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Emma Krokus

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Everything posted by Emma Krokus

  1. Not quite the same, but.... FWIW I got that message too, yet my items updated... I had changed names and contents of existing listings. It took me maybe an hour before I was actually able to re-activating the listings. AND was still seeing the error message even though things appear to be working. Side note, my inventory (I am using an older version of Singularity Viewer) took a few minutes, maybe an hour, for the changes to "stick" and show persistently. If you check your listings, are your new products there?
  2. such a cute use case! BUT also, thanks so much for the door script(s) AND explanations ❤️ Emma
  3. Probably already considered - but... could the object contain Linden plants? This used to result in a special error message, so this may not be your problem at all! I believe there were special Linden-owned regions where those coalesced objects could be rezzed..
  4. little typo in this line - vOffsetR = <(size.x*-0.5),(size.y*0.5),0.0); //Note the sign difference in the Y dimension's offset } i think should be... vOffsetR = <(size.x*-0.5),(size.y*0.5),0.0>; //Note the sign difference in the Y dimension's offset ? Emma Noob scripter
  5. Re-posting same message (in more or less words) and same photos over and over and over... /me cuts self off
  6. So all this prejudice against men without necks was correctly based on their excess render weight?
  7. Try the Gretchen AO from the SL Library - it sort of glides... Clothing > Inital Outfits.
  8. This may not work ... but have you given the free Apricot Paws neck fix a try? I've used this with CLASSIC (ex TMP) male mesh body and GENUS group female gift head where there was a gap. There's a BOM version in this too. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Apricot-Paws-SLUV-Neck-ExtenderFix-Freebie/14958878 Emma
  9. Go into editing shape (in my viewer, I can rightclick on my tag and go into edit appearance. I've highlighted the setting - male is the circle with the arrow coming off it. Female has a cross underneath. Emma
  10. Ok... I failed!!! Avatar impostors is not your issue... (Hmmm - you have checked both avatar's settings in graphics?...) Just one more idea... maybe check you have picked the correct male / female on your shape settings. I use another viewer to yourself and am able to choose male / female when I make a shape. Setting male or female, there will be differences in the size of... body parts which can impact animations. Hope you get this sorted! Emma
  11. It's on the Graphics setting - here is a picture I pinched from another thread: Set this number at no lower than 2. If it is already above 1, then that is not your issue. and here is a thread where its meaning is discussed - Emma
  12. Not scared but wary. One of my earliest memories is being taken to a circus performance. The clowns were all over a VW Beetle car, performing athletics. All that was fine. And then they proceeded to blow it up - the hood and boot exploded - it was mayhem. I didn't know it was fake and I was besides myself. The thought of anything being destroyed / annihilated was terrifying to me. Maybe that's why I spent a lot of time in SL making exploding things, in an attempt to work through my trauma!! Emma
  13. I've seen some weirdness with animations when I had avatar impostors at lower then 2... - not sure this is the reason for your issue tho! Emma
  14. Thank you, Wulfie - I do have difficulty finding things in the Wiki because I don't always know the right terms to use - and google is not always helpful. RapidTables looks like something I've been looking for all my life! Emma
  15. Oww my head!!!! I will never get radians. Give me degrees anytime (... Bsc, MSc, PhD... hehehe). Your explanation at least makes sense to me. And that's saying something!! I guess I will just head over to the Wiki page for llVecNorm to see if I can wrap my head around that. Again, thank you so much, Qie. Emma
  16. That does exactly what I wanted - thank you so much, Qie. And yes, the script is in the root prim. Your explanation is much appreciated. I really had to crank up the float spinrate (to 23.0) to get anything resembling the original speed. I wonder what the reason for this is? Emma
  17. 1. My head has trouble getting around rotations. 2. I may not be using the right terminology. I have a multi-prim rotating object which uses llTargetOmega in its root prim. Works fine with tweaks to vectors in llTargetOmega as long as the rotation is at right angles (0, 90, 270). Goes wonky, weaves as though drunk (<< technical terms) when it's anything other, e.g. 95 degrees. Can I make it rotate nice and straight when, say, its Z axis is at 95 degrees? The script: integer switch; default { touch_start(integer num_detected) { if (switch) { llTargetOmega(<0,0,0>, 0.0, 0.0);//OFF llStopSound(); switch = !switch; } else { llTargetOmega(<0,-7,0>, 0.36, 0.3);//ON llLoopSound("sound_UUID", 1.0); switch = !switch; } } } Maybe what I want can't be done with llTargetOmega? Should I be using llSetPrimitiveParameters for the rotation instead? Maybe a function that updates the rotation according to the root prims rotation? An example would be much appreciated! Thank you for pointers in the right direction. Emma
  18. She's gorgeous - and learnt flirting at the same school I think!
  19. Thank you Nika, I picked up a bug this morning ! As SL's worst driver by far, I especially appreciate being able to set gear speed (dead slow) and the cruising mode - awesome. Emma
  20. I don't use Black Dragon, so I don't know how Search works on there. It was an issue for me with both Singularity and Official Viewer. And yes, sim restarts fixed both of those occurences.
  21. Not sure if it is the same thing, but I have had this happen twice recently on 2 different occasions and different sims and a sim restart solved the problem. Good luck!
  22. Does anyone know of a place that might sell couple Ballet dance animations? They do not need to be full permission. Thank you! Emma
  23. At last - I can post a picture of Princess Emerald aka Emmy. Sexiest beast I know.
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