always specified 80% of the gatcha machines i've seen only tell you that this, or that is "rare" but not "how rare" exactly. And even if it's specified, the script can literally be doing anything under the hood, such as favoring group members, or giving rares to specific users, or waiting for other specific events in an effort to maximize the amount of plays per user.
  9. The clientside rendering load is also a concern.
  10. Make sure the collisions are set to "prim" and that you didn't do the whole analyze/simplify thing.
  11. Yeah but with shadows on you don't have to get those houses with 150Mb of pre-shadowed textures.
  12. Another issue is that there is no way to actually trust the script that is being used, and on most gacha machines you can't actually see the odds for each item "rare" could be 20, 10, 1%, Hell the machine could be completely non-random... Now this is a project I could work on... making a free gacha machine script that offers all kinds of rigged approaches to delivering prizes. Maybe that will make LL ban gachas.
  13. LL Investigates all abuse reports. But they won't tell you if they took an action or not or why. Years ago we had a "police blotter" or something like that but If i understand it properly there was some issues related to the privacy of the reported person.
  14. It's not a problem because no consent is required to use avatar UUIDs. Redzone did a lot more than "use" avatar uuids and you know that just as well as I do.
  15. Eh I disagree with this, for me this gets in the way of the whole "secondlife as a continuous world" But I guess we are already so far gone from that ideal at this point. Bloodline was pesky because it almost forced non players to be involved (since they had to accept the bites). A while ago I wanted to make an "infector" minigame, where you could go to public venues and attempt to "zap" every person in that venue to "convert" them to your side. Essentially making any public venue a little "puzzle". There was only two rules: You had to be close to your target. You or the target shouldn't be in the line of sight of a non-converted avatar. It was essentially a little game of patience, and about placing yourself as you slowly go through a crowd. And I can only imagine the scandal if I actually went through with this project.
  16. But you aren't giving them any informations. If they store your avatar UUID to mark that you are "dead" for their system, at no point did they "steal" that data from you, its data that is only relevant to the system they created and is about as personal as a visitor counter keeping track of which visitors have already been counted.
  17. I'm referring to the script that has been posted on the thread.
  18. Okay I'm gonna get lynched for this but, nowhere do I see anyone considering the "ethical" part of choosing which brands you support.
  19. Running a GTX1070 with 16gb of ram & Ryzen cpu here (so that will quench the DUH GET A BETTER COMPUTER crowd). And I've been getting a lot more GPU driver crashes lately for daring to do some photoshop work with SL running in a a somewhat busy place. So yeah I can confirm that things have steadily been getting worse on, the client side of things, I assume, as competition rages on between avatars/creators as to who can hog the most ressource in a single product.
  20. Pretty much, Given that the game lives solely inside the HUD of PARTICIPATING players, the game might aswel not exist from your point of view. What you DO have are rude visitors and somehow believe that it's not up to you to police your own land.
  21. Your problem is not with the game creators but with the players, In my region i've setup some scripts so any of the "locals" can kick anyone they want for 30 minutes from the entire region. While that seem convenient, a game creator is not responsible for the rudeness of their players. People who play those games usually care about their avatar because of time and money invested in those games, so unlike griefers they won't just come harass you over and over with alts once you banned them from the region. Treat those people like you would treat any rude, unwanted visitor.
  22. This is completely off topic but... after looking at what your script does... why not use the builtin unpack function (default click action to "open")?
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