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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. Hello Christine. Check out also: Maitreya Slink (available only at the central store in world) eXxEsS (available only at the central store in world)
  2. Hello Silver. Similar threads below: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Glow-effect-is-blown-out-even-on-objects-set-to-zero/td-p/909653 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Building-and-Texturing-Forum/Glowing-Particles-No-longer-supported-with-Phoenix-viewer-1-6/td-p/1293257 I am not sure if someone re-opened recently a jira. You can do that reporting the bug there.
  3. Batuallo Rad wrote: UPD: And by the way in 'About Land' it says that the owner of the land is somebody else. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Hello Batuallo and welcome to SL Forums. That's why you are not allowed to rezz and run scripts. Open your dashboard (log in http://secondlife.com/ ) --> Land Manager on the left --> My Mainland to see where is the parcel with your Linden Home and teleport there. Don't forget after to set there your home location (under Menu World --> Set Home to Here). Finally you can teleport back there or with Ctrl+Shirt+H or with the house button on the left of your address bar if you use the official viewer.
  4. My feeling is that he means the Shopping Cart at Marketplace by the error message he reported.
  5. Hello emuttyy. Try to clear your browser's cache (under Menu Tools --> Internet Options), relog in your dashboard or try a different browser. If the problem remains, submit a ticket --> Marketplace --> General Marketplace Issues. Report the problem here (with the error message you get) and wait for a reply. Generally avoid to overload your shopping cart. It is one of the top causes for delivery failures.
  6. Hello pibebrusle and welcome to SL Forums. Why did you return your stuff and you didin't take it one by one? That 's what you had to do. It was a mistake. With auto-returns always you have the risk to lose something. For now: Check out your Lost and Found folder in your main inventory for coalesced items. To see what exactly are the coalesced items and how you can retrieve them, please check the following links: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Object http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_to_retrieve_coalesced_items http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Building-tips/ta-p/700041 _____________________________________________________________________________ (About how to post pictures here in the Forums, have a look here. )
  7. Hello Starla and welcome to SL Forums. You are already in! Just now i saw your pic. Also you got your first kudos: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/New-Year-New-You-Image-Contest/Sept-2007-amp-Jan-2012/cns-p/1332071
  8. Hello croslebode and welcome to SL Forums. Why we can join in up to 42 (??) groups for example? It is good to have more. SL limitations. Noone here can answer your question if it 's gonna change in the future. It is a resident supported forum. Only someone from LL's development team can reply.
  9. Hello vigamer. If you refer to a place in SL, it would be helpful to add a SLurl. Also it would be better to post it under Favorite Destinations Category.
  10. Hello Monarchy and welcome to SL Forums. If you have problems with delivery failures at Marketplace you can contact the merchant at first, as you already mentioned, but if you don't get a reply or you can't resolve your problem, ticket--> Marketplace category --> Failed Marketplace Delivery, including the order number and the name(s) of the item(s) that failed to be delivered. Also use the Marketplace only for research and after go shopping in world. It is preferable. By the way, last weeks there is a bug with offlines which affects many residents (not all). They get nothing when they are offline. Maybe this problem affects you also. Here is a jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7540? You can vote there, add your comment and follow the suggestion of Maestro Linden: "After more investigation, I have a guess about why this issue only affects certain avatars. One of my avatars had this issue, and had an empty Block List. As soon as I had the avatar block an object inworld (right click -> Block), I immediately received the queued offline IMs. This fix persisted between different sessions, even after I removed the object from my Block List (making it empty once again). For those of you affected by this bug, could you try blocking/muting an object or avatar, and see if that fixes your problem? To block an object (or avatar), you can right click on them, then select Manage->Block from the context menu."
  11. Hello Arbro and welcome to SL Forums. I agree with Thinkerer's opinion (Your problem sounds more like a corrupted install). As i know some residents had problems trying to install the last version of Viewer 3 (3.2.5), getting the following error message (during installation): Error opening file for writing: C:\Program Files \ SecondlifeViewer\llplugin\imageformats\qtiff4.dll Click Abort to stop the installation, Retry to try again, or Ignore to skip this file. Clicking "skip" more .dll files appeared in a queue with the same error message. After when they were trying to run the viewer they got... Second life crash report Sending to server,try 1... and then disappears... So: 1)Uninstall the program using the Windows Control Panel 2)Delete all contests at the following folders: C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife and C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife 3)Download a fresh copy from http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ and install it. Normally it will fix your issue. About Windows paths: The paths i gave you exist for Windows Vista or 7. If you run different OS, post back here leting us know If the folder Appdata is hidden, make it visible under Windows Tools --> Folder Options --> View & enable Show Hidden Files/Folders C: = your hard disk. Where you see backslash (\) follows a folder into the previous one
  12. Thanks all for your answers. I prefer to read your opinions in this thread than to post, 'cause i know almost nothing about meeroos and breedables. Today my friend im'ed me again and told me that she has two newborns! The first is very rare and she is pretty sure that she can sell it for at least 150,000L$ (maybe 200,000). The other one for 25,000L$. It is rare also. Maybe this is the answer for the question of how one recoups an investment from purchasing a 100k Meeroo. If i have understood right, when you buy a rare (special) breedable you have more possibilities for special newborns also (depends of the genealogical tree), so it is very possible to get your money back and maybe more. @Pussycat: Your pic is amazing!!
  13. Hello Rissachu and welcome to SL Forums. No possible to buy something for 0L$ and to be charged. Obviously after the first free item you purchased accindentally some more no free. You can go back to the store to check out if all the stuff your got was free or no. If you are sure that everything there marked as free while they are not, you can fill an Abuse Report (under Menu Help).
  14. Hello blingdenstone and welcome to SL Forums. Was your account in hold? If so you have to call LL at (866) 476-9763 or you can submit a new ticket. Here is a resident supported forum and only LL can help you. You can mail also to: support@secondlife.com
  15. Hello Vranica and welcome to SL Forums. At first, avoid to overload your shopping cart because it is one of the top causes for delivery failures. Now you have 2 options. Analytically: Contant the merchant: open your Dashboard (log in http://secondlife.com/ ) --> Shopping --> Marketplace --> My Marketplace --> My account --> Order History --> If you see that your last purchases delivered means that the merchant got payed --> Take a copy of your last purchases (there you see the name of the merchant)--> Open your inventory --> create a New Notecard --> Paste there --> send the notecard to the merchant(s) describing what was happened and asking politely for redelivery. Contact support: If you don't get a reply by the merchant you can Submit a ticket https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ --> Marketplace category --> Failed Marketplace Delivery. Explain what was happened, includes the order number and the name(s) of the item(s) that failed to be delivered and wait for a reply. By the way last weeks there is a bug with offlines which affects many residents (not all). They get nothing when they are offline. Maybe this problem affects you also. Here is a jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7540? You can vote there, add your comment and follow the suggestion of Maestro Linden: "After more investigation, I have a guess about why this issue only affects certain avatars. One of my avatars had this issue, and had an empty Block List. As soon as I had the avatar block an object inworld (right click -> Block), I immediately received the queued offline IMs. This fix persisted between different sessions, even after I removed the object from my Block List (making it empty once again). For those of you affected by this bug, could you try blocking/muting an object or avatar, and see if that fixes your problem? To block an object (or avatar), you can right click on them, then select Manage->Block from the context menu." Good luck.
  16. Fido Fudo wrote: I completed several quests, but now I seem to be stuck on one that says to "return to Tyrah's workshop and report findings". Any help? Really no problem with that. You continue to collect crystals and exchange them. Good luck.
  17. garey Solo wrote: no i dont get shadows when sliding to ultra . Im not sure how to find my graphics card info and even if i did i wouldnt know if it was any good Start button --> Run --> Type there "dxdiag" (without the quotation marks) --> OK --> Open the Display tab (2nd one). There you see your graphics card. Your system can't handle ultra performance with lightings and shadows and is no good to force your computer trying to enable them. The only you get is overheat and system crashes.
  18. Hello Riki. You posted in wrong category. You should post under Land Forum.
  19. Very informative thread here also. Have a look: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Temporary-prims-versus-rezzables/qaq-p/1300501
  20. Hello Hoshi. Open your preferences --> Move & View and set: Single click on land: No action Double click on land : No action See if that makes any difference.
  21. Hello Jodieanne. Although it is an old and famous club, it would be helpful to post here a SLurl. Maybe new residents desire to visit the club and they don't know how.
  22. Hello Shoeshine and welcome to SL Forums. Did you try Phoenix Support, Phoenix Viewer Wiki Voice Related ? Suggestions work for all viewers
  23. Hello Dominion. Check out under Preferences --> Setup if you have enabled the option "Use my browser" and below Enable plugins and javascript and Accept cookies.
  24. Hello Dominion. Last weeks there is a bug with offlines which affects many residents (not all). They get nothing when they are offline. Maybe this problem affects you also. Here is a jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7540? You can vote there, add your comment and follow the suggestion of Maestro Linden: "After more investigation, I have a guess about why this issue only affects certain avatars. One of my avatars had this issue, and had an empty Block List. As soon as I had the avatar block an object inworld (right click -> Block), I immediately received the queued offline IMs. This fix persisted between different sessions, even after I removed the object from my Block List (making it empty once again). For those of you affected by this bug, could you try blocking/muting an object or avatar, and see if that fixes your problem? To block an object (or avatar), you can right click on them, then select Manage->Block from the context menu."
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