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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. Hello kwajkid. Region or network lag can cause it. For more details and suggestions please check out the following link: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_empty_friends_list
  2. Hello Arabella. Please read an answer from CommerceTeam Linden and follow the suggestions: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Oh-really-now/m-p/1274249#M12774
  3. Hello BJ and welcome to SL Forums. Give a try to follow the suggestions here, http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Troubleshooting_teleporting and see if something helps.
  4. Hello MihaelaOana. There is a known problem after the last version of Viewer 3 which affects all viewers. Have a look at this jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7540 Vote there, add your comment and follow the suggestion of Maestro Linden. See if that makes any difference .
  5. Hello Thomasine. Filling an Abuse Report sounds the best you can do for me. As a premium also you can use the LiveChat. See if you can get help this way.
  6. Hello Amarie. Wait more. Only working days count. As i know can be 5-7 working days. We had holidays and i think this is the cause for your delay.
  7. Hello CjBarlow and welcome to SL Forums. In the page with SL System Requirements you can read that Radeon xpress series has not been tested with Second Life, and compatibility is not certain. However you said that you played SL with this card for months. My feeling is that after you upgraded you have to download again the last drivers for your graphics card and you can download them here: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx See if that makes any difference.
  8. Hello mike and welcome to SL Forums. If you haven't accidentally disable something under Preferences, did you try another stream? Here you can find several: http://www.secondlifeplayer.com/second_life_radio_stations.htm
  9. Hello yonatan. Yes you can buy a Private Estate if you can handle the cost (calculate about 7,500L$ / week for a homestad and 19,000-20,000L$ for a full sim / week). When we say buy, we mean rent from another resident who got the land from LL, although you get most of the owner's rights. Irene's suggestion about conevant, landowner, etc is very very important! Choose a place where you have infos about the landowner and especially for the customer support. Maybe it would be a company / real estate where your friends rent too. If you find something randomly, you risk of course. We are full here of threads and complaints for bad and absent landowners, so be careful. Good luck.
  10. Hello Nova and welcome to SL Forums. If you have already contacted Billing Support and they suggested you to submit a ticket, you have to do that even you don't find the option for your issue. Choose a ticket under Billing, report analytically all the history and wait for a reply. If you have no a reply, contact again Billing Support as already mentioned.
  11. Hello Forestia and welcome to SL Forums. If you have cancelled your account, you may be able to restore it, depending on how long ago it was cancelled. There is a US$9.95 reactivation fee for restoring an account. Warning: Even if your account is restored, the associated inventory, land, and Linden dollar balance may be unrecoverable. To start the process: Open a support case. Under What type of problem are you having? choose Account Issue. Choose Reactivate an old account. Enter the required information Click Submit. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Accounts-overview/ta-p/700019#Section_.5.2
  12. Hello Kay and welcome to SL Forums. Contact the merchant(s) with a notecard in world including the order number and the name(s) of the item(s) that failed to be delivered and ask politely for redelivery.
  13. Hello emuttyy. Under InWorldEmployment Category in SL Forums i assume you have to write more about your special skills and about the reasons someone is gonna pay you well. However if you have no skills (for example building, scripting etc) just forget it. Other thing i am looking for a job to make some L$ and other i am looking for a job and get payed well.
  14. Hello foxygabryela. 2 different accounts, 2 different viewers, same time. That's why you crashed. Your system couldn't handle both. It is possible to continue to have similar or different problems, if you continue to mix more accounts and viewers with one computer / laptop without clearing often your cache, even you use them one by one and no both same time. About gestures, Rolig already answered.
  15. Hello CatAngellsMe and welcome to SL Forums. Several other users reported the same problem (black screen) with the last version of Viewer 3. However i don't know if someone created a jira. Try to download the previous version (3.2.1) or beta ((3.2.5) and see if that makes any difference. If it works, don't forget to set your software updates no to be installed automatically (preferences --> setup).
  16. Hello TheFriedGeek and welcome to SL Forums. My suggestion is do not delete your account. Leave it active with a basic membership, which costs nothing to maintain. If at some point in the future you should choose to revisit Second Life, your avatar and your inventory will be here waiting for you. Have a look here in Forums. You will find many threads with residents who desire to reactivate their old accounts.
  17. Hello Cold. Open the profile at https://my.secondlife.com/ You can post something in profile's Feed. Alternatively you can send a message (mail). Click the Message Button --> Private Message --> Send.
  18. Hello Gerdthor. If you want bigger land and prims you have just to find it. About land use fees on Mainland check out the following link: http://secondlife.com/land/pricing.php Alternatively you can find a parcel in a Private Estate. Offers about everything in Land Forum.
  19. Hello LaurahJ and welcome back to SL. I tried to open your profile in world and in https://my.secondlife.com/laurahj.tungsten and i get the message that the name is unavailable. I don't think that we can do something about that. Here is a resident supported forum. You have to submit a ticket, under Account issues, reporting the problem there and asking for support.
  20. Hello CynicaLoner. You are almost 1 week old only in SL. Your limits start to get increased the first time you purchase lindens, gradually till to reach level 1 (2,500US$). After depends of your activity. Soon you will be able to buy more. Please check out the following link in your dashboard: https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/describe-limits.php
  21. Hello Moby and welcome to SL Forums. You can follow the suggestions at the following link one by one: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_bake_fail They work for all viewers. Start with them. However suggestions there, will no work if: You have corrupted files saved in your hard disk. If so, you will fix the issue if you delete them and download new files. To do that, delete all contests at the following folder: C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife After login back in a quiet sim like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere. Stay there under the water, open your inventory type something in search there and wait fetching all your items till the last one. When fetching finishes, try to change outfit choosing choosing one with just the necessary stuff (skin, shape, hair, eyes, pants and shirt) without any attachments. Wait some seconds and rebake your textures with Ctrl+Alt+R. Repeat same process if it is necessary. It will fix your issue. You have problem with your internet connection. If so, you will fix the problem if you fix your internet connection. You can test your internet speed at http://speedtest.net/ If it is too slow, reboot your modem / router leting it closed for at least 2-3 mins and try again. If you use wireless connection, simply avoid it (it is no recommended for SL) and prefer direct cable connection instead. You can experiment also with your maximum bandwidth until to find the best setting for your system (under preferences --> setup).
  22. Hello Ineeda and welcome to SL Forums. Open your inventory (in V3), click the small cross down there --> Upload Image. It costs 10L$ for each pic. However, if you want the pic for your profile you don't have to pay. It is free.
  23. Hello xxdahlia and welcome to SL and SL Forums. Please provide further informations about your problem and you have done or tried so far. They only we can do now is to guess.
  24. Hello Gavin and welcome to SL Forums. Have you ever tried to contact Billing Support. or send a mail to: support@payments.secondlife.com ?
  25. Hello Avalyn. Check out also The White Armory.
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