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SarahKB7 Koskinen

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Everything posted by SarahKB7 Koskinen

  1. No. There was a Griefer/Cornfield statue in there which I really liked. It's gone now, which really saddens me. I think it was Michael Linden who originally created it for the Grief Containment Pond in Cecropia.
  2. I'm saddened that the Griefer/Cornfield statue which used to be inside the waste pond (The Griefer Containment Pond) there has recently vanished...
  3. ♪ "Row, row, row your "solid waste", gently down the stream...."♪
  4. They're not my "personal rules"...
  5. Not at all. I already have a new map made, with terrain, water and region names. I now usually wait until the region names or terrain appear on the inworld map first before posting my maps here. And I will continue sticking to that policy.
  6. That's the point. They haven't appeared. (on the inworld map).
  7. You're meant to wait at least until the new region names or their terrain appear on the inworld map...
  8. Peeve: News reports that have the deeply patronising "Here's what you need to know..." thing stated in them. * wince *
  9. Why not make the poster curved too? A hollowed sphere or cylinder prim interior/exterior surface could be cut, sliced and stretched to match the curved wall surface. Then the poster texture settings would need to be realigned to match the prim interior/exterior.
  10. Not by coincidence, Linden and Tilia both mean "lime tree". Even LL logo is a lime tree.
  11. Hold down CTRL key (with mouse up/down) to levitate a physical object. This is basic Orientation Island stuff that used to be taught in Day 0 of your SL adventures. Which is why everyone still has the Orientation Island Beachball still in their inventory...
  12. * looks at map * * grimaces * "Naaaah."
  13. Just logged in okay on first attempt. It might be your region's fault (might be offline or restarting). Try logging in to another sim region you know the name of on the login screen.
  14. I've also done full parcel surveys for both Chapel Stile and Sourmilk Ghyll... If I were a Linden, I'd be reserving those abandoned parcels for Protected Parcel status to extend the road, while keeping an eye on the other neighbouring parcels for the future too.
  15. Bring back Telehubs, teleport fees and taxis! Abolish tier payments and reintroduce weekly prim tax! Reduce the SL grid down to just it's sixteen original regions, all named after San Francisco streets! Force all Moles to wear actual Mole avatars!
  16. No, it would just replace them with the correct Standard English spellings, or grammatically correct Standard English words. The US can keep the current viewer for their own unique needs...
  17. Introduce a Standard English language viewer for the 56 countries of the Commonwealth, because the US English one has weird spelling and grammar mistakes in it.
  18. The exact centre of SL is at coordinates 0,0 of Da Boom sim, which is also SL's oldest sim.
  19. A solar "day" in SL is only 4 RL hours long. So, there are 6 SL "days" in 1 RL day, or 24 RL hours. A human pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, or 280 RL days. 280 SL "days" in SL is 46.6 RL days. So, an "SL Pregnancy" would be six RL weeks and 4 RL days - according to SL's 4 hour solar day.
  20. I did some exploring around Bleaberry Tarn, searching for another possible road route from Sansara to Bellisseria. I didn't find much, except for one Linden Route road that ends at Huron, then extends eastwards through two regions (Kemp Howe, Chapel Stile) with an undeveloped protected land track up to the border of Sourmilk Ghyll, a Sansara coastal region. Unfortunately, Sourmilk Ghyll is another minefield of microparcels and ban lines. A pity.
  21. * waits for the "Hipposseria" continent... *
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