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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. I am not against but i never visit a place because i know that i can find lucky chairs there and maybe get a freebie. Land and business owners use them not only to increase the traffic as already mentioned but to make their places / shops / clubs known to many residents. The more people know your place, the more possibilities you have for sales. My feeling is that a businessman doesn't put in his store 20-30 lucky chairs for nothing if he has no returns and more benefits except of traffic. Some others put instead Midnight Mania's or sploders for the same reason. Residents, especially new ones run to get a free gift or some lindens, so all are happy.
  2. Hello djundup and welcome to SL Forums. At first your display name has nothing to do with your log in process. If you try to log in with Phoenix or Firestorm use "Resident" as Lastname. We have issues in world currently with Inventory Database Maintenance so some residents can't log in. Please see: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ Try to log in a different region like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere. If this is no possible, make some patience and watch this space for updates.
  3. Hello Chaos. If you get the error message "dns cannot resolve host name" it is a known issue but there is no a specific answer. Try at first to log in a different region and to clear your cache under your preferences. Sometimes it helps. Reboot your modem / router also and your computer. If the problem remains, you can try the suggestions at the following links to see if something works for you: http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/ http://www.tomsguide.com/us/how-to-dns-fix,review-​113.html
  4. Hello Ashy. Read again the instructions if they are included. If you still have questions i think the best you can do is to contact the merchant / creator or with im or better with notecard in world.
  5. Hello Sommerland. We have an announcement at http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ Have a look.
  6. Hello Katie and welcome to SL Forums. If you use the last version of Viewer 3 (3.2.4) is a known issue. Several other residents reported this here. You can roll back to the previous version (3.2.1) In this case set your software updates not to be installed automatically (preferences --> setup). Alternatively download the beta (3.2.5).
  7. Hello ADRIJAAIN and welcome to SL Forums. Try to clear your browser's cache, relog in your dashboard or try a different browser. If the problem remains submit a ticket --> Marketplace --> General Marketplace Issues. Report the problem there and the error message you get and wait for a reply.
  8. Hello LyndaNecho and welcome to SL Forums. Set your graphics to lower in your log in screen (before you log in) under preferences --> Graphics tab. Your system can't handle better performance.
  9. Hello eowyn and welcome to SL Forums. You are invisible because obviously your avatar is no loaded. You can try the suggestions at the following link one by one: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=bake_fai​l They work for all viewers and it is very possible to work for you also. However suggestions will not work if: You have corrupted files saved in your hard disk. If so, you will fix the issue if you delete them and download new files. To do that, delete all contests at the following folder: C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife After login back in a quiet sim like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere. Stay there under the water, open your inventory type something in search there and wait fetching all your items till the last one. When fetching finishes, try to change outfit choosing choosing one with just the necessary stuff (skin, shape, hair, eyes, pants and shirt) without any attachments. Wait some seconds and rebake your textures with Ctrl+Alt+R. Repeat same process if it is necessary. It will fix your issue. You have problem with your internet connection. If so, you will fix the problem if you fix your internet connection. You can test your internet speed at http://speedtest.net/ If it is too slow, reboot your modem / router leting it closed for at least 2-3 mins and try again. If you use wireless connection, simply avoid it (it is no recommended for SL) and prefer direct cable connection instead. You can experiment also with your maximum bandwidth until to find the best setting for your system (under preferences --> setup). About your translator we don't know which translator you use. I have in my inventory "Metanomics Translator". I check it now and it works perfectly. I can send you it in world. You can im me if you wish.
  10. Hello Kantar and welcome to SL Forums. Sometimes the first landmark is for the landing point of the region or parcel. Get a second landmark for your skybox. First time you click teleport you are landed on the landing point. Click teleport again for your skybox. See if that helps.
  11. Hello Rosie and welcome to SL Forums. We have currently issues in world. Please see: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ Try to log in a different region like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere. If the problem remains, make some patience and watch this space for updates.
  12. Hello Mystic. We have currently issues in world. Please see: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ Try to log in a different region like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere. If the problem remains, make some patience and watch this space for updates.
  13. Hello Damien and welcome to SL Forums. We have currently issues in world. Please see: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ Try to log in a different region like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere. If the problem remains, make some patience and watch this space for updates.
  14. Hello PanHead. We have currently issues in world. Please see: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ Try to log in a different region like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere. If the problem remains, make some patience and watch this space for updates.
  15. LoveAngeL Lyre

    Logging On.

    Just i noticed that we have currently issues in world. Please see: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  16. LoveAngeL Lyre

    Logging On.

    Hello Ahab. Do you get an error message when you try to log? We need to know it to be able to help. If so, edit your post (Options --> Edit) providing further informations. A first suggestion is to try to log in a different region and see if that makes any difference. Protected lands like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere are recommended.
  17. Hello AlphaGammaDelta and welcome to SL Forums. If you were offline there is a known issue with offlines after the last versions of Viewer 3 which affects all Viewers and several residents. Have a look at this jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-2540 Vote there, add your comment and read the suggestion of Maestro Linden. Generally avoid to be offline when you order something from Marketplace and also to overload your shopping cart. It is a top cause for delivery failures. For now you can also contact the merchants with a notecard in world asking politely for redelivery. Include also the order number and the name(s) of the item(s) that failed to be delivered. If you don't have a reply by the merchants you can submit a ticket under Marketplace --> Failed Marketplace Delivery. Reply there takes usually 3 days.
  18. Hello valiant1. Open again the map. Double click on LR231. When you teleport there, turn to the right a bit and you will see Portal Workshop exactly opposite. Pic below:
  19. Hello ThycknPlaces. Is it sure that the problem is relative with invalid characters in your group tag? If you get the error message "Unable to connect to a simulator" maybe is relative with a temporal problem for the region you are trying to log in, so you can fix it logging in another region. Try to log in a different region like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere and see if that makes any difference. Try also to reboot your modem / router or log in with a different viewer. It is some rare someone to invite you in a group having utter ignorance about this problem except of that is a new group. Mostly users who create their own groups have this problem. Finally if the problem remains and you can't find a solution, you don't lose something if you submit a ticket under Account Issues --> Second Life Web Login Issues. You never know if you can get help / support this way.
  20. Hello pearkiwi and welcome to SL Forums. How to be killed? With a gun for example? If so, the answer is no. If someone desires to stop SL, he can delete his account. If someone violates the TOS and the Community Standards get banned temporarily or permanently by LL. If you want to add some more details about what exactly you have in your mind, you can edit your post (Options --> Edit).
  21. Hello Reginald. I run Windows 7. Have a look here: https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/index.php The problem is no your O.S. Your shared Intel graphics adaptor (up to 761 MB shared memory with 2 GB system memory installed) maybe causes the problem.
  22. Useful link also below: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/help/faqpage/faq-category-id/personalization#personalization
  23. Hello Ava and welcome to SL Forums. You can try the suggestions at the following link one by one: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=bake_fai​l They work for all viewers and it is very possible to work for you also. However suggestions will not work if: You have corrupted files saved in your hard disk. If so, you will fix the issue if you delete them and download new files. To do that, delete all contests at the following folder: C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife After login back in a quiet sim like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere. Stay there under the water, open your inventory type something in search there and wait fetching all your items till the last one. When fetching finishes, try to change outfit choosing choosing one with just the necessary stuff (skin, shape, hair, eyes, pants and shirt) without any attachments. Wait some seconds and rebake your textures with Ctrl+Alt+R. Repeat same process if it is necessary. It will fix your issue. You have problem with your internet connection. If so, you will fix the problem if you fix your internet connection. You can test your internet speed at http://speedtest.net/ If it is too slow, reboot your modem / router leting it closed for at least 2-3 mins and try again. If you use wireless connection, simply avoid it (it is no recommended for SL) and prefer direct cable connection instead. You can experiment also with your maximum bandwidth until to find the best setting for your system (under preferences --> setup). Good luck.
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