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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. Luc Starsider wrote: Like Innula, I'm in the north of Europe with less bandwidth than you. I have not had issues with my inventory loading for as long as I can remember. My inventory is below 10 000 items, so it is small, I guess. Same here. European also, about 18 000 items, never i till now had problem. Luc Starsider wrote: It also does not seem anybody else responding in this thread have issues anywhere close to what you experience. With this in mind, the fact that nobody here are able to help you, and you are sure nothing is wrong on your end, I will actually advice you to file a ticket to see if you can get any help from LL for your inventory problems. - Luc - Totally agreed.
  2. Hello Nya. Search in Viewer 2 always was and (for my opinion still be) a disadvantage of LL viewers. That's why LL tries to make it better. Many many opinions about the new search, which we will have at the next edtions of Viewer 2, you can see at the following thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Test-Out-New-Search-Delivering-More-Relevant-Faster-Results/td-p/891905 created by Blondin Linden some days ago. Also you can download and try the Search Project Viewer and after you can post there too. Personally almost never i can find what i want using the search of Viewer 2 and i use the search of Phoenix Viewer, although generally i use Viewer 2 and i like it more than the Third-Party Viewers. About nodifications and im's now, it doesn't annoy me that they are at the right bottom corner. I can't understand how is possible to "lose" (don't see) a notification when you get always a big pop-up window and also if we accept that you don't see it the same time, the notification remains there and you can check it anytime clicking the icon with the number.
  3. Hello Avenger. Did you try to open Marketplace's page being in world? If you give the command Menu Me --> My Dashboard and after you click Shopping and Marketplace, you haven't access?
  4. Hello. Except of waiting for im's, notecards and mails, check out often the topics here. Several people are looking for DJ's.
  5. Hello xrockninfree. Assuming that you use Viewer 2, we have 2 options in our friends list: a)Online: Shows only our friends who are online b)All: Shows all our friends or they are online, or they are offline. Maybe you see only your online friends? Click ALL to check out if you see more friends there. If you don't see someone in ALL's list, obviously means that they deleted you.
  6. LoveAngeL Lyre


    Hello Tiagoswag. Some mins ago i gave an answer for your problem in another user. Just i copy it here: Hello. If you see your avatar like a cloud means that your avatar isn't fully loaded. I guess your have already tried to rebake your textures with Ctrl+Alt+R. Open your inventory, write something in search there and wait fetching ALL your items till the last one. After that, move to a region with less lag. Smith is a protected land which is recommended. There, try to change outfit. Choose one with just the necessary stuff (skin, shape, hair, eyes, pants and shirt) without any attachments. Generally it is suggested every time you log in. If your inventory isn't fully loaded, you do nothing else. If it doesn't work for you, test your avatar. In Viewer 2 give the command: Menu Develop (Ctrl+Alt+Q) --> Avatar --> Character Tests --> Test Male / Female. If you see your avatar as a newbie, after you can change outfit wearing again your favorite one. If the problem remain clear your cache: Menu Me --> Preferences --> Setup --> Reset --> OK --> Relog If all these things don't help you to fix your problem, you need to clear your cache manually or possibly to change viewer. Start this way and let us know if you need more help. Good luck.
  7. Hello again. It is no necessary to create new questions. You can edit your posts (Options --> Edit). If you have tried these solutions and you still can't fix your problem as i said again try to clear your cache manually: (XP) - C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME) - Application Data \ SecondLife and C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME)\ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Second Life (Vista) and (Win 7) - C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife and C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife Log out and delete everything in those folders and restart first your computer and after the program. Usually the folder Appdata is a hidden folder. (Windows Tools \ Folder Options \ View & enable Show Hidden Files/Folders) Have in your mind that if you clear your cache manually you will lost all your private conversations which are saved in your computer. To avoid it copy the folder with your username in the folder Secondlife in another position in your hard disk. If you have more that 1 viewers installed in your computer, you must to do it for all following the same paths in your hard disk. For example C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ PhoenixViewer If the problem remains, give a try to download or a previous edition of Viewer 2, (you can find almost all of them at the following link http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes or a Third-Party viewer (for example Phoenix): http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory (Duplicated: Other answers at: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Hey-my-avitar-never-shows-up/qaq-p/915167 )
  8. Hello. If you see your avatar like a cloud means that your avatar isn't fully loaded. I guess your have already tried to rebake your textures with Ctrl+Alt+R. Open your inventory, write something in search there and wait fetching ALL your items till the last one. After that, move to a region with less lag. Smith is a protected land which is recommended. There, try to change outfit. Choose one with just the necessary stuff (skin, shape, hair, eyes, pants and shirt) without any attachments. Generally it is suggested every time you log in. If your inventory isn't fully loaded, you do nothing else. If it doesn't work for you, test your avatar. In Viewer 2 give the command: Menu Develop (Ctrl+Alt+Q) --> Avatar --> Character Tests --> Test Male / Female. If you see your avatar as a newbie, after you can change outfit wearing again your favorite one. If the problem remain clear your cache: Menu Me --> Preferences --> Setup --> Reset --> OK --> Relog If all these things don't help you to fix your problem, you need to clear your cache manually or possibly to change viewer. Start this way and let us know if you need more help. Good luck.
  9. Hello Eluna. If you have cancelled your account, you may be able to restore it, depending on how long ago it was cancelled. There is a US$9.95 reactivation fee for restoring an account. To start the process: Open a support case. Under What type of problem are you having? choose Account Issue. Choose Reactivate an old account. Enter the required information Click Submit. Even if your account is restored, the associated inventory, land, and Linden dollar balance may be unrecoverable.
  10. Tingting Drammond wrote: the owner is always not online...,but he opened other residents to build I can't understand how some landowners offer parcels for rent, being all time offline, without having a team arround them ready to help and support their tenants and allowing to everyone to have the right of rezz there. This is inadmissible! :smileymad:
  11. Hello Lexxe. I see that you joined in SL today? Is it right? Welcome to Second Life! *smiles* Noone is happy with the his avatar when just he joined in SL. As already mentioned you will spend long time and maybe months until to feel completely satisfied with your appearance. It took me about 6 months. You can't change everything in 1 day or in 1 week but gradually you can improve your appearance. Many but many times you will feel really happy after a change in your avatar but after a while is very possible to find something you like more and to desire to change again. I look sometimes older pics of me and i wonder. Is she me? No way. But i try to explain that when i had this avatar, thought that i am really beautiful and that i would never change shape, skin or hairstyle. I was wrong. You get great advices from the other participants. For me no reason to spend money in your first steps in SL for a skin or a shape. You can find in world and at Marketplace several free ones. About shapes if they are modified, try to play with them and don't worry if you destroy them. You have always the choice "Save as" with which you save your changes in a new shape keeping the original one. About the way you walk now, you need an AO, there are some free ones but i am not sure if they are good ones. Maybe it is the only reason for me for which required to spend lindens if you really want a good AO. Of course don't buy something if at first you haven't try a demo. For AO's is necessary. In conclusion, don't be hurry, slowly you will learn and will find all and enjoy your Second Life. For any additional help you need, don't hesitate to ask.
  12. If the problem is relative with invalid characters in your group tab and you can't remove or change it with an alt, or through another person who can kick out you of the group, i think that only LL can help. For me you have the right to use all the ways to communicate with them like the toll free numbers (although they are only for billing issues), also to send a mail to support@secondlife.com (i can't guarrantee that you will get a reply). In addition you can try (if you live in US): Phone: (415) 243-9000 (no toll-free) Fax: (415) 243-9045 If you live in the other side of the world, a call there will be more costly than a monthly premium membership, where you can use immidiately the Live Chat for support.
  13. Hello wise. There are several reasons when you get this message. As i see at http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ [uPDATED 5:01AM PDT June 7] Rolling restarts will begin shortly. Please make sure to save all builds and refrain from making purchases during this time. Check this page for updates. The first you can do is to try to log in a different region. Also usually this message is relative with invalid charactes in your group tag. If you remember which group tag you wear and you have an alt, log in with your alt and, or change the group title or kick out of the group your main account and after try to log in again with your main. If the problem remains after the Rolling Restarts and you are a premium member, it is suggested to contact with the Live Chat. Good luck.
  14. Hello Knowl. I guess the problem fixed when you relog? When you see yourself naked, your inventory is fully loaded? Are you able to change outfit and if yes, you get your clothes back then ?
  15. Hello Morningstart. For all your settings here check out the following link: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/help/faqpage/faq-category-id/personalization#personalization
  16. Hello sharlyn. Just search at Marketplace for "short shirt" and you will find great ones, even in the first page of the results. Have fun!
  17. Hello leyna. Mine are *DL* (brown). Have a look there.
  18. You are right Innula. I am not in world so i think now that when you add something on your avatar you can't delete it, only you can detach it. When you detach, normally every animation stops.
  19. Hello Ura. 1)Wait a little more the owner. It is possible to log in soon. You never know. 2)Try to contact the estate manager or someone else by the staff. 3)Did you check the map if the sim is down? Do you see other people there? 4)Why you said that you were banned by the land? When you try to teleport you are kicked out in a closest spot or just you are unable to teleport and it says just "try later etc"? Teleporting to a parcel from which you are banned (either explicitly or because the parcel is not public) will send you to the closest spot in the region you're allowed to access. Teleporting to a region from which you are banned (either explicitly or because the estate is not public) will fail, with the error message "You are banned from the region." http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Ban
  20. Hello Silhouette. 1rst thought: Did you try to block the pop up window when it's appeared suddently in your screen? 2nd thought: Open your inventory (current outfit) and check out if you still wear the drink. My feeling is that you just deleted it without detaching it and thats why you get this message even you re-install the viewer. EDIT: It would be better to post your question in Q A
  21. Hello Irene. I guess you wear one of your default skins. If yes, underwear can't be removed. You need to change skin. In your inventory you can find 1-2 skins between your default ones which are offered for nudity. Alternatively you can ask a friend in world to give you another skin or you can buy a new one at Marketplace You can find there some free ones also.
  22. Hello. Choose World > About Land and click the General tab. Click Abandon Land. After confirming, the land is removed from your account. That's it! You can register for another Linden Home. Please use this reasonably: if you abandon and choose a new Linden Home five times in 24 hours, you're temporarily blocked from choosing another. You'll need to wait after 24 hours have elapsed to register again. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Home-FAQ/ta-p/700101#I_have_my_Linden_Home_yet_would_prefer_a_different_theme._Can_I_change_my_selection.3F EDIT: LoveAngeL smiles and winks to Knowl... :smileywink:
  23. Darkie Minotaur wrote: Yay - and the first onwe goes to you! One more by me and also for you Darkie (for the topic)! :smileywink:
  24. Seems that the problem was fixed. There is no asterisk beside ZIP/Postal Code, means is no required now.
  25. Hello Jaffee. If you say that you have the same issue with all your accounts even they have inventory with less than 2000 objects, maybe it is relative with your internet connection? I ask this because of course we have some occasions with users with the same issue but the overwhelming majority or haven't problem or don't know to manage the inventory temporal problems (especially new users - for example coalesced objects etc).
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