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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. You are welcome Charolotte. It is so cool, especially for residents who have no photoshop or similar programs.
  2. Hello Lynn. It is possible. You need to create a group at first (costs 100 L$) if you have no already one. You set after your land to the group. In Viewer 3 Menu World --> Place profile --> About Land --> General --> Set. You create a new role into the group and you open the permission "Allow Set Home to Here on group land" under Parcel Powers (you can open if you want more permissions as well). Finally invite the residents you want into the group. That's all.
  3. Duplicated. Answers at: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Can-not-launch-Second-Life/qaq-p/1336911
  4. Hello SuperGirl. Did you try to log in a different region like Smith or Exeuxoa? If yes, try to reboot your modem / router leting it closed for 2-3 mins and try again.
  5. Thanks Charolotte! I "played" with many effects and options using Picnik (an online program for editing).
  6. Hello Kristina and welcome to SL Forums. Are they shoes with prim feet? If so, read the instuctions, i guess they are included. Use a pose stand and be sure that you wear all parts (shoe base, left and right show and maybe alpha layers). Usually shoes with prim feet come with a hud. You have to wear it also. With the hud you try to fit the skin as better as you can. About resizing. If shoes have a script about, click the shoes and you will get a pop up window where you change the size.
  7. Hello Sparkle. Maybe it would be better to post it under Role Play Category in SL Forums. I guess you will get more answers there.
  8. Hello asdertos and welcome to SL and SL Forums. Some other residents reported the same problem here. It is possibly a problem with your graphics card. Uninstall the program and download the previous version of Viewer 3 (3.2.4) If the problem remains try to donwload a Third-Party Viewer. Many residents use Phoenix or Firestorm. Btw, if it the first time you try to run the application, check if your system meets the requirements for SL here.
  9. Hello GingerAda and welcome to SL Forums. Try to click your L$ balance to refresh it. Alternatively teleport elsewhere or relog. If you don't see any difference open your dashboard (log in http://secondlife.com/ ) --> Account on the left --> Transaction History to see where your lindens gone.
  10. Nice thread Ceka. Some great pics also. Here is mine: \ The pic was a .bmp file (3,56MB). Converted to .jpg
  11. Hello Padmavati and welcome to SL and SL Forums. For everything you need, just ask here or in world. Enjoy!
  12. Hello AngelicJHoover and welcome to SL! Newcomer friendly destinations here: http://secondlife.com/destinations/communities Newcomer adult friendly destinations here: http://secondlife.com/destinations/adult/newcomer Have fun!
  13. Hello Pierce. Except of AO if you use a dance ball or hud usually there is usually a small delay when you change dance.
  14. Hello shylove28 and welcome to SL Forums. Rolig is right (as always hehe). We need details about your system specs and your internet connection, to give a specific answer. However 2 general suggestions below: If you have fast internet connection you can increase your maximum bandwidth under preferences --> setup. This way you increase the maximum rate that the Viewer can download contnet so everything arround will be loaded faster. However if you notice packet loss you have immidiately to set this option to lower. With few words experiment with this option till to find the best for your computer / laptop Disable everything under preferences also you don't use like for example voice, typing animation, move avatar's lips when speaking, even music / stream if you listen seldom. Set also your performance lower under Preferences --> graphics. It helps also.
  15. Hello 37bitten and welcome to SL Forums. Beside the other good answers please check out the answer i gave some mins earlier at this thread.
  16. Yes, your card is old enough but it doesn't mean that you can't run SL. It has shared video memory, with simple words it just "borrows" from your RAM --> you end up having a little less RAM than you would if you had a dedicated card (as with all intergraded video cards). Your internet connection is fast so you can increase more your maximum bandwidth (i have mine this moment to 5,000 with slower connection). If you consider that the previous version of viewer 3 (3.2.4) was working better for you, you can roll back to it setting your software updates no to be installed automatically (preferences --> setup). You find the previous version here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Supported_Viewers
  17. Hello kksilvers and welcome to SL Forums. You didin't report something about your system specs and about your internet connection. That would be help for a more specific answer. However, some general suggestions about crashing below: If you are new to V3 and your recently download it, i would suggest you to log in a quiet sim like Smith or Exeuxoa. If you can't select a different region, in your log in screen give the command: Menu Me --> Preferences --> General Tab --> Enable "Show on login" --> OK. After click the down arrow where it says "Start at" and choose <Type region name> --> Smith --> Login. Stay there under the water open your inventory and the recent tab and wait fetching all your items till the last one. Sometimes it takes time but no so long as in Phoenix. Avoid during this process to do something else like teleporting for example. Be patient when you teleport to a region especially if you visit it for first time with the new viewer. Everything arround you are textures and even you can't see some of them like for example under the floor of a house, the server must cache it and download it to every client viewer, both in your sim and in adjacent sims. If you are not patient and you try to move immidiately, in fact you "force" your computer to download stuff faster, so crash happens. When you download every viewer, it has some default settings under menu me --> preferences. One of them the maximum bandwidth (default to 500). Although, according LL 500 kbps is enough to run SL without problems, you can increase it especially if you have fast internet connection. This way you increase the maximum rate that the Viewer can download contnet so everything arround will be loaded faster. However if you notice packet loss you have immidiately to set this option to lower. With few words experiment with this option till to find the best for your computer / laptop (under preferences --> setup). If you crash also during teleporting you have to follow the suggestions here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Troubleshooting_te​leporting Make sure that you use the last version of Viewer 3 (currently the version is 3.2.5 where bugs got fixed and no the beta version, no the development viewer). Check out also your viewer's crash logs to see what causes the crash. More about how you check them out here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Finding_Log_Files Another top cause for a crash is overheat. Try to set your graphics to lower under Preferences --> Graphics and generally to disable everything you don't need like voice for example. Check out also if your computer adequately cooled. If you dont know how to do that (checking that your fans for example are clean and work) ask a friend to help you. Make sure that you have the last updates for your graphics card. SL is a very demanding application. If you need a link about it let us know. Check out if there is a problem with your connectivity. Visit http://speedtest.net/ Avoid downloading and generally to run other applications when you are online in world. You need at least 1Mbps. If it is lower, contact your ISP to see if there is a problem with your line. Also if you use wireless, avoid it and prefer direct cable connection. If the problem remains clear your cache manually out of SL and having your viewer closed. Always it helps. If you don't know how to do that, let us know. If you are a Premium you can also submit a ticket asking for techniqual support or also mail to: support@secondlife.com You can use also the LiveChat reporting the problem there. If you still can't find a solution don't hesitate to create a jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa --> Create issue. Usually there you have official answers by the Lindens
  18. Hello Tattoodiva. Definitely you are not the only one with billing issues. Which error message you get? If the problem remains using a different browser you can contact Billing Support. Other options: Toll-Free Support Number for UK, Germany, France, Japan, Spain, Brazil, and Portugal: +0080071237123 Customer support phone number (All Countries): +44 2033620268 Email: support@payments.secondlife.com
  19. Hello skye. You can find more options under Enviroment Editon --> Water or Sky or Day presets. @Valerie: The variety is the same in all regions just your settings are no visible by other residents.
  20. Hello PiperNichole and welcome to SL Forums. There are 2 main causes you get this error message. Maybe: 1)It is relative with a temporal problem at the region you try to log in or with region rolling restarts we have often in world for maintenance. Don't forget to check always: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ (although there is no something currently). If so, is possible to fix the problem if you log in a different region. Try to log in a protected land like Smith, Exeuxoa or Anzere. (You wrote that it didin't work). 2)It is relative with invalid character(s) in your group tag, with a 2-byte character being sliced in half, resulting in a corrupt character. If so, you will fix the problem if you remove or change it. Maybe you joined in or created a new new group recently? If you remember which group tag you wear, log in with an alt (alternative / another account), find the owner or a manager of the group, explain who you are and ask them to eject you of the group. If you are the group owner, again log in with an alt and change the group tag. If it is no possible, tell your friends to delete the group. When they all leave, your group in 48 hours will stop to exist, so you will fix your problem. In any case if you are a premium and you can't find a solution, you can submit a ticket https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ --> Account issue --> Second Life Web Login Issues. Report there the problem analytically and wait for a reply. Good luck.
  21. Hello Lyllian and welcome to SL Forums. You didin't report something about your graphics card and about your internet connection. 2 top causes for crashing. However, some general suggestions below: If you are new to V3 and your recently download it, i would suggest you to log in a quiet sim like Smith or Exeuxoa. If you can't select a different region, in your log in screen give the command: Menu Me --> Preferences --> General Tab --> Enable "Show on login" --> OK. After click the down arrow where it says "Start at" and choose <Type region name> --> Smith --> Login. Stay there under the water open your inventory and the recent tab and wait fetching all your items till the last one. Sometimes it takes time but no so long as in Phoenix. Avoid during this process to do something else like teleporting for example. Be patient when you teleport to a region especially if you visit it for first time with the new viewer. Everything arround you are textures and even you can't see some of them like for example under the floor of a house, the server must cache it and download it to every client viewer, both in your sim and in adjacent sims. If you are not patient and you try to move immidiately, in fact you "force" your computer to download stuff faster, so crash happens. When you download every viewer, it has some default settings under menu me --> preferences. One of them the maximum bandwidth (default to 500). Although, according LL 500 kbps is enough to run SL without problems, you can increase it especially if you have fast internet connection. This way you increase the maximum rate that the Viewer can download contnet so everything arround will be loaded faster. However if you notice packet loss you have immidiately to set this option to lower. With few words experiment with this option till to find the best for your computer / laptop (under preferences --> setup). If you crash during teleporting you have to follow the suggestions here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Troubleshooting_teleporting Make sure that you use the last version of Viewer 3 (currently the version is 3.2.5 where bugs got fixed and no the beta version, no the development viewer). Check out also your viewer's crash logs to see what causes the crash. More about how you check them out here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Finding_Log_Files Another top cause for a crash is overheat. Try to set your graphics to lower under Preferences --> Graphics and generally to disable everything you don't need like voice for example. Check out also if your computer adequately cooled. If you dont know how to do that (checking that your fans for example are clean and work) ask a friend to help you. Make sure that you have the last updates for your graphics card. SL is a very demanding application. If you need a link about it let us know. Check out if there is a problem with your connectivity. Visit http://speedtest.net/ Avoid downloading and generally to run other applications when you are online in world. You need at least 1Mbps. If it is lower, contact your ISP to see if there is a problem with your line. Also if you use wireless, avoid it and prefer direct cable connection. If the problem remains clear your cache manually out of SL and having your viewer closed. Always it helps. If you don't know how to do that, let us know. If you are a Premium you can also submit a ticket asking for techniqual support or also mail to: support@secondlife.com You can use also the LiveChat reporting the problem there. If you still can't find a solution don't hesitate to create a jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa --> Create issue. Usually there you have official answers by the Lindens
  22. Hello Perfidius. It is no illegal but if you ask indirectly if it is recommended to download and use them, my answer is no. Avoid them and use only the TPV which included in the official list in SL Wiki.
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