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Derek Torvalar

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Everything posted by Derek Torvalar

  1. But Phil, if you a re member of Bar but don't practise does that mean you are no longer a lawyer? Face it, you are one of those 'active' Bloodliners who are such a pain in the neck.
  2. Go back?? But you have brought it here. You are the very embodiment of Reddit. Pseudo-intellectual, deluded sense of superiority, spewing inappropriate theory from Economics 101 while attending some online diploma mill and then when confronted, resorting to name calling and intolerance. You are so completely lacking in self awareness and insight that you fail to see that all your condemnations of others are actually self referential. That is what makes you so laughable. And all your vacuous posts regarding SL and business, or everything else for that matter, so ridiculous. Let me put it all in terms you will recognize, STFU GTFO and DIAF. Imbecile <spits>
  3. So, not only are you a Business buffoon you are also an ineffectual parent. Do continue to post, I never tire of seeing individuals make fools of themselves.
  4. I hope you are overclocking that 6850k. Will it hit 4.5? Even so, and has been pointed out numerous times, SL does not utilize the power of your hardware. Nor does it necessarily improve with your internet speeds. Otherwise my 150MB/s connection should be getting me 1000 fps or more. lol Bottom line is that it will always remain that way as Lillith says LL are not interested in doing anything to alter the way things are now. I'm off now to take Roach for a gallop through Toussaint, its beautiful there this time of year in 4K maxxed @ 100fps.. lol
  5. I was at a Meeroo auction and some nests go for 200K or more. Many regularly sell for 25K or more. Not sure about other breadables. Or did years go. Haven't done that for a long time so market may be different now.
  6. No Phil, it isn't the same thing. The fact that you chose the word 'feel 'as opposed to 'see' is important. Not to mention referring to it as a 'need' as well. Very telling indeed.
  7. Naw that isn't rude. Merely a simple statement of the OP's overestimation of their ability. Again, I can supply more accurate examples of rude if you desire. When you begin a post with 'I feel the need to step in here.', you are posting from emotionality. Though the post itself may be logical the motivation is still emotion based, which is what I meant. ETA It has been a long while since I have seen the cancer reference used here in regard to a poster. Not since I likened someones presence here in the forums as such and metastisizing throughout and if you know who I am referring to then you will see that the OP's use of the term is beyond hyperbole in regard to Tari by comparison. lol
  8. Really Phil? Tari's first post to the OP was anything but 'heavy', and was inclusive of the OP's other threads here trying to find a way to make money. The OP's reply to Tari was inappropriate in its ignorance and callous dismissal of not only her but others here who have made some valid points about the OP's lack of a comprehensible understanding of business in general and starting a business here in SL referring to them as 'cancerous' to which Tari then used the term 'butthurt'. Further on someone suggested the OP was a 'tool' and even that was kinder than what I would have said of them. Try not to succumb to the "need" to respond based on emotionality.
  9. Obviously Tari's opinion means more to you than you care to admit. Would you like me to provide you with a more accurate characterization of you than you have of Tari?
  10. Really? You need to ask why Yardley doesn't get treated the same as others?
  11. This is misleading info. Your 1950x only outscores the i9 in multi core performance on synthetic benches. The i9 outscores it in single core and quad core tests and that is only the 10 core 7900x as the 16 core i9 hasn't been released yet. And as Lillith says, if you need 16 cores fine but for most games and SL specifically it is over kill and a non factor because SL uses only single core. Not to mention that there are other variables at work on performance for games generally and SL specifically that contribute to "performance", which can be measured in any one of a number of ways. And that Vega card is barely equivalent to a GTX 1080. But if you do mining then maybe the superior compute score will be preferable but for gaming purposes, meh.
  12. Why would the Founder be so stupid as to make another person an Owner instead of an Officer with reduced permissions thereby avoiding this scenario?
  13. IP address has nothing to do with whether 2 or more accounts are the same person. Phil do not go down that road. Alt discussions are a violation. I know you are feeling cocky after your last brush with the mod team but don't push them. lmao
  14. You are walking the intolerance line Drake. And by being dismissive of Klytyna's ideas simply because you don't approve of her idiom is hypocritical on your part. Do you challenge people in RL to alter their personalities and manner of expressing themselves?
  15. If you look at this list, not knowing the lists you are looking at, if you were to throw out the ones without SSD, and no dedicated vid card and then choose what you like best you should be ok. If you can find one with an i7, even better. 1050Ti or 1060. https://laptop.ninja/finding-the-best-gaming-laptops-under-1000-dollars/
  16. It would be good if we know how much you would like to spend. No additional storage on that one? 256GB only is a little low.
  17. Don't be so impertinent Joe. I am well aware of where we are and what this particular section of the Forums allows. Especially considering that I was one of the many who lobbied to have them created when they switched to Lithium many years ago which did not have a General Discussion section. What you are failing to appreciate is that the information and opinion I provided you is the most appropriate. Unless of course you get all your legal, medical, professional opinions and advice from internet forums? I am also certain that the article you a referring to me is also from a respected authority? Because as we all know if it is on the internet it must be true, right? But by all means do ignore my advice. I certainly can't know what I am talking about now can I? lol But then you can't really know what I am talking about now, can you?
  18. You asked for "any" information. Considering the complex nature of Asperger's and the individual differences among types and degrees of severity as well as the possibility of co-morbidity it is very difficult to get anything reliably worthwhile from the personal anecdotals of possibly suspect sources that would be of benefit to you in your particular case. If indeed what you need information on is actually Asperger's Syndrome. It is always better to deal with real world problems in the real world. Look for resources within your community. Not on web forums like this one. Additionally, I understand completely the value of both theory and practise.
  19. Have you tried Google? There is a wealth of reliable info out there. http://www.autism-society.org/what-is/aspergers-syndrome/ Good place to start.
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