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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. I'm taking these photos from Dorma.
  2. A view from farther back to give perspective as to size:
  3. Seen from the east side of Bellisseria tonight. It will probably be a few more days at least, so don't start having meltdowns!
  4. Yeah, I always downgrade the minute I am eligible to do so. I've never been dinged on tier payments but I don't want to risk it, either.
  5. The Land Use Fee (also known as a Tier Fee) is a monthly charge in addition to membership fees (i.e., US$ 9.50/month Premium Membership). Land use fees are billed based on the peak amount of land held during your previous 30 day billing cycle. https://secondlife.com/land/pricing.php?lang=en
  6. My guess is the difference has something to do with the fact that you aren't actually buying a parcel in the traditional sense with these Linden homes. I do know I read somewhere that the requirement is that you have sufficient tier available in advance, but of course I can't (quickly) find where I read it right now. As far as I know, that has always been the case with Linden homes, though. You have to have enough tier already available or no clicky allowed.
  7. Do they also detect when you edit your vehicle out of where it's stuck and back onto the road? Asking for a friend...
  8. Maybe, depends on the time of day. If they release during the day US-time, many of us are at work, while Europeans are enjoying their evenings and possibly able to read the forums more easily than the working ones. I think they should release on weekends as that is the most "fair" to all, but of course, they don't work weekends.
  9. If you were able to get two homes with just 3 hours of trying, you were very lucky indeed.
  10. To be fair, no one has been waiting for more than a month, and the people who are getting new homes that have been abandoned very well have been trying for every bit as long as you have. The only things to do are to keep trying, or patiently wait for a new release.
  11. True, and I guess the question then would be just how pre-planned was this network maintenance. Who called dibs on today first? Patch or the maintenance scheduler? lol I shall have bowls of popcorn on standby in case they DO release homes in the middle of a huge maintenance project.
  12. Maybe I will add a sign "But if you must feed them, send them over to Willow's house"
  13. You should! And thanks to your photo, I am currently digging in my inventory looking for my stuffed mole and also some mole hills I have somewhere! I might have a sign, too... I used to have a ton of mole things. *pulls boxes out to see what is in them*
  14. We need to start a worm farm somewhere in Bellisseria
  15. I agree, especially since they have warned that people might have trouble logging on, etc. I'm sure they have considered the negative reactions if they were to try a release then and it got borked by maintenance issues. It sure seems possible that network problems could interfere with the ability to assign unclaimed parcels, etc. I'm thinking maybe the week of the 24th, but it could even be the week after, once Memorial Day has passed.
  16. That was over 24 hrs ago. The thread has indeed moved on.
  17. Yep, I saw someone (don't want to name names in case she wants to announce it herself) say in group chat earlier today that she got a house today. It definitely pays to keep trying.
  18. If there is a new home or houseboat available, it will pop up first, so no need to click on the Select a Theme drop down. Just keep refreshing!
  19. Same! I never noticed how huge some pieces are until I bought some that happen to be smaller. It's like when I first saw someone mention how huge house doors tend to be, and now I can't un-see that, either.
  20. You know, you could have used one of the existing threads like "How soon is soon?" if you felt the question needed to be asked again. *shrug* At any rate, you said an update would be nice. I showed you the thread where Patch is posting updates. You're welcome. Do you think they are NOT working hard on it? If so, I invite you to search for posts from Abnor Mole.
  21. Umm, because when there IS an update, it will be in that thread.
  22. I knew what she meant. But there are many threads about this already, and that one thread is always suggested as the one to follow.
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