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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. My avatar is a bit dated, but it's me, so I'm not their target to bring others over lol.
  2. I know smartbots does this functionality they use a addon from lethal. https://forum.lethaladdons.com/d/12-lethal-discord-chat-connect
  3. I use sharex, as it uploads to imgur directly.
  4. well if the terminator movies are to go by, we should never also give any ai direct access to any military hardware. so for now we are safe too.
  5. well since I did not see the news on the blog, this is new news to me! I shall go slam my bots into a region for a bit.
  6. but for me it is something to keep tabs on, always curious when a platform/game I use gets a random update on steamdb. plus let's others know that might be a nerd like I am lol.
  7. Oh I let it go, I'm just keeping tabs on it, no harm in that.
  8. well someone is still updating it. 14 March 2023 – 23:23:27 UTC (12 days ago)
  9. I get them for a certain SL magazine, I've blocked the owner, I've blocked the objects and I still receive the spam, sometimes multiple times when they drop a new something or another... I've abuse reported it a few times, it still continues, going to the slurl too, I've blocked evertything in the region, because I had already blocked the offending items... and unsubscribing does nothing, so yep tried all avenues, still get spammed.
  10. but downloading that apk without paying for it is stealing it.
  11. well my tail was not in it, so guess they are not after my segment of people.
  12. if it's getting security updates then they might include it, if 7 is not getting security updates, it's likely to not happen.
  13. Remember these are public forums and everybody can see this information, so a bit of diligence is required, do not post any real life personal information.
  14. *sighs* *hands his tail over* *walks away and see's nothing*
  15. I want to know this one too, as even after 15 years, I've never seen any real pricing, it's always been "well so and so told me" or they have gotten information from their "linden friends"
  16. Unity build wow, ya'll pulled out the stops.
  17. https://www.google.com/maps/place/548+Market+St,+San+Francisco,+CA+94104/@37.789827,-122.4006743,3a,75y,234.63h,95.93t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sgzpQH8tDXrRkPIJkzzxYJg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m17!1m8!3m7!1s0x808580627b5ea1d1:0x60fd99496057cf74!2s548+Market+St,+San+Francisco,+CA+94104!3b1!8m2!3d37.7898397!4d-122.4012864!16s%2Fg%2F11csjjwk_g!3m7!1s0x808580627b5ea1d1:0x60fd99496057cf74!8m2!3d37.7898397!4d-122.4012864!14m1!1BCgIgARICCAI!16s%2Fg%2F11csjjwk_g that took me a bit, kept dumping me on stevenson st... but no idea where it would actually be located. seems odd they didnt tell us they moved off battery.
  18. they to be actually investing it or it would of already stopped getting updates and new features.
  19. Thank you! I'm currently looking through lab gabs. but since it was in the tvp meetings too. it's all there for people to go look at.
  20. Oz was quoted on lab gab and on the forum, that aws costs LL more than their physical data center did. but the physical datacenter hardware was 10 to 12 years old with a few pieces older than that, that was running All sl services.
  21. Nothing much will change on my end, I buy about 20 bucks a month in L$ as I'm budgetted a bit different because of making less and I'm still not premium after 15 years, still the price is to rich for my old blood, I penny pinch and looks for the best deals online.
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