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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. as a forum administrator of an xenforo forum, currently, we have people bumping old topic's what we have found, that people doing this are causing issues with our database, most posts they bump are coming from our state in 2002, we've had several conversions since then and it's havok when it happens, so we have a rule, you bump it, you lock it and you get a warning, repeated happenings get you a time out, so that's how we handle it, I've not seen a plugin for xenforo yet that auto locks a post after a certain time or point, so knowing LL runs off of IPS, THEY might have a plugin that LL can install, I'm not sure on it though.
  2. the 64bit builds will not work on a 32bit build though, so watch out for that. just an added comment to what Coffee said.
  3. 32 bit is limited to how much ram it can use, the 64 bit is not limited. so uninstall the 32 bit and install the 64 bit if you have enough system ram
  4. I've been to a few places where people are just not understanding and think LL is lying, I should stay out of voice sims lol.
  5. Gonna have to opt out on this idea, I am not giving up my 12 year old account just because of your idea.
  6. well my bots are not static and greet people and use ao's or sit on their chairs. I am also not a linden, so my bots are not linden accounts.
  7. I've just finished a huge project with converting sets of skins for the omega applier system, I had no idea BOM was a thing, UGH. this is going to require more on my part to do.
  8. drat! all I've got to work with is a basic discord webhook currently. also I NEED to remember to do that jira. not forgotten. just not had time. I know, I'll get to it.
  9. o.o that looks useful, whom makes that?
  10. Not all of us furries are drama seeking or seeking attention. you lumped all of us together, might want to think about what you know about furries, we are all not the same. BUT anyways back on topic. The OP wants LL to go against what's required legally against what the irs has stipulated, what the other governmental agencies have stipulated, They want to hide and be unknown, I think truly to do that they would need to stay offline all together, any place they go they leave virtual fingerprints even if they are behind proxies and vpns, the 3 letter agencies have become very good at tracking people whom think they are untraceable. Plus they want to not verify their paypal account??? it's not very useable if they do not verify it and since I sell on paypal, I see an unverified bid or did a buy now I reject it.
  11. Can I recommend you look at the dates on topic,s if they have not been bumped in YEARS, do not bump them. I'm old, I'm cranky and been using forums since the 90's. lol *shakes his cane at *
  12. that's all it says, if it gave a syntax error as to where, I could pull that line of the script and paste it, but since no indications. it seems the script it borked and nobody else in SL is having this issue. I'll go ahead and get this topic closed. thanks.....
  13. Yeah, this is a closed script a couple of us creators are working on, afraid that will not be happening.
  14. I think you are missing the whole point, it's not showing me where in the script the issue is, it's only telling me "Internal server compile error" no indications WHERE it's broken, so I have no idea WHERE to fix it, if I knew what line out of the 32 was causing it, I would go in and fix it. I had to back out 9 lines and put old code into it, to get it to recompile, but that's not what we want to do here, our newest change needs to go into those 9 lines, but if the server throws an error and we have no idea WHATS causing it, then is it server or is it script. right now it's saying server compiler error
  15. Internal server compile error, it shows no script errors at all. if it was a script error it would of told me where instead of saying at the bottom it was a server problem.
  16. Yes. just to see if things were okay and everything else compiles fine without a fuss. even copying scripts to new scripts and compiling.
  17. So I've pulled our last version out, took the new change back out, replacing it with the old change, recompile and it works and throws no errors. So something is not liking the next variable.
  18. I wish I could post the script, but it's an internal dev version a group of us are working on, but each time I got to compile it, I am getting "Internal server compile error" and no specific error on whats wrong in the script, so is SL broken?
  19. all of mine are registered that way, and I've registered most of my alts as bots as I use them that way at times.
  20. Going to guess it's this one here? the low dsl speed will bottle neck you, since there is over head on that line, 1.4 down at the best of times, so taking into account of that you'll get mostly 600kbps down that will be stableish, mm now since we know that. I would go for Nvidia 1080ti, I would avoid the rtx cards as they do not add much to things, I'm running dual 980's personally and it's fine like that. https://www.amazon.com/Dell-XPS-8900-Desktop-Generation/dp/B017WLXCB8
  21. My biggest problem with support each one for skins, is being able to buy said body and buy the supporting items to create for those bodies. it's an investment worth doing, just takes the $$$ to do.
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