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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. Well get yourself out there in the big world that is SL and meet people. Take some classes in building or join groups on subjects you are interested in but take your time. No need to rush at anything. Find the thing that interests you most and start there
  2. Still trying to make this bird fly where I want. 4 days left
  3. All that said. I would never be put off interacting with anyone in SL based on how their avi looks
  4. and I will take my other half to that place dressed:) in his pterydactyl avi so at least I know the women will leave him alone
  5. Create an alt, keep your main but wander around exploring on an alt. Nobody has to know anything about your main unless you tell them.
  6. I see no reason not to interact with either of those avi's. People can be strange though. What reasons do people give for not interacting? I am curious
  7. Well I guess you guys will find out bringing personal drama and grudges to these forums won't get you far. At best it will be ignored. at worst it will end up having the thread removed.
  8. Nobody robbed you, You are in a group that shares its liabilities between members. If you don't want to be charged, leave that group or mention the charges to the group owner. Some don't know they can change that in group abilities
  9. Haven't had mine yet but they are aware of an issue https://secondlife-status.statuspage.io/incidents/5hr42m3xzq5t
  10. Don't get me started. My pet hate is people moving and not updating their MP slurl second to "maitreya" clothes not coming close to fitting the body *sneaks back out*
  11. You can have Patrick as long as I can just have Sean to whisper in my ear at bedtime
  12. I have no close ups so not sure if the boobies are free or not. I think I am safe from the black block bra bar
  13. Did the issue happen in the last couple of hours while SL was having issues? It might work again later if you wear ruby shoes and click your heels together 3 times. Just joking. Maybe someone else will have some ideas shortly
  14. Yeah works for me too now
  15. Same for everyone. There are a few threads started about it Grid status https://secondlife-status.statuspage.io/incidents/c6lkyrlmhdmd
  16. https://secondlife-status.statuspage.io/incidents/c6lkyrlmhdmd
  17. If it is just a recent thing it could be part of this https://secondlife-status.statuspage.io/incidents/c6lkyrlmhdmd
  18. I say start afresh too. Avoid your old hangouts and people. Complete fresh start. You don't have to tell anyone anything from your past.
  19. Played some reggae for friends on the beach for a nice chilled start or end of their days
  20. I am out of ideas then. Hopefully someone will be along to help soon.
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