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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. Hello boridiva. I assume you can find it easily showing the beacons and delete it. In Viewer 3 you find it under Menu View --> Show --> Beacons --> Enable Beacons, Sound sources (yellow colour) and particle sources (blue colour). See if that helps. Alternatively you can use Ctrl+Alt+T for toggling highlight transparent objects to find it.
  2. Hello Maxineredress and welcome to SL Forums. You have no to worry about something. It has no effect on your avatar.
  3. Hello FurFagSwag and welcome to SL Forums. If you are at least 18 years old, you have to verify your age. So, open your dashboard (log in http://secondlife.com/ ) --> Account on the left --> Age Verification. After you can change your Preferences, to have access to adult regions.
  4. Hello Lillian and welcome to SL Forums. Try to disable VBO under Preferences --> Graphics --> Hardware and also HTTP Textures under Menu Develop (Ctrl+Alt+Q) and see if that makes any difference.
  5. Hello Owl and welcome to SL Forums. Please check out the following link: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_empty_friends_list Maybe it helps.
  6. Hello gaspar and welcome to SL Forums. You can find several Poker Games at Marketplace.
  7. Duplicated. Original thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Shopping/Description-Order-1287748428-i-no-purchese-1-800-lmonteBranco/qaq-p/1324453 If you had a delivery failure you have to contact the merchant or with im in world or better with notecard, asking politely for redelivery. If you don't get a reply by the merchant and you purchased your stuff at marketplace, you can submit also a ticket https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ --> Marketplace --> Failed Marketplace Delivery. Report your problem there and wait for a reply.
  8. LoveAngeL Lyre

    Traffic boosters?

    Hello Athena. We don't know really for what place you speak. Is it a club? A store? A beach? However, some general suggestions below: You can enable the option "Show place in Search" in the "About Land" window for 30L$ / week. You can use a paid classified You can rent an adboard at regions with high traffic You can post a link for your place here in SL Forums under Favorite Destinations Category You can advertise it adding a link also into your signature You can add lucky chairs or Midnight Mania's You can organize contests
  9. LoveAngeL Lyre


    Hello Athena. She can start to collect crystals at Linden Realms and exchange them for some L$. She can also start to hunt the sploders arround ( http://tracker.vudu.sl/ ). She can try to find events / contests and join in. She can join the image contest here in the community. The winner gets 5,000L$. But for sure the the faster way to get lindens is to buy them.
  10. Hello PraxisField. Use this link: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/contests/v2/contestpage/blog-id/newyearnewyou/tab/home Entries New Entry Upload your pic
  11. LoveAngeL Lyre

    What is Traffic?

    Hello Athena. Traffic is renewed every day and depends of the number of visitors you have on your land and how long they stay there. So most avatars on your land, most traffic and the opposite. More details about here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/About_Traffic
  12. Hello MariahWhispers. Spend some time to fill your profile at https://my.secondlife.com/ writing some things for you, for the people you desire to meet and about your interests. After clicking on your interests, you can find residents with the same interests. For example https://my.secondlife.com/interests/art
  13. Hello hunny. Maybe re-installation is not enough to fix your problem. Do a clean reinstall. 1)Uninstall the viewer using the windows control panel 2)Delete all contests at the following folders: C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife and C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife 3)Download a fresh copy from http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ The previous version (3.2.4) available here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Supported_Viewers
  14. Hello tanya. It is necessary to be online in world to pay someone. I am sorry to hear that still you can't log in.
  15. Hello JuicyinMemphis and welcome to SL Forums. Do not worry about that. You will have problems only if you violate the TOS or Community Standards.
  16. Hello Lelu and welcome to SL Forums. You can download and install Mobile Grid Client. It is an application for chatting with your friends in SL, available also at Android Market.
  17. Hello brightsmiles and welcome to SL Forums. You can donwload Phoenix and Firestorm here: http://www.phoenixviewer.com/ The list with all the Third - Party Viewers here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory
  18. Hello justen. Your graphics card is no the best card in the world but normally you can run SL without problems even in high graphics. I have a similar GT 240. Overheating causes the problem you report. My suggestion is set your performance to lower under Preferences --> Graphics and generally to disable everything again under your preferences you don't use like for example voice (assuming that there is no problem with your drivers).
  19. Hello Duran. At first i would suggest you to remove your mail by your post. It is a public forum here and no the best idea to share your personal contact. Which viewer do you use? What you have tried so far? Did you try to log in a different region?
  20. Hello ZiyaKatniss and welcome to SL Forums. What happens when you try to switch to V3 or a TPV ? You can't install the viewer? You can't log in? Viewer crashes? What error message you get? We need more details about your problem. You can edit your post (Options --> Edit).
  21. Rolig Loon wrote: Yup, it's pretty much like RL. If you enjoy shopping and treat it like a hunt, you'll find hundreds of places to buy denim skirts, especially if you aren't desperate to find the right one right now. I do the same thing you do .... If I can't make an item myself, I poke around in Markeplace to see what's generally available and what price merchants are asking. Then I TP around SL until I find what I want. A lot of the time I find it in someplace that I never saw in Marketplace, and I collect a bunch of LMs that I can use the next time I'm shopping. Totally agree. That 's what i do too.
  22. Hello axel1957 and welcome to SL Forums. Sounds like you tried to teleport elsewhere, teleport failed and you are stuck falling under a prim unable to move. If teleporting is not working, relog in different region.
  23. Hello Brockland. If the viewer crashes during install or start up have a look here: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=install_crash A jira also: http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/PHOE-367 you can find many more with google. It would be helpful for a better answer to post here some details about your system specs. You can edit your post (Options ---> Edit). In addition if you use Phoenix is good to join in the group for live support in world and ask also there about your problem. The group called Phoenix/Firestorm Viewer Support. It is a very good group, really worth to join in.
  24. Hello PattPatt and welcome to SL Forums. If you have fast internet connection and no packet loss so far, increase your maximum bandwith (it sets the maximum rate that the Viewer can download contnet) under Preferences --> Setup (in Viewer 3). Default is 500kbps. For example i have set it this moment to 5,000kbps. Generally experiment with this setting till to find the best value for your system.
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