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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. Bonjour Joee. C'est un problème connu ces 3 derniers jours. Rechercher ce JIRA: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3888? Vote là et laissez vos commentaires. Nous espérons que LL pour résoudre ce problème rapidement. Si vous êtes membre d'une prime, il est suggéré d'utiliser le Chat Live. Si non, il n'est pas suggéré de vérifier votre âge manuellement tel point selon LL, vous pouvez l'utiliser »si vous êtes une «prime à la clientèle ou de conciergerie et vous rencontrez des difficultés pour vérifier votre identité sur le site Web de Second Life ". De l'autre côté, vous pouvez avoir accès dans les régions des adultes si vous devenez «compte vérifié», ayant «Paiement Informations sur le fichier ". De cette façon, vous avez accès dans toutes les régions sauf adultes du propriétaire immobilier restreint l'accès à Residens qui sont vérifiées avec vérification de l'âge. La dernière solution, bien que je ne peux pas garantir que vous obtiendrez une réponse est d'envoyer un mail à support@secondlife.com au moins jusqu'à LL résout le problème. Bonne chance
  2. Hello Mayalily. 15-20 mins to rezz is so so long. Normally you don't need more than 2-3 mins to see everything arround. Sounds maybe a problem with your internet connection? If you use wireless, prefer direct cable connection. Also you can try to reset your router / modem or power down for 2-3 mins and try again.
  3. Hello Crazygirl. Do you type your username (first and last name) correctly? Please try again. Maybe a problem with your password? If you forgot or have doubt for your password click the following url and follow the instructions. It is the password recovery page. https://secondlife.com/my/account/request.php
  4. kewl! lucky you !! :smileyvery-happy:
  5. Hello Michal. You aren't the only who can't buy lindens. For billing issues, depending your country you can call the following numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers * France: 0805.101.490 * Germany: 0800.664.5510 * Japan: 0066.33.132.830 * Portugal: 800.814.450 * Spain: 800.300.560 * UK: 0800.048.4646 * Support is in English Only If none of those numbers are in your Country you can email to: support@payments.secondlife.com You can check out also if you wish the blog by FJ Linden, 5 days ago: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Solutions-to-Quickly-Resolve-Your-Billing-Issues/ba-p/903833 If you urgently need to buy lindens you can use one of the acceptable Third-Party Exchanges: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_Marketplace About video tutorials they work for noone last days.
  6. Bonjour Sylvie. Essayez de tester votre avatar. En Viewer 2 donne la commande: Menu Développer (Ctrl + Alt + Q) -> Avatar -> Character Tests -> Test Homme / Femme. Si le problème persiste, effacez le cache: Menu Me -> Préférences -> Configuration -> Reset -> OK Relog dans une zone protégée sans lag comme Smith, Lime ou Aqua. Là, ouvrez votre inventaire, écrire quelque chose à la recherche et attendre aller chercher tous vos articles jusqu'à la dernière. Quand elle finit, essayez de modifier vos tenues. Choisissez avec juste les trucs nécessaires (peau, la forme, cheveux, yeux, pantalon et chemise) sans pièces jointes. Bonne chance.
  7. Hello Carole. Lolitas arround in SL don't annoy me, just they let me completely indifferent (uninterested).
  8. Hello celebz. Seems that the fem's avatars are many more than the male ones. How many of them are women in real, it is another history. :smileywink: Almost all of my male friends have female avatars also and they play with them often or no. On the other side i know several girls (100% girls in real) who love to play as "boi-s".
  9. Good to hear that it was fixed.
  10. Rya Nitely wrote: How would I know that I'm not showing up fully naked? You can't be absolutely sure if you are showing up sometimes naked or more often grey. Ok we have some occasions with users who look nakie while they are dressed but my feeling is that is something rare. The best you can do is to ask your partner if you look ok for him or a friend and to rebake your textures when you change outfit.
  11. Yesterday i discovered a new store with great jewelry. The brand called "Casuka". Very detailed jewelry and no so expensive.
  12. Hello Estrambotica. In your default outfits also, you can find 1-2 skins for nudity. Be sure that you are in a region where nudity allowed before you try them. In addition it is no necessary to buy a new skin. You can find free ones in world or at Marketplace. Have fun.
  13. Hello lolalab! Prim = Primitive Check out this link: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Primitive For sculpted prims, http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Sculpted_Prims:_FAQ (Some other links at this page also)
  14. Hallo Johanna. Es ist ein bekanntes Problem 3 Tage zu kaufen. Anhand dieser JIRA: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3888? Abstimmen es und fügen Sie Ihren Kommentar. Wir hoffen, LL, um dieses Problem bald lösen. Wenn Sie Premium-Mitglied sind und Sie haben Probleme mit Altersüberprüfung, wird vorgeschlagen, den Live-Chat nutzen. Wenn nicht, ist es nicht vorgeschlagen, um Ihr Alter manuell so sehr nach LL überprüfen, können Sie es Premium-oder Kunden-und Concierge ", wenn Sie eine sind" Sie Probleme bei der Bestätigung Ihrer Identität auf der Second Life-Website ". Auf der anderen Seite, haben Sie Zugang Erwachsener in Regionen, wenn Sie "Konto verifiziert werden ", mit "Payment Info-Datei ". So haben Sie Zugang in allen Regionen mit Ausnahme der Erwachsenenbildung des Gutsbesitzers schränkt den Zugriff auf die Residens mit Altersüberprüfung überprüft werden. Die letzte Lösung zumindest bis das Problem mit Postleitzahlen beheben LL und zwar nicht garantieren können, dass Sie eine Antwort zu erhalten, ist eine E-Mail senden an support@secondlife.com Viel Glück
  15. Hello Xae. hmmm... sounds odd. Maybe a glitch. Try to clear your cache and relog. In Viewer 2: Menu Me --> Preferences --> Setup --> Reset --> OK See if that helps. I can't think something else.
  16. Hello katelyn. If you joined SL being under 18 and you turned 18 after, the system can't recognized you as an adult. So you stay stuck in General regions. In that occasion, you must to submit a ticket. https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  17. Hello Illona. Just 2 more things. Every time you log in care to open your inventory, to type something in search there and to wait fetching ALL your items till the last one. If your inventory isn't fully loaded you make nothing else. Also when you TP in a region and especially when you visit it for first time, you wait for a while unmoving till to download most if not all of textures arround. If you hurry to move same time you arrive somewhere, is very possible to have another one crash.
  18. Hello macy. Yesterday we had a similar question. Have a look please: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Viewers/how-do-i-get-my-girl-pregnant/qaq-p/909461 Some hours ago a sl mother with a newborn complained that she hasn't money for her baby neighter a house. Have a look also: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Everything-Else/I-just-got-pregnant-and-I-don-t-have-any-money-or-a-house-What/qaq-p/910435
  19. Hello DarkAngel. Being a premium member you get stipend 300 lindens every Tuesday and 1000 lindens bonus, 45 days after the date you upgrated.
  20. Duplicated post. Answers at: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Abuse-and-Griefing/PINK-amp-WHITE-Crystal-Chandelier-1-PRIM-3-SIZES-TEMPURA-DECORS/qaq-p/910823
  21. Hello chanty. You purchased this chandelier at Marketplace and you didin't get it? When? It happens sometimes to have delay to recieve our purchases. You must to wait 24 hours and after that you can start to worry. If after 24 hours you haven't still got it, open your Dashboard --> Shopping --> Marketplace --> My Marketplace --> My account --> Order History --> If you see that your last purchases delivered means that the merchant got payed --> Take a copy of your last purchases --> Open your inventory --> create a New Notecard --> Paste there --> send the notecard to the merchant describing what was happened and asking politely for redelivery. If you purchased it in world, go back at the store find the owner, manager or other staff there and report the problem. If you can't find anyone, open your Dashboard --> Account --> Transaction History --> copy your last transactions and repeat the same process as i described.
  22. Hello Brooklyn. As Peppy suggested, don't worry about that message. Your graphics card is very good to run the program without problems. About your second question now, it is logical with a new laptop the first 4-5 times you log in to run some slow when you have to download from the beginning everything to see arround (textures) and your inventory also. Your fps 2-12 proves that you have lag. In order for an avatar to run smoothly, FPS (Frames Per Second) must always be above 15 fps. Try to move in a protected land without lag like Smith, Lime or Aqua and check out if still your FPS is so low.
  23. Hello. What message you get? Maybe that your graphics card haven't tested yet with Second Life? If yes, ignore it and run the program. If no, tell us exactly the error message you get. You can edit your post (Options --> Edit). EDIT: A little earlier i posted again that my laptop wears a nvidia same series with yours (GT520M) and runs the program without problems even i have my graphics to ultra. EDIT 2: You need to download the last drivers for your graphics card. Use the following link: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us
  24. Hello marcus. With one word no. You must to wait till 24 hours and after that if you haven't still got your purchase, you can start to worry. Then, Open your Dashboard --> Shopping --> Marketplace --> My Marketplace --> My account --> Order History --> If you see that your last purchases delivered means that the merchant got payed --> Take a copy of your last purchases --> Open your inventory --> create a New Notecard --> Paste there --> send the notecard to the merchant describing what was happened and asking politely for redelivery.
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