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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. Hello Chelsea. My first 4-5 months in SL i was purchasing stuff only at Marketplace. I found it very handy when i had almost all of stores and the ability to check so many products before to decide which i prefer. Till now i was lucky and i never had problems with un-delivered items and very rarely i got something i didin't like after the purchase. Gradually i found 2-3 brands for hair, clothes and shoes which i trusted so i buy stuff most of them visiting their stores and always trying a demo if it is available. When i want to find something mannered (i remember recently i was looking for orange heels) i use Marketplace and with the suitable word-keys i try to find what i want. If i don't find it, i visit the stores in world. Same when i am looking for furniture and generally for stuff we don't buy every day.
  2. Hello bidulette. Yes it is. At first it is included in the acceptable for LL Third-Party exchanges and also i know people who use it and they never complained.
  3. Hello Kelli. Look for coalesced objects in your inventory. About how you can retrieve coalesced objects, check out the following link: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_to_retrieve_coalesced_items Have in your mind that if your coalesced object contains one or more no-copy objects and is rezzed across the boundary of a parcel where building isn't allowed, the content will not return to your inventory, resulting in content loss. Choose a place where there are many available prims. 1000 prims can be rezzed at once. Sandboxes arround are places which are recommended, like for example: Fermi Sandbox Advice: Before you rezz a coalesced object, have the EDIT window open. This way you will be able to move them all together. Good luck.
  4. That's really a very good new devicer. I checked it out also and i noticed that there is no asterisk beside ZIP/Postal Code.
  5. Hello Taamon. It is no suggested to share your personal contact in a public forum like here. If someone desires to communicate with you, he can im you in world, or let a message for you if you are offine, or notecard or to mail you here in the community. You can edit your post (options --> edit) and delete your mail. EDIT: It is really good that you try to help a new user.
  6. Hello bodacious. Did you try to test your avatar ? Menu Develop (Ctrl+Alt+Q) --> Avatar --> Character Tests --> Test Male / Female. Better to say us what you tried till now. Just not to repeat same things. You can edit your post if you wish (Options --> Edit)
  7. Hello LesVamp. It is a known problem. Usually it get fixed if you clear your cache manually: (XP) - C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME) - Application Data \ SecondLife and C: \ Documents and Settings \ (USER NAME)\ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Second Life (Vista) and (Win 7) - C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife and C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife Log out and delete everything in those folders and restart first your computer and after the program. Usually the folder Appdata is a hidden folder. (Windows Tools \ Folder Options \ View & enable Show Hidden Files/Folders) Have in your mind that if you clear your cache manually you will lost all your private conversations which are saved in your computer. To avoid it copy the folder with your username in the folder Secondlife in another position in your hard disk. If you have more that 1 viewers installed in your computer, you must to do it for all following the same paths in your hard disk. For example C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ PhoenixViewer If the problem remains, download a previous edition of Viewer 2, http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Supported_Viewers and set your your software updates NO to be installed automatically. (Preferences --> Setup --> Hardware). Good luck.
  8. Hello. Maybe the best you can do and the easier is to ask the seller how you can find the hair.
  9. Try to follow the same suggestions Neesee.
  10. Hello Dazzlerrr. Is it a shape you purchased or got? If yes, wear another one shape. In your inventory you have several. If you can't, try to move in a another region with less lag and try again (like Smith or Lime) or relog and try again. Something else you can do is to rebake your textures with Ctrl+Alt+R and wait 2-3 mins. If it doesnt work, test your avatar. In Viewer 2 give the command: Menu Develop (Ctrl+Alt+Q) --> Avatar --> Character Tests --> Test Male / Female. If you want to add further details or maybe a pic of you you can edit your post (Options --> Edit) Good luck.
  11. Bonjour Atlantis. Pour avoir accès à des régions tempérées, vous devez avoir au moins 18 ans. Pour avoir accès aux régions des adultes, vous devez d'obtenir vérification de l'âge (Age Vérifié) ou d'avoir «Paiement Info sur les fichiers »(compte vérifié)
  12. Bonjour. Si vous êtes membre d'une prime, il est suggéré d'utiliser le chat en direct: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Si vous n'êtes pas un membre premium, vous pouvez appeler ce numéro: France: 0805.101.490 Il s'agit d'un numéro sans frais, vous pouvez appeler 7 jours par semaine et 24 heures par jour, mais avez dans votre esprit que le support est uniquement en anglais. Sinon, vous pouvez envoyer un mail à: support@payments.secondlife.com
  13. Hello hollyanne. You don't buy exactly more prims. You buy another bigger land where you will have more prims. More about it and also about the discount you will have if you don't use your small land with your house at the following link: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-land/ta-p/700043
  14. Hello Vanilo. No you can't change it if i understand right what you ask. Maybe in your mini laptop your avatar moves further than you want it to because you have lag and your fps is so low. In order for an avatar to run smoothly, FPS (Frames Per Second) must always be above 15 fps. You can check it out by your statistics bar. In Viewer 2 you find it in Menu Advanced --> Performance Tools.
  15. Hello. You can NOT change your avatar's name in any case (laddysown). The only you can change is your display name. More about display names at the following links: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Display-names/ta-p/700173 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Display-names-FAQ/ta-p/700175
  16. Hello Loleana. Usually this message is related to an invalid character in your group tag. Checking your profile i saw that you joined in SL today so we reject that possibility. At first try to log in a different region like protected lands arround like Smith, Lime or Aqua. If you can't choose it, from your log in screen give the command: Menu Me --> Preferences --> General Tab --> Select "Show on login" --> OK --> close the log in screen and open it again --> down in your screen where it says "Start at" --> click the down arrow --> <Type region name> --> and write on of the names i reported and try to log in. Another solution is to clear your DNS cache manually. If you run Windows, Start --> Run --> type cmd --> Enter --> a window opens --> type ipconfig /flushdns --> Enter --> Restart your computer and try to log in again. The last solution is to power down your router / modem for at least 2-3 mins and restart your computer. After power on your router and try to log in. Good luck.
  17. Hello Paige. For billing issues, depending your country, call the following numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers * France: 0805.101.490 * Germany: 0800.664.5510 * Japan: 0066.33.132.830 * Portugal: 800.814.450 * Spain: 800.300.560 * UK: 0800.048.4646 * Support is in English Only If none of those numbers are in your Country you can email to: support@payments.secondlife.com If you need urgently to buy lindens, you can use one of the acceptable Third-Party exchanges: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_Marketplace
  18. Hello deathstar. Maybe you do something wrong? At the following links, you will find all the necessary infos for your Linden Home. Your house is there and is waiting for you. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Home-overview/ta-p/700103 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Home-reference-guide/ta-p/700105 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Home-FAQ/ta-p/700101 If still you have problems and you can't find your house, i suggest you to use the Live Chat: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ You will find the option at the right. Good luck.
  19. Hola acasia. Es un último número conocido de 3-4 días. Mira esta jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3888 No quiero decepcionar a usted, pero hasta ahora (como se puede ver en la jira) solución parece viable sólo para los miembros premium. Un comentario que: Todo lo que yo podría capaz de obtener de la ayuda es: "Actualmente estamos teniendo problemas con la verificación de la edad, pero puede procesar un billete con una copia de su identificación y su cuenta será verificada Edad de 5 a 10 días." PD: la verificación manual disponible sólo para usuarios premium. Es bueno para votar allí y para agregar un comentario. Así pues, si usted es un cliente de primas o de conserjería y tiene problemas para verificar su identidad en el sitio web de Second Life, usted puede presentar un caso de manutención de nuevo para verificar su cuenta de forma manual. 1.Visite https: / / support.secondlife.com / creación de los casos / 2.Seleccione la cuenta número del primer menú desplegable. 3.Elija Manual de verificación de edad en el menú desplegable que aparece al lado. 4.Haga clic en Elegir archivo para adjuntar un electrónico (escaneada) copia de una identificación emitida por el Gobierno que tiene su nombre y fecha de nacimiento que aparecen con claridad. Esta identificación puede ser un certificado de nacimiento, licencia de conducir, pasaporte, identificación del estado o documento nacional de identidad. 5.Haga clic en Enviar. Por favor, espera verificación manual para tener 5-7 días laborables. Por otro lado, usted puede tener acceso en las regiones adulto si usted se convierte en "Cuenta Verified ", que tiene "Información de Pago de Archivo". De esta manera se tiene acceso en todas las regiones de adultos, excepto del hacendado restringe el acceso a RESIDENS que se verifican con la verificación de edad. La última solución, aunque no puedo garantizar que usted recibirá una respuesta es enviar un correo electrónico a support@secondlife.com Buena suerte
  20. Olá Melissy. Se você receber um erro de CEP inválido, é um problema conhecido. últimos 3-4 dias. Olhe este jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3888 Não quero desapontá-lo, mas até agora (como você pode ver na jira) solução parece viável apenas para membros premium. Um comentário lá: Tudo o que eu poderia capaz de obter apoio: "Estamos tendo problemas com a verificação de idade, mas você pode processar um bilhete com uma cópia do seu ID e sua conta será Idade verificadas em 5 a 10 dias." PS: A verificação manual disponível apenas para usuários premium. É bom de voto lá e para adicionar o seu comentário. Então, se você for um cliente premium ou portaria e tenha dificuldade em verificar a sua identidade no site do Second Life, você pode enviar um caso novo suporte para verificar sua conta manualmente. 1.Visit https: / / support.secondlife.com / / cria caso / 2.Escolha Conta Problema no menu suspenso em primeiro lugar. 3.Choose manual de verificação da idade a partir do menu que aparece ao lado. 4.Clique Escolha Arquivo para anexar um eletrônicos (digitalizados) cópia de uma identificação emitida pelo governo que tem o seu nome e data de nascimento visível. Essa identificação pode ser uma certidão de nascimento, carteira de motorista, passaporte, ID estaduais ou nacionais de identificação. 5.Clique em Enviar. Por favor, espere a verificação manual de tomar 5-7 dias úteis. Por outro lado, você pode ter acesso nas regiões adulto se você se tornar "Verified Account", tendo "Informações de Pagamento em arquivo ". Desta forma, você tem acesso em todas as regiões do adulto, exceto o dono da propriedade restringe o acesso a Residens que são verificados com verificação da idade. A última solução, embora eu não posso garantir que você irá obter uma resposta é enviar um e-mail para support@secondlife.com
  21. Hola. Si usted absolutamente seguro de que la fecha y la hora son correctas en el ordenador, intenta descargar una edición anterior del visor 2. No es el único usuario que tiene problemas con la última edición del visor 2, pero el otro no tenía un mensaje como el suyo sobre la fecha y la hora. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Supported_Viewers En esta ocasión configurar las actualizaciones de software NO se instalen automáticamente. (Preferencias -> Configuración -> Hardware) Si el problema persiste, intenta descargar un tercer lugar - Parte Viewer. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory Buena suerte
  22. Hello icywolf. It's a known issue last 3-4 days. Look this jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3888 I don't want to disappoint you but till now (as you can see in the jira) solution seems to feasible only for premium members. A comment there: All that i could able to get from support is: "We are currently having issues with the Age Verification, but you can process a ticket with a copy of your ID and your account will be Age Verified in 5 to 10 days." PS: Manual verification available only for premium users. Is good to vote there and to add your comment. On the other side, you can have access in adult regions if you become "Account Verified", having "Payment Info on File". This way you have access in all of adult regions except of the estate owner restricts access to residens who are verified with Age Verification. The last solution although i can't guarantee that you will get a reply is to send a mail to support@secondlife.com Good luck
  23. Hello Jinnywitha. Yes i felt this way many times in my short SL. So i was changing jobs till eventually i stopped to work. I used to work almost from my first day in SL till 2 months ago when i stopped. I have done every kind of job you can imagine, except of scripting and building. There were periods where i was managing or participating in management in 2 clubs. Of course it was something i liked and i had unilimited time. Never i saw the job as a job. Always i had fun. It was for me a good opportunity to meet new people and friends from all over the world, to learn, to earn lindens etc. Gradually i realized that i hadn't any time for myself and that it wasn't the lifestyle i dreamed. I tried and i found other things to do. That's what i suggest for you too.
  24. Hello Darkie. My feeling is that by the day kudos and solutions don't exist more in forums all the solutions someone had in forums (for example LSL scripting), and all kudos he got in forums got removed although kudos remain still showing on the badges. My total solutions authored remain the same, because there were all in Q&A but the total kudos recieved was less in my profile than what i see in my badge and specifically 3 less (I remember that i have got them in forums). I agree with Luc, is good kudos and solutions to be back in forums because often i want to reward users for their answers but i can't. I don't know really if it is possible, only LL can answer about it, but at least for my opinion what we see in our profile and in our badges must to be the same. It is unfair for someone who achieved to understand mistakes in 30 scripts for example and helped others to fix them, to have now 0 solutions while he might to have 30. On the other side really i wonder now, who cares about the number of kudos and solutions he has? I think we are here to help and to get helped and no to collect kudos and solutions. I posted again in past that kudos, solutions and titles are nothing for me. The important is to help someone when he needs a hand without returns and i want to believe that all of us work for that.
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