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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. Hello Pepine. There is a known issue with offlines after the last versions of Viewer 3 which affects all Viewers and several residents. Have a look at this jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-2540 Vote there, add your comment and read the suggestion of Maestro Linden.
  2. Hello kwajkid. Did you try the suggestions here ? http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Troubleshooting_teleporting
  3. Hello nyteswan and welcome to SL Forums. Buy the new dances / animations and upack them Open your inventory Right click on the dance ball --> Edit --> Last tab "Content" Wait the list to be loaded Drag the new animations from your inventory into there. Wait some seconds. Usually after you see in local chat that your dance ball is ready, means that the new animations have been added.
  4. Thanks all for your replies so far. @ Wildcat : Your answer was very enlightening.
  5. Hello Jartus. It is a known bug after the last updates of Viewer 3 which affects all viewers and several residents. Have a look at this jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-2540 Vote there, add your comment and read the suggestion of Maestro Linden.
  6. Hello Booj and welcome to SL Forums. Check out if you accidentally disabled plugins or cookies under Preferences --> Setup. Also try to relog. If the problem remains you can open and edit your profile in https://my.secondlife.com/ Your profile there is https://my.secondlife.com/booj.kegel
  7. Hello Lena and welcome to SL Forums. If you use wireless, just avoid it. It is no recommended for SL. Use direct cable connection.
  8. Duplicated post: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/how-do-i-change-my-age-SOS/qaq-p/1321447
  9. Hello Lux. In addition very good Cinn's answer stand into your Linden Home before. Some residents try to Abandon their land standing outside the house where is Linden Land and no your land so "Abandon Land" button is grey (no available).
  10. Hello Syo. You see this info at the right down corner of your monitor when someone close to you wears mesh stuff or a mesh object is rezzing. Move your im window a bit.
  11. Hello hotgangstergirl and welcome to SL and SL Forums. We had a similar question some earlier. Please check out the answers at the following thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Getting-Started/teleporting/qaq-p/1321915
  12. Hello svhot and welcome to SL Forums. You can start also to hunt Voodoo Sploders. Residents get informed online ( http://tracker.vudu.sl/ ) about places with pots and run to earn some lindens. Land Owners offer lindens trying to make known their places and to increase the traffic. You can try that.
  13. Hello Morton and welcome to SL Forums. The stuff you purchase, arrives in your inventory as a box with contests and saved in the folder called "Objects" in your main inventory. You can't attach or wear the box immidiately. You must to open (unpack it). So you go at a region where you have the right to rezz. Public Sandboxes are recommended about. You can find several of them here. So choose a Sandbox --> View this destination --> View on map --> Visit this location --> You see a pop-up window --> Allow --> you see the place profile in your monitor in world on the right --> Teleport. When you arrive at the sandbox you drag the box on the ground --> right click on it --> Open --> Copy to inventory. A folder is created in your inventory (easier to find it looking at the 2nd tab of your inventory called "Recent"). Now you are ready to use (wear or add the stuff, clothes etc with right click on them in your inventory --> Wear or Add. You repeat the same process to open (unpack) all the boxes. When you finish it is good to delete them.
  14. Hello Blueridge. Show the list with your groups, in V3 is Menu Communicate --> My Groups. Right click on a group --> View Info --> Disable "Recieve Group Notices" --> Save. Repeat same process with the other groups you want.
  15. Hello to all. Yesterday a friend invited me to her place to show me her Meeroos. I can admit that they are so cute and beautiful. She has about 40. When i asked how much cost a meeroo she replied that prices start from 20-25L$ for the cheapest ones up to 100-500L$ for the better ones. Nothing strange so far. After she continues saying that there are some very special meeroos which people can purchase in auctions for 100,000L$ - 300,000L$ !!! I got impressed! Is it true? 1,200 US Dollars for a meeroo? :smileysurprised:
  16. Hello DanteNyro. Normally an avatar test will fix your problem removing everything causes that. You find it in Viewer 3 under Menu Develop (Ctrl+Alt+Q) --> Avatar --> Character Tests --> Test Male / Female. If it works you will see your avatar like a noob but after you can change again outfit.
  17. Hello pheinox and welcome to SL Forums. Did you try to teleport to empty sims like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere and test it there? If the problem remains try to clear your cache under your preferences and see if that makes any difference.
  18. Hello LucasBelsha and welcome to SL Forums. It is a serious problem and my feeling is that we can't suggest a specific answer. If you search about your problem here in SL Forums or with google (media_plugin_webkit second life) you will find dozens of threads with suggestions (other for pc's and other for mac's) and also several jiras (reports of bugs - search without the underlines there) where usually you can read official suggestions by the Lindens. You can try them untill someone else drops in with a better answer. Good luck.
  19. Hello beastlysasha and welcome to SL and SL Forums. Of course you need to download and install the viewer to visit places. You can find it here: http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ After installation you log in using your username and password with double click on the shortcut on your desktop. Being in world you find places with 2 ways: Using the Search button: It has an icon with a magnifying lens. Open the search, type one or more word keys (club or beach for example) and look for "Places". When you get the results, click the name of the place to read more infos about and Teleport to go there. Sorting the results with other way (for example by traffic) you get other different ones. Using the Destinations button: It has a pin icon. You click the button, and a window with categories opens. Click on a category (for example "Newcomer"), choose a place and click on the pic to teleport there. Under the pic you see exactly how many other avatars are there this moment. If you don't see a button, right click on a toolbar --> Show buttons. The customize toolbars window opens. Find the button and drag it out on a toolbar. If you need help in world you can teleport to the Greeter Island. It is a Help location where Linden Helpers are available to assist you between the hours of 10am-6pm SLT. Of course you can ask here in SL Forums as well. Finally you can use the SL Search or Destinations (Destination Guide) with your browser. Finding a destination this way you click "View this destination" --> Teleport --> a pop up window opens and you click "Allow" --> you see in world the place's profile and Teleport to go there. Have fun and enjoy your new Second Life. 
  20. Hello Rodney and welcome to SL Forums. Yes you can do that if you mean snapshots. Just click the Snapshot button (in Viewer 3 has in icon with a camera) --> Save to my computer --> Save. That's all. If you don't see the button, right click on a toolbar --> Toolbar buttons, find the button and drag it out on a toolbar.
  21. Hello Twyla and welcome to SL Forums. Give a try to follow the suggestions at the following link and see if something makes any difference. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Troubleshooting_teleporting
  22. Hello BrettBurnett and welcome to SL Forums. We had earlier today issues in world with Inventory Database Maintenance but they have been resolved now. Please see: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ Try to log in a difference region like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere and see if that makes any difference. If you use the official viewer and you can't choose a difference region, in your log in screen give the command: Menu Me --> Preferences --> General Tab --> Enable "Show on login" --> OK. After click the down arrow where it says "Start at" and choose <Type region name> --> Smith --> Login.
  23. Hello Ivvy. It is a known issue after the last updates of Viewer 3 which affects all viewers and many residents. Here is the jira about: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7540 Vote there, add your comment and follow the suggestion of Maestro Linden.
  24. Hello. Is your Blackberry Android compatible? If yes, you can install directly from Android Market METABolt. You log in without problems with your username and password and you chat with your friends in SL.
  25. Hello Rosey. I am surprised that you can even run SL with a geforce FX 5500 which is ancient (released 2005 or 2006 if i am right). Definitely you need a better graphics card to run the application. Maybe give a try to run the old viewer 1.23 I can't suggest something else.
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