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SarahKB7 Koskinen

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Everything posted by SarahKB7 Koskinen

  1. So basically this is like a mini SLB event, but more frequently. And without cake.
  2. I visited the road at Drum and also noticed an unbuilt extension of protected land. This land extends eastwards through three regions, which I've coloured green on this map. I don't see how road traffic could possibly move between Ranch and Sansara in this vicinity because there simply isn't the space for a bridge or tunnel or simply extending the road out to the coast amongst the multitude of private micro-parcel and ban-lines mess in Dunbeath, Invergarry, Rosyth or Dunvegan. And yes, there's some water in Dunvegan, but what little water there is, is privately owned and doesn't connect to the wider network of Sansara's inland rivers or seas which would of made a connection here worthwhile. This would not really be a good location for moving between Belli and Sansara by either road or sea. Flying would work though.
  3. @Patch Linden, @Derrick Linden, @Abnor Mole Can we have a road tunnel (or a bridge) from Old Bellisseria (@ Jacinto) to Sansara (@ Schell) please? If a road tunnel (or bridge) were built northwest from Jacinto to Schell, then almost all of Bellisseria would then be linked by road to the mainland. The road network from Jacinto extends all the way to the north of Newbrooke theme. A parcel map of Jacinto, which contains a small boat rez zone next to the existing road. Jacinto's road is quite close to the water's surface and is more suitable for a road tunnel entrance. Alternatively, Jacinto's east border neighbour Venber has a clifftop road more suitable for a bridge. Schell (in Sansara) already has a protected mainland parcel reserved for an unbuilt extension to the existing Linden Route road found in Alcona, one region north of Schell. A parcel map of Schell and Alcona. The green parcel area is already Protected Land. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘ผ
  4. It saddens me that the Chalet theme wasn't called the Fachwerkhaus theme as intended. Just imagine the typos! ๐Ÿ˜œ
  5. Newbrooke will always (privately) be "Legosseria" to me. ๐Ÿ˜œ
  6. I refer you to the continent of Gaeta I and it's amusingly shaped peninsular... ๐Ÿ˜œ
  7. PBR. I neither love it or hate it, it just exists. I played around with it and tried to make mirrors, glass and metallic looking things etc, but because of the awkward and confusing UI in the editor, I gave up quite quickly and went back to a regular non PBR viewer, feeling a bit disappointed and frustrated, mainly with myself for my lack of patience, but also frustrated from the completely unintuitive PBR UI in the edit window. I did notice while I was using the PBR viewer that the region EEP settings looked a bit nicer, warmer and glowier than usual and that basic high shine prim objects looked slightly more "real" and were partially reflective, although sadly they didn't reflect my own avatar's reflection. FPS was a bit lower as I had anticipated but that was probably because I had settings on Ultra with shadows etc. I would advise LL to greatly simplify the UI for the creation of PBR effects for the casual or short-attention span SL user (!) who would like to create PBR style effects in the same instinctive manner as it is to texture a regular prim with regular Materials and Shine elements. Create a specific PBR tab in the edit window, featuring some big obvious "Make Mirror", "Make Glass" or "Make Metal" etc button with preloaded default PBR effects in the UI. It should be as easy to use as putting physics sounds into objects with the same edit window. Why not even tie the two systems together, so you get physics sounds and PBR shines both combined at the same time? It would be nice to make things easier and less complex for the less skilled and impatient user and also not to overwhelm new SL users with a confusing PBI UI. At the moment, PBR effect creation is completely unintuitive and as clear as mud and seems to have been designed by the graphics devs just for trained graphics artists who already have the skills necessary. At the moment, PBR creation is not for the masses, it's just for a small minority of SL users. It all seems a bit of a waste of the LL graphics devs time and effort if PBR is not fully utilised by SL's masses and may not lead to the prettier and more attractive world that LL envisages in SL's future.
  8. Bellisseria's name itself is an invented word, no doubt derived from the Italian word for beautiful, Bellissimo. But with an -eria swapped for the -mo to make it geographic sounding. Curiously, when you put the Bellisseria name through a text to speech translator and listen to it in any non-English European language, you'll mostly get a pronounciation of "Belly-see-ree-ahh", which is very different to the one that Patch Linden uses, "Bell-iss-sarr-ree-arr". I use my own pronounciation of "Bell-iss-sair-ree-ahh". ๐Ÿ˜œ
  9. Peeve: Back To The Future 3 has a big plot hole. In 1955, a stranded Marty McFly finds the Delorean buried in a cave that Doc Brown has buried there in 1885. Marty and 1955 Doc fix the 1885 Delorean. Marty then uses the Delorean to travel to 1885 to rescue Doc Brown. In 1885, Marty accidentally damages his Delorean and it's fuel leaks out. But Doc Brown is there with his own Delorean he had from the lightning storm in 1955. So instead of wasting time with 88mph trains, why not just syphen/drain the fuel out of Docs Delorean to fuel Marty's Delorean (after tank is fixed)? Then before going back to 1985, Doc and Marty can bury the 1885 Delorean in the cave "again" for Marty to find "again" in 1955!
  10. OMG! How did I not see the "Henpeck" before?! AMAZING! ๐Ÿคฃ
  11. Here are the names I use for the major landmasses of Bellisseria, which I will continue to use. Some Linden Homes themes share the same landmass, but I choose to use the dominant theme name on that landmass for the entirety of that landmass, or a neutral name, or a name based from the time they appeared during Bellisseria's evolution from 2019 onwards. The first part of Bellisseria appeared in 2019 and was initially just called "Bellisseria" as that;s all there was at the time. But today, that landmass is mostly known now as "Old Bellisseria" or "Old Belli", although some call it "Primordial Bellisseria". A southern extension appeared next, which I sometimes call "South Bellisseria", but is generally known as the "Victorians" because of it's Victorian theme. To the east of "Old Bellisseria" is "The Pickle", an island of houseboats which was nicknamed by the forum community as it resembles a pickle. Personally, I think "The Pickle" looks like Bart Simpson's head in side profile! A hollowed-out more watery version to "The Pickle" then followed and was dubbed the "Squishy Pickle" by the forum community. It was later cloned and copy-pasted to the south of the "Victorian" landmass too. The rest of the landmass names I use are self-explanatory. Except for the large collection of houseboats north of the Chalets and Newbrooke. I have no idea what this big houseboats area is actually named, but they are the largest concentration of Houseboats in the entirety of Bellisseria, so "Houseboat Islands" is a stand-in filler name which fits. If I had the choice, I would like to name the "Houseboat Islands" the "West Mรฃebaleia Islands", as a nod to Satori continent's alternative "Mรฃe baleia" name (meaning "Mother Whale" in Portugese), which they closely neighbour and connect to. If you look at Satori continent's shape on the world map, you can clearly see the image of a leaping/swimming whale and her calf.
  12. "Sakurasseria"??? I've never seen anyone call Sakura that before today. "Belliserria Alps" on a flat part of Bellisseria at sea level with windmills and chalets that has no alps?! "Mediterranea" ? Did her N key break?! "Bellisseria Forest" for Logland? Nope. Some of the names are misplaced, inaccurate and totally awful sounding. I will not be using them.
  13. Enjoying another seven continent long-distance, non-stop boat trip adventure. Like the PBR style reflections? I'm not using a PBR viewer! Have completed the non-stop journey through the seven connected continents (Gaeta V, Corsica, Nautilus, Satori, Bellisseria, Jeogeot and southern Sansara) again in under two hours with my Bat Boat! One day in the future, I hope to reach and include Heterocera Atoll continent in the same boat trip too and make it an eight continent journey, which is currently impossible without changing vehicles or 'cheating' by teleporting or flying up to northern Sansara's coastline. It is currently impossible to navigate a boat non-stop through Sansara's southern coastline up to it's northern coastline because of mountain ranges, different surface water levels, massive dams and a lack of alternative east and west coastline routes. There is some hope that Bellisseria's ongoing northward expansion on the east side of Sansara might form a direct route up to northern Sansara some day, making an eight continent trip up to Heterocera Atoll possible. Then after achieving an eight continent non-stop boat journey, I will then hope some day in the distant future to also include Gaeta I as the ninth continent to include in the same non-stop trip. Gaeta I currently has no connection to any other continent despite it's relatively short distances from both Corsica and Gaeta V continents. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  14. Calling Cards is a much forgotton and underused utility (and lost skill) that is simply not taught anywhere anymore, even at the Linden's Welcome Hub.
  15. "Level 1 Acquaintance" already kind of exists, when you give someone new your own Calling Card. I prefer to do this instead of accepting "Friendship", as a list of "Friends" who you once spoke to for a couple of seconds or minutes is unappealing and embarrassing when the so-called "Friend" never sees or contacts you again.
  16. @Wesley Spengler Visit the New Kadath Lighthouse Art Gallery. All your continent name and SL map questions will be answered there. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/New Kadath/69/22/23
  17. Turning off auto return would result in the Blake Sea becoming the Blake Scrapyard. Just no.
  18. The only accurate viewer which can successfully create a 100% accurate avatar height is Singularity Viewer, because it was based off the original SL Viewer, which was also 100% correct. Already tested it. End of debate. Close thread.
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