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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. Is it going to become open join again? It's closed every time I look, and I never got a response when I sent an IM to the person it says to contact. (Maybe I should just take the hint that I am not wanted? lol)
  2. I meant to mention earlier that it was nice meeting you last night! I think you did an excellent job as caretaker of our ghostie, and am confident you will keep the area tidy and weed-free (with nearby cake) if they let the shrine remain.
  3. I hope Patch lets us keep the shrine!
  4. I hope some of you are there to see it happen! I remember watching the mole-built amusement park in Bay City rise from the waters. We knew about it in advance and had a watch party from a rooftop, and it was so cool to see it magically rise up and into position! ETA for the literal folks in here: Yeah, I know it did not actually rise from below the water. But it looked like it did, and we all said "ooh" and "ahh" just the same.
  5. How did you not manage to get a boat pun in there somewhere? lol
  6. Thanks for the reminder! I have made my pilgrimage to share ghost stories...
  7. I like the variety between sims, and I say that as someone who lives in a sim that has very sparse greenery.
  8. I wouldn't mind a volcano somewhere on the new continent, particularly with updated killing powers. Poor Mt. G'al has lost some of its power, and you have to walk around in the lava a while before the damage kicks in and you "die".
  9. I've heard they especially like Worm Snax.
  10. Agreed! They have done and are still doing an awesome job with this massive project. I keep finding new gorgeous spots as I explore!
  11. I'll have to pass; my inventory is already too big. lol
  12. Try following this thread so you will get notifications when Patch posts updates:
  13. You can't deed to group. These parcels can't be transferred. You can *set* the parcel to group like this (but you are still the owner): Creating a group for the Linden Home In Second Life, we use groups to identify people who share a common interest. You may create one to include all people who are welcome in your home and who may be allowed to share some privileges that you have as the owner. Choose Communicate > Groups or right-click on your avatar and choose My Groups. Click the + button, then choose New Group... Enter the name of the group. The name must be at least four characters, and fewer than 36 characters long. Every group name must be unique in Second Life; you won't be allowed to create a group that has the same name as an existing group. Optionally, create a group insignia (image) by clicking on the image thumbnail and then choosing a texture from your inventory. Optionally, write a brief description of the group. To make the group open (anyone can join without an invitation), select Anyone can join. If you don't select this, then only those invited will be able to join. If you want the group to have a cost to join, select Cost to join and choose a number of L$. Select the group's maturity rating. Click Create Group and confirm your choice when prompted.
  14. No, you can't edit the houses. You can use the control panel to change the color of the walls, but transparent is not an option.
  15. I remember on the old Linden homes, the textures packs were available to anyone who wanted to go to one of the central locations and grab one. I'll be interested to see what Abnor says.
  16. I can't tell whether you mean you currently have an older Linden home, or a Mainland parcel, but either way, when the time comes, you need to have 1024 sq m available before you can claim one of the new homes. This page has helpful information: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:New_Linden_Homes_2019
  17. Same! I was complaining to myself just yesterday after I went exploring and wound up purchasing a new porch, a new rear deck, a new.... lol
  18. Because they pay the same as everyone else and are entitled to keep the house they were able to get, whether or not they furnish it. Why segregate people who don't think the same way you do? If someone wants an empty house, that is their business.
  19. Exactly. The people with undecorated houses pay the same fee as the rest of us, and can do what they like (even if it is nothing) with their homes as long as they stay within the covenant. Telling them to stuff some furniture in there will not make the home any more available to the waiting house hunters than it is sitting there empty.
  20. Yes, indeed, and I have unlinked an entire house by accident before, and it was not a pretty sight to see the LI shoot up! So I would add to the advice given by everyone here this bit: Once you have linked items, set the linked object to locked. This way you won't accidentally move or delete the entire set because you will be forced to unlock it before you can edit it at all (and hopefully that will make you stop and think before proceeding). To lock: Right click - Edit - Object tab - Click "Locked" box
  21. Thank you Abnor, and all the other moles working on this humongous project, for putting so much thoughtfulness and care into it, and for patiently responding to all the questions (and complaints) as well. I know you guys aren't getting much rest right now, but you really are doing a beautiful job with this new continent and I have to say, I've not been this thrilled with a new home in some time. This whole concept is just FUN in every way, even the little things like being able to change my wall colors 10 times a day! (Not that I do that... much.)
  22. Do you have any vehicles rezzed on your parcel? If so, there's your real problem. Some vehicles have a really high (over 100) LI.
  23. So that's what you were up to! I was passing by on horseback on the other side of the river, and saw you busily doing something. That is a great location you have there!
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