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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. yep if the lab does not act on the dcma take downs, the lab is liable and loses their safe habour status.
  2. okay that makes quite a bit more sense, weird, wonder where the error lies within that spaghetti lol.
  3. all the beta's I've ever seen LL has chosen people at random, betting it goes the same unless they actually put an application out for beta testing.
  4. if the owner has the account set to scripted agent but is using the account, and the account is banned from the sim/parcel, who's fault is that then? the system can only do what it's told, so if the user has the account flagged as scripted agent but is using at a normal account than that's on the user whom made the account not the sim/parcel owner setting an option.
  5. it's to bad they never open sourced an old version of the simulator server side, would be neat to tinker with and see what all happens on a terminal. ugh pipe dreams hehe.
  6. that blue box that warns them, they always think it's not for them.
  7. I just figured that out and went "crap" and was going to edit my mistake. my fault, I thought epic owned unity too.
  8. I was wrong with whom owned what, this has been edited to remove that mistake, my bad.
  9. I've always had them created in the notecards folder when I click either + or the context menu
  10. it's my entertainment and my escape from having been at work, plus my investment I'm not looking for a return for either.
  11. it's really bad, I'm such an SL nerd, the first thing I did was go looking for Secondlife in VRC. I did not expect to find anything, but haha this. this is so cool.
  12. Sweet, that's close. the creator of this is calling it Ahern. I know there is an Ahern in SL. too
  13. they call it VRchat. it's a virtual reality world, lacks SL features for building, but does have a social aspect to it, if you can get around the trolls... but you can use a VR headset or just a normal desktop setup, which I'm using, just my montior and keyboard, just found this the other night and just exploring and found SL in it lol.
  14. Kinda neat, just the welcome area, dono if it's official or not either, but the land is also there, it's massive lol.
  15. appdata is showing it was a weird one too. [1693014904] 2 0 0 /// New Frontiers \\\| b24f371e-49e8-4f6a-8df8-ad3df1f63c4b 2c0a3b1e-c279-0b6f-4815-697d9e621643 /// New Frontiers \\\ hash40604696-6737-29ff-6d86-28317368f9d3| instead of a normal [1693015961] 1 0 0 Firestorm%20Support%20English| 3a1be8d4-01f3-bc1a-2703-442f0cc8f2dd 3a1be8d4-01f3-bc1a-2703-442f0cc8f2dd Firestorm%20Support%20English%20%28group%29|
  16. I'm sitting here talking to people in a group chat on my alt that opened and I'm not a part of the group at all and have not been in a long time and they are not seeing me in the group? is this a jira thing @Monty Linden
  17. They do have bi-lingual people at their call centers.
  18. I guees those issues would and could be resolved if I was running the LL viewer, but the whole thing with me not running and the only thing is the ui, if I could have the firestorm ui and function on the official viewer, I'd be back to using it ^^;
  19. yeah I can not even read that and I'm not turning on light mode.
  20. yep, I had a friend send me a redelivery out of know where from an item they had bought me years and years ago, kinda freaked me out when they did it.
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