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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. I'm part of a huge community that does not have voice, mostly because of lots of problems people point out here and since we are typically one of the first landing spots after they leave one of the learning islands.. it would/could/IS overload. we get asked often why no voice, never had it on, and personally. I've used it,. but I blow the immersion out of the water when I'm on the 2nd account, it's not male lol. so that gets looks and people are all
  2. oh crap, here I complain about dates and I didnt check it myself, lol, even abuse reported the thread thinking it was new, derp. okay bad, moe, bad.
  3. Yeah this is against the Terms of service and it can result in the account being closed.
  4. Starting up with this system that I built in 2015, is 7 seconds from power to desktop, shutdown, like 2 if I can catch it before it hits the black screen lol. CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (3300 MHz) Memory: 32680 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 17134) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 980/PCIe/SSE2 Viewer never tells it right, 4.5GHZ water cooled for 3 half years. Dual 980's. Samsung 850 evo 256gb ssd (fire storm lives here) Crucial mx500 500gb ssd (currently firestorm cache lives here by it's self) Team Group l5 lite 480GB (I dont recommend this ssd, it does not have a dram controller and does not use nand III)
  5. Sounds like you smacked into the risk api the lab has, so once that does happen they need to verify, which is just one of many reasons they verify.
  6. I have 3 ssds in this machine now and one of them I dedicated to just the cache, so much improved. firestorm lives on one ssd, it's cache on another lol.
  7. I'm a furball and I've never had anybody dislike me because of it. typically most go "why do you have hands and feet and not paws" because my sona is a split. skunk/fox/human aka sox. most are "oh okay, I'm cool with that" gets a bit silly when they go "dont bite me mister furry" um, I might look like a furball, but dont think I act like one.
  8. You are thinking of a traditional MMO, SL is not that.
  9. Thank you, thank you, I now have a working non sensor based setup and a sensor based setup working fully, one at ground level for the sensor, the upper is using the collision event, found out the light was not happy with avatars near it. but this has been a learning experience and thank you for all of your great insight!
  10. LL will flag you quickly if you continue to do this, it looks suspicious to their fraud department, LL is very secure with our information.
  11. Network banning system are useful if you own a mass of sims and you want to save time and not having to visit every sim to do a ban, I work with one currently and from what I know of the backend it does no media capture, so it's not collecting any outside information. But my advice talk to voodoo's in world support, contact the venue people, just ask nicely seeing what you did and seeing if you can appeal it, be chill though, dont lose your mind over it, there are a million and one places to enjoy yourself in SL.
  12. This is not how any of this works, NOBODY is going to give you money, begging is very VERY frowned upon. how to get money, verified paypal with bank/credit card linked, buy $$$. or play linden realms or one of those afk sims.
  13. What do I have wrong here, I'm trying to do an auto light that people trigger going to the lift and once they leave it turns back off, I using volume detect but while that kinda worked, I have no idea how to make it turn back off lol. Any ideas? integer isLightTurnedOn; default { state_entry() { llSensor("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 2.0, PI); } sensor( integer detected ) { { // toggle isLightTurnedOn between TRUE and FALSE isLightTurnedOn = !isLightTurnedOn; if (isLightTurnedOn) { llSetPrimitiveParams([ //PRIM_FULLBRIGHT, ALL_SIDES, FALSE, PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, FALSE, ZERO_VECTOR, 1.0, 5.0, 0.6]); } else { vector COLOR_WHITE = <1.000, 1.000, 1.000>; llSetPrimitiveParams([ // PRIM_FULLBRIGHT, ALL_SIDES, TRUE, PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, TRUE, COLOR_WHITE, 1.0, 5.0, 0.6]); } } }
  14. 11 years I've been in SL, It's all unoptimized content created by people, Laggy... you trying to play at all settings at ultra and expect performance.. Nope not happening. Hardware is important, if you bottle neck you are going to have a bad time and sadly people try to play this on really crappy laptops, we see the posts often. Shadows Turn those off, unless you must really have them, they will bring your fps down, so if you want some fps back, off they must go. Draw distance, stop trying to look across a sim or into 3 others, 128 draw is all that's realistically needed. I'm sure others have recommendations too. CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (3299.99 MHz) Memory: 32680 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 17134) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 980/PCIe/SSE2 That is my system, I LAG if I turn shadows on and max the draw distance out. but with them off. and no shadows, I do pretty well, well until I hit sims with 40+ people and then the system chokes , because it causes a bottle neck.
  15. I think the few free ones google and microsoft had they closed up for a paid version and I'm not seeing anybody forking over their own money to run the backend service that one has to buy for them to even make them products.
  16. I physically had to change mine to gmail just because I would never get the reset emails. I have no idea WHY yahoo's mail system believes emails from SL are spam.
  17. /me twitches at the dates and is going to recommend LL a plugin to instant lock threads if they are bumped.
  18. Please watch dates on forum posts, you bumped a 4 year old thread, it's easier if you make a new topic, instead of bringing one back up from 2014.
  19. Holiday, january 1st most companies are closed and LL would be running on a skeleton crew.
  20. I am currently USING 10.1 GB. subtracting the 2.2gb for firestorm. and turning off discord and steam. leaves me at 7.9gb usage on windows 10. Base install with no crude added. as I just refreshed. so 4gb is enough with multiple instances of SL., um.
  21. Mine sits at zero and has for years, all it does it takes it directly out of my bank account. odd.
  22. only thing that ever touched facebook was the laptop, the phone, mm year I tend to purge the version it comes with and install a defacto from the public android repo. my 7.1 is clean of the bloat. lol att thinking they were funny.
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