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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. Gosh its been a long time since I wore classic shoes that I can't remember but my first guess would be is the shoe fitted for classic avatars or is there supposed to be an alpha to wear? I live barefoot 99% of the time
  2. I find it just as bad, even worse when I use my male alt
  3. Have a look at these help options here http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/
  4. Not allowed to say. Look after that asthma. Maybe allow a nurse in to your secret picnic box to give you treatment?
  5. Ahhh don't panic. It must be someones idea for a joke
  6. How about this.. create a social area on the ground to have friends over. No worries if anyone wanders in and you can entertain friends there. Then have a skybox up up high for all these *cough* private moments and have that skybox looked after by an orb. Set a landing point fixed on the ground but set home for yourself, via the viewer option, to inside the skybox. That will work for you to "tp home" and be in the box. Anyone else who tp's in will land at your set TP point unless YOU directly tp them to the secret skybox
  7. I have no idea what it is but looks a bit of a scam to me. If you didn't want a window or mounting and attempt to buy it, ignore it and go somewhere else. You can't break a window in SL and be asked to pay it back. Reminds me of my first week in sl when I suddenly started getting messages I was pregnant and going to give birth in 9 days. I panicked being the innocent virgin that I am If it continues to bother you though I advise you to file an abuse report and mute the object its coming from if you can find it
  8. Anyone else curious what is going to be happening at this Fort Knox style skybox? I for one would never dream of turning up at someones home uninvited even if I have been invited in the past.
  9. No. I mean if someone arrives withing the orbs security area that you have set, a menu will pop up for you to give options such as ban, add to access or allow temporary access
  10. Yes. the one I use has options for just certain areas, the whole parcel etc Really easy to set up even for a blonde like me https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Land-Security-Orb-the-ORIGINAL-since-2006-by-Thomas-Conover/2471709 There are others that might have different options I just know with that one I can secure our work platform up in the sky by using the menu settings or the whole sim if I am feeling cranky or turn it off or add a temporary visitor
  11. Have a look here and see if any of the steps help you. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_missing_inventory Some are useful for all viewers not just firestorm. Clearing cache is not considered a good idea these days.
  12. I use a security orb for areas on my sim that are private. (There are a few on the marketplace. Check for one that does what you need) The one I have can be set to only allow certain people on a whitelist, or grant temporary access ie if I wanted to have a friend over for a short period, only group members or just turn on and off as needed. You should check there are no restrictions to this in your covenant. In land settings you can untick the setting see and talk to people on this parcel (it might be worded slightly different to that) then "peeping toms" not on your parcel can't see any avatars. There is no way you can stop people land marking a spot though as far as I am aware.
  13. It's a curse I have to deal with I use "sort by date" so I can see posts in order You're welcome. Happy Friday
  14. So basically you were looking for only people under a certain post count to reply to your thread and then delete things when nobody seemed to be shocked there are griefers
  15. I can't find the right reaction option for your post So I am going with confused
  16. I really want to get the bird flying before Ki gets back from his trip. It is his most favorite creation, one he made purely for his own pleasure. After attempt 8, I have sent a message to the creator to see if he can work out what I am doing wrong.
  17. Trying to set up a sim tour Going to be fun once I get it right Attempt 1. Can't cross parcels or it gets confusedAttempt 2. Watch out for treesAttempt 3. Stuck in a loop and not moving to next saved positionNeed a cuppa before attempt 4
  18. "we’re making multi-million dollar investments in Second Life" and you are paying for it was my first thought on the "exciting improvements"
  19. It depends on the size of the land as to how much your monthly fee is https://secondlife.com/land/pricing.php If you are premium, your first 512 is free/included in your premium membership as long as you aren't using a linden home already. If you are, abandon that before buying land. More info here about buying land
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