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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. Hello Magorino. I remember now that as a newbie i used to hunt lucky chairs and midnight maniac. Use the search, it's the best you can do. I checked out 2 places where i knew that there were many lucky chairs and MM's but they both changed. It was long time ago. About the quality now, depends of how someone defines the quality.
  2. Hello trey. Someone can enter in adult regions even he is 1 day old, if he becomes "Age Verified" (Age Verification) or "Account Verified" (Payment info on File).
  3. Olá Giovanna. Experimente para testar o seu avatar. testar o seu avatar. Em Viewer 2 dar o comando: Menu Desenvolver (Ctrl + Alt + Q) -> Avatar -> Character Tests -> Teste Feminino. Veja se isso ajuda. Edit: Se o teste do avatar faz agora trabalhar para você, Abra seu inventário, escrever algo em busca lá e esperar buscar todos os seus itens, até a última. Depois disso, mudar para uma região com menor defasagem. Terras protegidas arround recomendado (Smith, cal, Aqua). Lá, tentar mudar o equipamento. Escolha um com apenas o material necessário (pele, forma, cabelo, olhos, calça e camisa), sem quaisquer anexos. Se o problema persistir, limpe o cache manualmente: (XP) - C: \ Documents and Settings \ (user name) - Dados de aplicativos \ SecondLife e C: \ Documents and Settings \ (user name) Settings \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Second Life (Vista) e (Win 7) - C: \ Users \ (nome do usuário) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife e C: \ Users \ (nome do usuário) \ ApplData \ Secondlife \ Local Exclua tudo nas pastas e reiniciar o seu primeiro computador e depois do programa. Geralmente a pasta AppData é uma pasta oculta. (Windows Ferramentas \ Opções de Pasta \ Ver e activar a opção Mostrar arquivos ocultos / pastas) Tenha em mente que se você limpar o cache manualmente, você vai perder todas as suas conversas privadas que são guardadas no seu computador. Para evitá-lo copiar a pasta com seu nome na pasta Secondlife em outra posição em seu disco rígido. Se você tiver mais que 1 telespectadores instalado em seu computador, você deve fazê-lo para todos seguindo os mesmos caminhos no seu disco rígido. Por exemplo C: \ Users \ (nome de usuário) \ ApplData \ Local \ PhoenixViewer Depois que o log em uma área protegida, abra seu inventário, digite algo na busca lá e siga o mesmo processo que eu descrevi. Boa sorte.
  4. Hello QuittaC. Sometimes it takes a little more to get your purchases. You must to wait 24 hours and after, you can start to worry. So, if tomorrow you haven't got the textures, open your Dashboard --> Shopping --> Marketplace --> My Marketplace --> My account --> Order History --> If you see that your last purchases delivered means that the merchant(s) got payed --> Take a copy of your last purchases --> Open your inventory --> create a New Notecard --> Paste there --> send the notecard to the merchant(s) describing what was happened and asking politely for redelivery.
  5. I guess Jacki that you wanted to reply to Mayalily instead of me, but it is ok. :smileywink:
  6. Rockwood wrote: Have spent hours searching as the instructions said (yes, I DID read them. Why do people always assume the worst of others?) Have found nothing on the mainland that is owned by Governor Linden that is 512m AND for sale. Thanks for your admonishion, anyway. Hello Rockwood. If still after all the instuctions here you can't find your Linden Home, it is suggested to use the Live Chat right now. https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ you will see the option at the right.
  7. ShiroKokoro wrote: was in phoenix. then tried vewier 2....cause i was having more issues than that. My friends list and groups were not showing. I couldn't tp without being logged out. All but inventory issue has cleared up That means you were in Basic Mode with Viewer 2. Did you log in after in Advanced Mode ?
  8. Hello. Your objects should be in your Lost and Found folder in your inventory or at their first folder. If you remember their names or at least a part of them, type some characters in inventory's search and you will find them.
  9. Hello Calamity. Yes as i noticed today it is not working. http://secondlife.com/my/whatnext/video-tutorials/index.php? It is not only for you, my feeling is that is something general. EDIT: Charolotte, you was right *smiles*
  10. Hello Lequisha. If you forgot your password visit the following page and follow the instructions to get it back. https://secondlife.com/my/account/request.php It is the password recovery page. If you forgot your username, you can retrieve it: From your welcome email From Second Life website Have in your mind that if you registered multiple Second Life accounts with the same email address, you will be able to retrieve the username of only your first account. This is a known system limitation.
  11. Hello Sully. At first check out your sound panel in world. It is at the right upper corner of your screen. It is possible accidentally to make a change there. After that check out your firewall to see if that blocks SL sounds. No something else possible.
  12. Hello. I am not sure what exactly you mean. Maybe this? Click Teleport and after "Allow...." and you will see the Place profile in world at the right of your screen where your landmarks are. Click Teleport there.
  13. Hello Kalie and welcome to Second Life. If you see your avatar like an oval (i guess you have low graphics) means that your avatar isn't fully loaded. At first try to rebake your textures with Ctrl+Alt+R. Open your inventory, write something in search there and wait fetching ALL your items till the last one. After that, move to a region with less lag. Smith is a protected land which is recommended. There, try to change outfit. Choose one with just the necessary stuff (skin, shape, hair, eyes, pants and shirt) without any attachments. If that doesnt work for you, test your avatar. In Viewer 2 give the command: Menu Develop (Ctrl+Alt+Q) --> Avatar --> Character Tests --> Test Male / Female. Start this way and keep in touch here to inform us if you fixed your problem or you need more help. Good luck.
  14. True Sylvia. Not only Maitreya but almost all the famous brands include instructions now. On the other side, i am not sure how many read them. :smileyindifferent:
  15. Hello Molokai. I haven't problems till now with video tutorials. Maybe a problem with the browser you use ? Did you try another browser?
  16. Hello RiverNyx and welcome to Second Life. We could give you unlimited url's and links but as you said already, the more you read, the most confused you get. For me the first you have to do is to understand how to play, to customize your avatar, to understand also how your inventory works. Don't be hurry to learn about houses, lands, tiers etc. You have time for all of them. At Marketplace you can find too many free stuff, useful in your first steps in SL. You can find everything you purchase or get, opening the 2nd tab of your inventory called "Recent". If you relog, you find them in the folder called "Objects" in your main inventory. You see your purchases usually as boxes. That means you need to unpack them to be able to use them. You can see how you unpack a box here. About your last question now, to have access in adult places, you need to get Age Verification. You can find easily the page for that opening your dashboard, account and age verification. Have fun and for everything you need, don't hesitate to ask.
  17. Hello Neytiri. Not sure. Try to download a previous edition of Viewer 2 http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Supported_Viewers and see if that helps. If yes, set your your software updates NO to be installed automatically. (Preferences --> Setup --> Hardware)
  18. Hello metukah. Perhaps..... At first he must to rebake his textures with Ctrl+Alt+R. If that doesn't work power down the router for at least 2-3 mins, power on and log in again in a region without lag like protected lands arround (Smith, Lime, Aqua etc) Sometimes wireless connection is the cause for that issue. Use direct capable connection instead. Good luck.
  19. Hello. Only if you are a premium member, you can try to get age verification manually submitting a ticket https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ and attaching an electronic (scanned) copy of a Government issued identification that has your name and date of birth clearly displayed. This identification can be a birth certificate, driver's license, passport, state ID or national ID. On the other side, you can have access in adult regions if you become "Account Verified", having "Payment Info on File". This way you have access in all of adult regions except of the estate owner restricts access to residens who are verified with Age Verification.
  20. Hello Taiomi. First thought. Did you try to relog in a different region without lag like for example Smith?
  21. lol better to start with something more simple and after you continue with houses :smileywink:
  22. I understand how you feel now Mayalily but really no reason to feel disappointed. We have many categories of shoes, some of them really qualitative, some others no. There are shoes for 50 lindens, for 300 lindens, for 800 lindens, for 1200 lindens. I am sure now, some users here will read what i write and they will wonder. Are there users who spend so many lindens for just 1 pair of heels. The answer is definitely yes. Is it necessary to spend so much? Of course no. On the other side it is necessary next time, before you purchase shoes and generally everything to try a demo. This is my suggestion.
  23. Hello Elisa. For me the best you can do is to search at Marketplace for Asian Shapes. I noticed that there are several free ones. If you decide to buy one, to spend lindens i mean, is good to try at first a demo if it is available. Have fun!
  24. Hello Keelmang. It is a temporal problem, maybe a glitch. No reason to worry about. Try a little later. It happens to me often.
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